1. One of Andi’s best ever.

























Thanks to Andi and Brenda.

32 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

    1. Every one a winner.

      Love the ‘Inaction’man, how do you need to have an enquiry?, maybe he’s good with numbers but ministerial code is too difficult.

      See he’s lost £200+ million on the wife’s shares in IT.

      Maybe a whip round is reqired.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Some really funny ones and we still have NMRN to post btl with her selection. Obviously loved Ginger and Tiddles and I agree one of andimac’s best. Good to know big hints btl are heard 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Off topic
    A few month ago there was a reply to one of your posts saying that a member of the Thatcher government proposing a cunnung plan toget tid of the NHS by stealth over time. Could the original person who posted it post it again or could you find it?

    Thanks, Gwyn

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gwyn, could you be a little more specific about the time.

      I do have a record of all posts but there are over 120,000 so it would be a task to find it.

      Maybe the person who posted it will see this?


      1. Thank you for this. It seems that there is a tory plan to undermine the NHS as it was reported on the news today that more people were going to private doctors/consultants etc. because of the difficulty of getting treatment without waiting months or even years in some cases.
        The reply that I remember was from February/March and included a photograph (with a cigarette dangling from his lower lip) of one of Thatcher’s ministers’ typed message of how to slowly get rid of the NHS to his colleagues.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ll have a look through the comments in March and April, Gwyn… Maybe I’ll find it, although there will be many hundreds of them, so it may escape me.

          I imagine that the Tories never wanted the health service and would love to have a privatised service that would make them loads of profit and provide directorships once they have moved n the the aristocrats’ chamber.

          But the NHS is very popular (although, as you say, many people are dissatisfied with it these days because of the delays and waiting times) and it would be a dangerous gamble to get rid of it overnight.

          However, if ever there was a government to do that, it’s this one. It will be little by little, step by step.

          Dentistry is already gone in England and many of the functions are now taken over by Virgin and other private concerns.

          I doubt Scotland would want that, but it may be forced upon us.


  3. 1. My wife told me, “Sex is better on holiday.”

    Not the best postcard I’ve ever received!


    2. Why is manslaughter a crime?

    Are men not allowed to laugh?


    3. My wife just yelled at me, “You jerk, you haven’t listened to a single word I’ve said, have you?!?!”

    What a strange way to start a conversation.


    4. I’m not sure what shocked my Postman more.

    The fact that I came to the door completely naked, or the fact that I knew where he lived.


    5. Lovely surprise bumping into my old French teacher today, who when I was at School , when at a French lesson , always made everyone in the class speak in French and not in English…..

    She asked what I was up to these days and I said that I like to go swimming with my friend and there’s a cat on the chair!


    6. I’ve been having a recurring dream that I’m a horse…

    That’s five nights on the trot!


    7. I ended a long term relationship today…

    I’m not too bothered about it.

    It wasn’t mine!


    8. My doctor has advised me to stop drinking . It’s going to be a massive change for me…

    I’ve been with that doctor for 15 years!


    Hope a titter is raised…even a WEE one….

    Have a nice day everyone


    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for this. It seems that there is a tory plan to undermine the NHS as it was reported on the news today that more people were going to private doctors/consultants etc. because of the difficulty of getting treatment without waiting months or even years in some cases.
    The reply that I remember was from February/March and included a photograph (with a cigarette dangling from his lower lip) of one of Thatcher’s ministers’ typed message of how to slowly get rid of the NHS to his colleagues.


    1. Gwyn: I can’t find that comment… I’ll keep trying.

      A cigarette suggests it was Nicholas Ridley, wh smoked constantly (and died of lung cancer), who indeed did advocate against the NHS in its present form.


  5. #13. I know I’ve posted this here before, but it’s particularly relevant:

    #23. Where are we when a supposedly intelligent adult needs an ethics advisor to tell him whether something’s right or wrong?


    1. LOL… I came back as a large hippopotamus!! 🙂

      Good point. He doesn’t. Actually, what he needs is someone he can blame either way.

      Sorry, Ms Braverman, the Ethics Adviser said you had to go.


      It’s Ok Suellen, the Ethics Advisor said it was fine…


  6. Ms Sue Ellen Fernandes became Mrs braverman.

    Nothing to see here she says, you lot should get on with the day job.

    Some reports say she is trying to get the ‘do nothing’ man to sack her now so that she can have another go at being leader and have time before the election is called.
    What planet does she live in, the one where Dallas was a popular tv series.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing, except you tried to get a private course so that you avoided a speeding conviction and the public knowing about it.

      Also that you tried to get civil servants to arrange that for you.

      You probably broke the ministerial code, but you’ll probably get away with it because… well, just because.


  7. When do we learn?

    In 1930, President Hoover thought that giving tax breaks to the rich would trickle down to the poor.
    That didn’t work then, why now.
    Henry Ford payed himself $30million for the year, there was something like a million unemployed in Detroit.
    Soup kitchens the order of the day.

    When will the Roosevelt turn up?, can’t see starmer doing that job.

    The run up to a war????

    Liked by 1 person

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