
2. So, Ginette, what are you doing looking at your phone like that for 2 hours? Well, I’m doing what the young ones do.

3. Nice of them to lay on a picnic area for snakes.







10. Could someone explain to KGBNews the difference between Bowels and Bows (and, for that matter, Bowles). In the meantime if he has been wounded there, maybe don’t expect too much. I bet Anne is a good shot.



13. He waters the grass, then cuts it; then he doe it over again. And does that last long? Up till he dies.


15. Dad, can I take the lawnmower so I can make some money? Of course my boy. FOR SALE






Thanks to Andi.

15 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Lol, some real laughs there, thanks. I think the loafers one takes the biscuit out of all of them though. 😀
    I saw something about not mowing in May. Guys mowing lawns around us is just ridiculous, early morning, really loud, one mower,(the machine!) sounds like a really loud tank, the guy even wears ear protection, we are deafened though, What’d you say? Also they just wreck the grass by cutting it too short so you just get weeds and moss growing. And poor snails, they need rescuing from the evil mowers. Sigh, rant over. 🌿 Ps, Neighbours want a tree chopped down in one garden because it blocks the sun in their sitouterie, nope, told em birds are nesting in it. Grr.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I agree! Professional lawn people….with machines apparently made from repurposed jet aircraft engines…..seem to be in the neighborhood almost every Spring and Summer day. Even leaf blowers are loud enough to require ear protection.

      I looked up “sitouterie.”

      Not listed on the Merriam-Webster website. (Standard American dictionary.)

      From “World Wide Words”:


      “This word is a Scots colloquial term, though not a common one in print. It means a place to sit out in, a summerhouse or gazebo, from sit plus oot (a Scots pronunciation of out) plus the noun ending –erie of French origin that’s familiar from words like menagerie and rotisserie.”



      Always something new to learn on Munguin’s! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. LOL. Very true, Danny.

        Quite commonly used here.

        Munguin doesn’t have one. He reckons it would only encourage Tris to sit outside doing nothing, when there are tasks to be performed for his convenience.

        Liked by 1 person

              1. Gazebo, perhaps. I like the term sitooterie, like braw, I have always thought it an Edinburgh/East coast word though. Doric probably have their own word for one, DonDon?

                Liked by 1 person

    2. You absolutely can’t chop down trees at this time of the year (unless they are dangerous).

      I have a pile of ivy that really has to be cut back as it’s starting to encroach on the next door neighbour’s garden, but it’s not happening till there is NO chance of a bird’s nest being disturbed.

      What’s wrong with people?

      Liked by 1 person

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