What on earth is SHE doing here?

There is a Panorama programme available on BBC iPlayer (which I cannot watch because I have no tv licence) but, for those of you who DO have a licence, it may be worth having a look.

The description of the programme is on the Panorama web page, but a summary from Marina Purkiss says:

This Panorama is explosiveWe are now the poorest country in N. Europe.

The average Brit is 60% poorer than average American.

We’re suffering a national pay cut that is years in the making.

It’s exacerbated by Brexit and this lying government is blaming Putin and Covid.

Here are Ros Atkins posts on the subject.

If Putin and Covid were solely to blame, as Hunt and the rest of the Tory government (and their house magazines) are trying to tell us, you’d have thought that all European countries would have suffered more or less equally, because all of Europe is affected by the situation in Ukraine (some very much more than Britain is) and we all had the Covid Pandemic to deal with (although we all dealt with that in different ways).

Strangely, though, they haven’t suffered equally.

But just imagine if we were all £4 000 better off… You could all switch on the heating and have a decent meal.

I can’t comment further because I can’t see the show. However, I know some Munguinites have a licence, so I’d appreciate your comments if you decide to watch it.



    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_independence_movement

      It took Island a very long time, AND they were dealing with a decent reasonable democratic(ish) country, Denmark. We don’t have that luck. We have to deal with a non democratic country that desperately doesn’t want to lose us because of the humiliation and financial loss they would suffer.

      The Faroes and Greenland are sill part of the Danish Kingdom, but the Faroes has complete home rule and Greenland has been moving towards that for a very long time, properly starting in 1979 and working up to today, where home rule is granted on an every increasing number of matters.

      ” Greenland voters approved a referendum on greater autonomy on 25 November 2008.[69][70] According to one study, the 2008 vote created what “can be seen as a system between home rule and full independence”.[71] Wikipedia.


      Denmark doesn’t/didn’t depend on Iceland, Greenland or The Faroes, economically or for status, in the same way that Britain depends on us.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. But Scotland has been colonised
        So many English people
        And people from other parts of U.K. and commonwealth who consider themselves British and value it
        Someone made the decision way back that all these people who have their own country elsewhere should have a vote on Scotlands future and whether or not Scotland should continue to have England make its decisions and handle its finances i am damn sure that these people would not vote for some other country to make the decisions for their country or handle its finances .

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, indeed, Niko.

      As Mr Rees Mogg would say: Alleluia Alleluia god save the king Alleluia Alleluia

      Floreat Etona

      Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

      Now where is my offshore account… ah, in the same place as the king’s offshore account.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Luxemburg 127,673
    2. Ireland 102,217
    3. Norway 92,646
    4. Switzerland 92,434
    5. Iceland 73,981
    6. Denmark 65,713
    7. Sweden 56,361
    8. Netherlands 56,298
    9. Austria 52 062
    10. Finland 50 818

    List of the richest countries in European Area.

    Notice anything common?, yes they take their own decisions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are also all small… and that’s before you add in the little principalities of Monaco and Liechtenstein.

      I wonder where Britain comes in that list.

      Proably pretty far down.

      A recent study said that the poor in Britain are poorer than the poor in places like Poland which lived under soviet occupation for 40 years.


  2. Another off topic, but I see one of the Tory sex scandal cases that has been going on for a long time has been resolved and the Metropolitan Police have decided he’s got no case to answer. (!!!!!!!!!!)

    However he is not being readmitted to the party, because despite what he says in this article (coming up), there appear to have been other cases against him.


    And, Hetty just brought this fellow to my attention.


    He is described as an independent councillor (hopefully now EX). Anyone know if he was with another party before he became independent.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Far as I can see he is still taking from the public purse as a councillor, the suffering of those poor animals at his farm, by him, is just absolutely horrific. He should never be allowed to keep animals again and should have been locked up. But he still keeps his easy peasy job, and the poor farm animals. The lenient sentence of 120 hrs community service is a disgrace, it would be interesting to know which party he is really affiliated with, I can’t imagine any SNP councillor being treated with such kid gloves if they were found guilty of such a crime.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d like to keep him in a barn for six months in his own mess and treat him the way he treated those cows.

        Around here (Angus) Independents are invariably Tories who are too ashamed to admit that they are Tories.

