










12. Just want you to know that an Irish friend sent me this!









Thanks to Tm, AndiMac and Brenda.


22 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Well done, andimac. Keep them coming. I don’t know how you do it.

    But 2 Million Years BC just isn’t the same without Racquel. RIP.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Nah, Marcia. People were laughing WITH that Bush… they just laugh AT Dross and his “vote Labour to keep the SNP out” scheme.

      No leader can ever tell supporters to vote against their candidates.


  2. Super high end horse powered campervan found at buck house.
    To be fitted with air conditioning powered from green horse deposits.

    Great selection this morning of celebration of the springing to life of life in the Northern Hemisphere.
    Remember it’s Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

    Work that out from the media.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. 1. I was shocked at price of those ‘Ancestry DNA kits’, so rather than spend £150, I just announced that I had won the lottery…

    I quickly found out who my relatives were!


    2. My wife and I had a big argument last night.
    She called me gullible and financially irresponsible!

    Wait until she hears I’ve won the Nigerian lottery…


    3. Did you hear about the cemetery that raised its burial cost and blamed it on the cost of living.


    4. Policeman: You know how fast you were going?

    Me: I was trying to keep up with traffic.

    Policeman: There`s no traffic.

    Me: That’s how far behind I am!


    5. A bloke runs in the house and shouts upstairs to his wife, “Pack a couple of suitcases I’ve just won the lottery!”

    His wife shouts down, “Shall I pack for warm weather or cold?”

    And her husband shouts back, “I couldn’t give a F*** what you pack just get out.”


    6. Went to a ‘kleptomaniac’s anonymous’ meeting but arrived a bit late.

    By the time I got there, all the seats had been taken…


    7. BREAKING NEWS: Supermarkets are putting up the price of vodka by 1p to £20.00 from tomorrow.

    So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s £19.99…


    8. Some bloke offered me a free gate last night.

    I said “What’s the catch?”

    He said “It’s the bit that allows it to open and close…”


    That’s me corny joke contribution for this week…….and YES they are getting worse….LOL

    Have a great day everyone….


    Liked by 5 people

  4. Ha ha! Some great laughs thanks Tris, and added laughs btl, brilliant. Ps it took me ages to work out what btl is 😀 in the comments.
    They really would need to make bespoke tent the size of London to investigate the massive corruption going on in the BritNat parties. The witch-hunt against the SNP is going to be ramped up more in the run-up to the next general election.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The London owned press love it, Hetty.

      Starmer’s plan seems to be to used Scotland’s resources to save his country, so you can be he’ll be happily behind it.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The English plan :- Tory then Labour, then Labour then Tory,…….ad infinitum, to ruin Scotland’s ambitions.
    Only one way to end the cycle, rise up for Independence – but when will we see Scots doing that? Are we really so blinkered that we are happy to be ‘led by the nose’ by corrupt politicians from another country?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Possible road trip to Finland/Denmark/Sweden in a few months’ time being a long distance pick up/drop off van driver for various friends. Paid holiday; what’s not to like? Apart from having to apply for a passport…

        Liked by 2 people

        1. A GREAT British Black/Blue passport that twill show the world just how independent GREAT Britain is, despite it having been produced in the EU!

          The trip sounds like a lot of fun though…

          Send photographs!!!


    1. I was thinking while half awake and half sleep (thanks Casper cat!) what if the BritNat establishment have an inkling that should the SNP receive tons of votes in the GE, and gain most ‘Scottish’ seats, then it would be harder to reject an indy ref even legally? just a wee dream…
      O/T, I have several books about Scotland, I just noticed other day the titles, there’s 790 pages of ‘Natural resources IN Scotland’, and, one titled, ‘A History of the Geological Survey IN Scotland’. Not OF Scotland, not Scotland’s resources, because that would imply Scottish ownership. Did you know that there were loads of geological surveys done in England way before Scotland, then some English folk I presume on their holidays, saw Scotland’s rocks, wow, and they started a huge survey. It’s how they quarried and mined Scotland to kingdom come, making tons of dosh for the English treasury, and how they take oil and gas and gold now. A great shame.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Quote from Ben Ferencz, the USA lead lawyer against the Nazies.

    I love the comment his co-author made on the three pieces of advice that he always offered to anyone who asked what he had learned from living as long as he did. He said first, never give up. Second, never give up. And third, never give up.
    The message was, of course, that there is always hope.

    Copied from a Murphy blog piece.

    Liked by 1 person

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