        But I accept that that’s not necessarily the way elsewhere.

        However, as you say, if it were an SNP councillor the papers would have likely been on it like flies…

        Liked by 1 person

    1. And if they do go somewhere they have to avoid the beaches and rivers for fear of being poisoned (at least in England and the border areas).

      And Labour is right about the rail system. It’s shockingly bad and hideously expensive.

      Much cheaper to fly (as Tatu pointed out recently).


  3. The asylum seekers cost £150 a day each to put up in hotels.

    The pension is £180ish a week.
    Pensioners would be better off going to Dover and claiming asylum, 3 meals a day and heated accomodation.

    Just listened to an unemployed man from Birmingham.
    He lost his job 3 years ago and lives in a rented flat.
    His rent was paid with his benefit and he managed.
    New rules say he doesn’t get the rent that he has to pay he gets 30% of the median rent in the area he lives in.
    He’s single and has now run out of savings to continue to live in the flat, now running up rent arrears and will get evicted soon.
    He had a good , well paid job but can’t get similar in the area.
    He’ll have to find a cheaper flat that the benefits cover.

    Broken englandland.

    The party in government is wrecking deliberately the society.
    Probation system
    Postal service
    The net to catch the needy
    Children hungry

    Are you INDY yet?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. With food inflation so high (17.5% according to the FT) and electricity and gas so expensive (mine went up by 50%), Council tax has increased by 25%, and income tax has gone up because they kept the allowances the same as last year (and will for 5 years).

      People are using up all their savings just staying alive… Might as well anyway as with inflation in the mid 20s (I don’t believe their figures) and interest rates on deposits so very low, you might as well spend it while it has any value at all.

      But when it’s gone get ready to be piled high.

      The trouble with the people who make these rules about social security is that they no earthy idea what it is like not be be able to transfer £10,000 into their current account to keep them going for the next few weeks.

      They really don’t live in the same country we live in. And moreover, they really don’t care.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Incidentally, what would they suggest people do in these circumstances.

        If begging is going to bring in a fine and you can’t pay the rent and you are evicted… what is their plan for you?

        Don’t tell me it’s another one of their “let the bodies pile high” plans for reducing the population to the level that SIR Johnson suggested we should have (while he had 4 or 5 kids and his son doesn’t know how many he’s had, but it seems to be a 2-3 for every marriage and god know that’s a lot and a few out of marriage).

        Liked by 1 person

        1. When they start finding homeless people in England, they can lock them up for debt for not paying the fine. Plenty prisoners then to work for no money, as they do to people in the US. As a note, in Scotland a person cannot be locked up for debt.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I hope they are building a lot of prisons then, because it seems that almost everything is going to be illegal in England soon, unless you are a Tory MP or Lord or a royal.


              1. OH..thanks, that’s good to hear I was starting to think it was a Tory policy , imprison lots of people to reduce numbers voting


                1. Nah. They invented a “problem” of voter fraud so that everyone who votes with have to have id.

                  The incidence in the UK of voter fraud is so small that it is truly negligible.

                  In theory of course most people have some sort of official identity. Passport, divers’ licence, bus pass, train card, but it will put barriers in the way of some people voting and the likelihood is that they will be younger and poorer.

                  Just the type the Tories don’t want to vote.


      2. Ah, but … we’re Better Together. “Pooling and sharing” as Bodger Broon tells us and ‘Sir’ Keir, proper colonialist that he is, is going to use the resources from renewables (25% of Europe’s renewables are in Scotland) to create a Sovereign Wealth Fund for “the good of Britain’. North Sea and Gas revenues were used by Labour and the Tories to fund deindustrialisation. Pooling and Sharing also means that Scotland has the highest connection charges to the National Grid, whereas London and the South East receives a connection charge repayment, i.e. they are subsidised. I thought Scots were ‘subsidy junkies’.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. All of that is almost unbelievable.

          What of course he means when he says the good of Britian, is yet to be seen.

          For example, the levelling up fund run by the government from England made the bulk of it’s grants to Dross’s constituency.

          I can’t see “Sir” Keir being any fairer with his Soverign Wealth Fund.

          In fact I imagine that Mrs Parker Bowles will have a few new jewels out of it before any council estate in Scotland gets a penny.

          The charges here are beyond belief.

          Why does the Scottish parliament as one (ok probably with the exception of the Tories) not complain the Britain about that?


    2. As for asylum seekers, why is it that other countries can process people more quickly?

      What does the Home Office do? Why are they building up and up.

      Remember we take fewer people than Germany or France.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Home Office is very, very busy creating a “hostile environment” à la Windrush for asylum seekers.
        “Processing” them comes right at the bottom of their list of priorities

        Liked by 2 people

        1. So it appears.

          I just think it’s odd that other countries seem to manage this so much better and yet world beating GREAT Britain makes a mess of it.


        2. There was a Tory minister in the news a couple of days ago saying that the Royal Navy should intercept asylum seeking people as soon as they enter U.K. seas and prevent them from landing on U.K. soil.
          Imagine that ? Dinghy met by Royal Navy ship and harassed to make them turn back to France , a disaster predictable , dinghy hit by Royal Navy vessel dinghy topples over people drown .
          Yes , unbelievable this minister was advocating this action , if I met him I’d give him a bunch of f…. not flowers

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Britain needs to make up its mind if it wnts to go on being a normal state playing at being important in the world as long as it always does what America tells it.

            Or, if it wants to do things its way and be seen as a rogue state.

            It’s up to them. If they want to treat people fleeing all manner of persecution, religious, sexual, whatever, like that, then the only place for it is outside of the civilised world which has signed up to treat refugees with care and courtesy.

            I wonder if these ministers actually believe this stuff or if they say it because they think that the redneck gammon fascists that vote for them want to hear that kind of hate.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. I think it’s faster processing and letting asylum seekers work while their claim is ongoing.

        It’s also a mistake in the UK to have the Home Office reponsible for crime and asylum. Treating asylum seekers as criminals is the obvious outcome.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Given the dire shortage of labour in the UK, you’d have thought that they might have worked that out…

          To be honest, it is a mistake having the Home Office in charge of anything.

          In more sensible times, even Tory Home Secretaries have admitted that the Home Office is completely out of control.

          It’s massive and utterly disorganised. Ken Clarke tried to re structure it, but it’s an impossibility.

          And now you have had people like May, Braverman and Patel in charge…. sheeesh.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It’s definitely a manufactured problem. The government know their own proposals will not work. They don’t want them to work because they need a wedge issue they believe will work for them in the so-called Blue Wall. It’s a sad fact that cruelty towards the most vulnerable in society has traction.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Sad world when we have people who care so little about people.

              Can’t help but hope that one day THEY will be in need of help. I’m ashamed to admit that I’d love to be able to deny them that help… although, in the end I probably couldn’t live with myself if I did that.

              Liked by 1 person

      3. If you put a million quid in a bank in U.K. you don’t need asylum you get a free passport and if you have a business that will trade proficiently with U.K. you can get a seat in the House of Lords you only have to actually live here in U.K. a few weeks a year .
        One law for the rich another for the poor

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Not had time wherewithal to keep up but please tell me H. Yousaf has not kicked independence down the road, ten years, I hear he said it would negotiated within ‘british law’, which doesn’t exist, yikes!
    Not easy keeping positive at the moment. 🌼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No he said it was his top priority and he has already spoke on the Rich one about it.

      But I still say he is right about it being done legally.

      Either that or we do with the Irish did, to get close to top of the list of GDP per capita.


      Liked by 1 person

        1. With supporters like this who needs Bodger Broon and the Unionists.

          The vitriol towards Nicola Sturgeon from so-called pro-independence supporters has been vile.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Perhap0s the SNP should resign and ask Rich Sunak for a general election (because constitutional matters are reserved. Scot’s being to stupid to be allowed to call elections on their own).

            And then maybe other independence parties would win seats, possibly even form a government. Alex could be first minister again.

            This much is true, if we don’t stop fighting among ourselves, it’s not beyond possible that Labour and the Liberals could form the next government in Scotland.

            The look forward to some drastic changed to bring us into line with England. Satan help us.


      1. Yes agree, it has to be via some sort of legal process. I was watching Gordon Ross via YouTube, I had stopped watching lately as he’s so negative at times and down on the SNP, anyway he was implying that independence is off the cards for ten years re Humza being FM. Looking at what the English government are doing, independence needs to happen very very soon. I heard the English government wants to start flooding a Scottish glen to build hydro power for electricity for the ‘Uk’. Cash cow Scotland.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. The rich cynic has come up with another great fix.

    He’s to introduce a £1000 fine if you get caught Begging.

    Part of his anti-social agenda.

    What planet does he live on?

    Billions found to solve problems he’s been in government creating But decent wages for essential services, can’t be afforded.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ummmm won’t the beggars have to beg even more for £1 000 to pay their fines? But in fairness, it sounds about right for Tories’ planning.


          1. I can’t remember where it was, but somewhere, I read a few years ago, (it may have been in America) that private jails were touting around small courts and judges making gifts to persuade them to send as many people as possible to prison instead of fining them.

            That way they get paid and had no empty cells.


        1. “I say, old chap, what about a fine of £1 000. That should put the blighters orf …what what?”

          “Oh yes, top hole idea, chum. They won’t like having to part with £1 000. I say, you don’t think they won’t be able to pay it do you?”

          “Well, I can’t imagine anyone not having a spare few grand in their back pockets, but, just in case they can’t, we could arrange for the to be sent to prison. My old chum from Eton, Floppy Fortherington-Smythe Minimus runs a topping prison on the outskirts. Maybe we could get the judges to send them there and Old Floppy will cut us a slice of the action, what what.”

          “Spiffing idea, old hing. Now let’s have a spot of tiffin.”


  6. This demolition all started with Thatcher , all the businesses she sold off and privatised have crashed there is not a single one of them that has survived in as good condition providing as good services as it did before privatisation , some have required merger to survive and now we see Royal Mail one of the most recent to be privatised , failing miserably .
    Those who pay tribute to privatisation love to criticise councils ( local authorities) but quite frankly I would say councils last longer , provide more permanent jobs , are reliable in so many ways considering the vast array of services they provide.

    Buses privatised don’t turn up , pay their staff poorly.
    Look at our pavements an absolute mess criss crossed and lumpy with trails of the last telephone or tv company that dug them up to lay cable.

    Banks, what do they do with your money .. they gamble it ..oh..they call it investment but it’s investment with greater and greater risk unreliable in terms of ensuring that they don’t overreach and go bust when their assets lose value.
    Result ..any profit they make is gone quickly into the pockets of their shareholders but losses are yours even though it was your money they gambled and they didn’t ever share any of the profits with you.
    Check it out , pop into your bank one day with lots of solid I.D. and say you want to withdraw £1000 , you won’t be able to , they won’t have it , that’s where we are now they have all our money but can’t give it back unless you give them a weeks notice .

    Brexit , a damnation , our farmers produce no longer appears in our shops , instead we get potatoes from Cyprus or Egypt , blueberries from Chile or Morocco and herbs from Morocco too , i used to buy the ones grown in Scotland but as I drive down my local roads I see the huge rows of plastic greenhouses empty full of weeds , where are the farmers complaints ? Silence , they are blackmailed into silence.

    The hopes of an SNP leadership that pleases may not have materialised for many but I hope their strength determination and love of independence for Scotland has not wavered .
    We have to support SNP , the Greens and ALBA , all at present , to different degrees say they favour Scottish independence.
    We may never ever get all three at the same time to want it as much as we do but if we persevere we know that votes increase the more positive you are about your aims hopes and policies.
    One thing at the top of the list that puts people off is negativity doom and gloom.
    The number of votes for SNP shot up when it was THE positive party.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s a right mess.

      You’re right most of the privatised companies are pretty much disasters.

      Electricity and Gas companies, owned in other countries, making obscene profits and charging people money they can’t afford, for electricity and gas. And subsidising customers in their own countries. Even more ridiculous in Scotland.

      Train companies owned, sometimes by governments, all across the world but certainly not much in the UK, disastrously bad service and more expensive than anywhere else in Europe.

      Water companies pumping sewage into rivers and thence into the seas around England, making the likelihood of a revival of British Seaside Resorts a very unlikely thing.

      HS2, now to be LS2 and hardly going anywhere and most of us will be dead by the time the first train runs… and by then we’ll probably all be teleporting.

      People cold and hungry and the state spending billions on putting a hat on some old couple, when they’ll have to do it all over again in a few years, but who cares because this ridiculous old man wants to have a big day for him and his bit on the side.

      YUK. I loathe this place.

      Liked by 3 people

          1. In the years immediately before Scottish government took control of train services in Scotland the service was diabolical cold or boiling hot crammed carriages they just sold tickets Willy Nilly knowing there would not be seats for you , very uncomfortable.
            Now that Scottish government control train services are they better ? I wouldn’t know to be honest because I shifted to using the free bus services which although free are often on buses that are a bit past it .
            What will make me move back to trains ? just thinking about it has already persuaded me to move back to trains for the sole purpose of supporting Scottish government.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I think they are a little cheaper than they were and they introduced some deals. But I doubt much has happened.

              They were previously run by a Dutch government owned company and now by a Scottish government owned company.

              Early days, but they can’t get much worse anyway.

              One problem is that WE don’t own the rails, stations, infrastructure. That is owned by the UK government (I think) under the name, believe it or not and try not to titter…. GREAT BRITISH RAIWAYS.

              No really.

              The worst railways in Europe and they are Great British Railways.

              Everything is falling to pieces. and trains are nearly always late.

              A few years ago I had to go to Aberdeen to take my oral examination for a PGD. The train was absolutely abominable it was 10 am and there were drunks on it. I was doing last minute revision (as you do) and then the train broke down. I made it about 10 minutes late with a lot of excuses I got away with it..

              On another occasion I was going to Edinburgh to catch a flight to London with a connection to Zurich and a further connection to Tirana, so that could have been really difficult (given that there ware only two flights a week from Zurich to Tirana). And the train broke down. I had to literally push people of of the way to get to the front of the queue to get a taxi to the airport.

              On a trip to Bradford for a concert, The train from Dundee to Edinburgh was late. The train for Edinburgh to York was VERY late due to an signalling failure, and I missed the connection to Bradford. I arrived in time for the first song. And on the way back the train simply failed to turn up.

              On the other hand I seem to have managed to NEVER be late on a continental train.

              I was in a taxi in Geneva on the way to the station and we were stuck in a traffic jam. I was with my pal who lives in Geneva.

              We were wondering if I was going to catch the 7 pm train to Paris… or would I have to stay overnight. I said… Perhaps the train (which was coming from Lucerne) will be late. We were talking French so the taxi driver understood …and nearly crashed the taxi. My Swiss mate explained to him “Il est Britanique. C’est normal là-bas!”

              The taxi driver shrugged.

              Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s ‘Green’ energy day.

    The minister grant fox green shapps declares englandland will have the cheapest energy in the World.

    We will just have to wait until 2050 for it to happen.

    Part of the plan is to recover carbon into the empty oil wells in the North Sea, so we need to empty more of them.

    The people left will be charged extra if they don’y convert from Gas to Electric heating.
    My current trader charges 10p/kWHr for gas and 50p/kWHr for electricity, plus charge me an annualsubscription of £220 to just be connected.

    The minister is going to build new nuclear power stations to reduce the bills. The Fusion power plants are also in the plan?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s always comforting to know that Grant Shapps or one of his aliases is in charge of something, because you know you don’t have to worry if it will be a cock up. You just KNOW it will.

      It removes the uncertainty.

      It’s also good to know that we will be world beating on price again, because we know how world beating we usually are. I think we have the most expensive electricity and gas in the world at the moment.

      So, how will people on a basic income pay for conversion to heat pumps or whatever…?

      I mean it will cost thousands, and people are, at the moment unable to buy bread and mail for their kids. Still, I’m sure Mr Fox has that covered in his gigantic brain.

      All part of “let the bodies pile high”?

      By 2050, there won’t be many people left in Britain to enjoy their world beating electricity prices.


  8. Yes it is a right mess in UKnotOK under the Tories…and it appears that for us in Scotland it will be NO better under Labour should they win the next GE…..however currently there is so much dissent among independence supporters post the SNP leadership contest and the ultimate winner of……that on current form we will have NAE chance of gaining any progress on achieving independence as some people are unable to MOVE ON from the FACT and REALITY of their favoured candidate NOT winning…..

    Humza has won leadership of the SNP…..FACT and REALITY……he might not have been MY choice or OTHERS but he won….we either accept that or continue to wash our dirty linen in public…..much to the relish of both the media and opposition BritNat politicians…..OR……haud our wheesht and wait and see what Humza does in both progressing independence and how he handles the combined negativity, aggression and lies of those in opposition to Indy……no matter who had won the leadership election the opposition AND the media would have found some aspect of their character, religious persuasion and obviously the fact they support independence to attack them with….THAT is what they do…but currently independence supporters both existing and past SNP members are joining in that attack on Humza Yousaf…..and too those others who support independence but who state they are NOT a member of the SNP…..

    Personally I can see that if this continues then we can kiss goodbye to persuading and converting undecided voters to independence and also alas need to accept that the Labour party will seek to capitalise on this division currently being fought out so publicly among Indy supporters online…..which will result in Labour undeservedly gaining seats in Scotland at the next GE which in turn will allow them to announce that support for independence has fallen or indeed is NO MORE and too of their resurgence in Scotland….which then opens the door for MORE of our resources being plundered via renewable energy but NOT for OUR benefit but for others in another country within the UK via Starmer’s Labour party….and too us having to tolerate BREXIT and never getting back into the EU while still in the UKnotOK……

    I have added many passionate comments onto another blog in the past and too some passionate comments on here also but I wonder that perhaps given the current negative mood and seeming dejection among some Indy peeps that perhaps NOW IS THE TIME that I accepted perhaps politics and the constitutional fight is, for me, best parked and I started to just try and enjoy my life and develop more my other interests because there seems no point in continuing to make passionate comments on blogs when so many among us currently seem to be charting a course of destroying any chance of achieving independence in the future…..

    Sorry if this seems negative but I find it hard to be motivated and inspired to fight against all of the crap that BritNat political parties and their media throw at us when I currently am seeing the same crap being thrown from some of us who support Indy……

    Are we now at the stage in our YES movement where we are allowing ourselves to be divided and thus conquered ?……well if this all continues that would be a big fat YES……

    Think from now on I will stick to adding comments on this lovely blog ONLY on Saturday…if JM mentioned LOL….and Soppy Sunday and on the Monday ‘Just for a Laugh’ edition…..now that does make me happy and hopeful as a human being…..

    Have a nice day everyone


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I understand what you are saying.

      The negativity in the movement as a whole is immensely depressing, and of course, while that is going on, the unionists and absolutely loving it.

      They are basking in it (to be fair as we do when, as usual, the Tories are falling out with each other, and raping and pillaging).

      To an extent I have stood back from it, because I can’t be annoyed with all the negativity and hate.

      It’s almost like independence supporters are doing the unionists’ job for them by tearing the movement apart.

      It’s obvious to me that the refusal to allow us another referendum, after the one they won by lying and cheating (as they did, too, with the Brexit referendum) is because they fear that this time they will lose it.

      But if Labour pick up seats in the next elections, in Scotland and in Britain, they will be able to say that they were right. And Labour isn’t Labour any more. God save the king and sod the workers.

      It’s a hard and sad situation.

      I’ve thought a few times recently that I would like to leave and live elsewhere, because I hate living here under the Tories, but they managed pretty successfully, to make that choice much more difficult for us. I’m not sure I want to live somewhere as a foreigner.

      Once upon a time I could have gone to France and applied for a job. Now it’s MUCH more complex.

      Anyway, we’ll keep on trying to lighten the politics with Yesterdays, Soppiness and a Laugh.

      And the odd photograph of an actor…



      1. “And the odd photograph of an actor…”

        Works for me…..not sure it will do the same for others on here though…..LOL

        Cheers……hope your day has been fabby and that your evening will be too…( and obvs same for other peeps who visit here also….)


        Liked by 1 person

  9. And splashed across the BBC Scotland site is that Margaret Ferrier MP is to be suspended for 30 days, but last week the BBC was wondering if 10 days or more was too severe for liar Johnson. I bet the Tories will vote for a 9 day suspension – the man has ‘suffered enough’.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am not excusing Ms Ferrier. What she did was wrong and she did knowingly. However, she quickly accepted her guilt. Whatever her penalty is Johnson should get no less. Indeed, given that Sunak was fined for a breach of lockdown, is he not a similar case to Ms Ferrier’s.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. She admitted she shouldn’t have travelled. When you are ill you don’t always act rationally. Labour will be trying to push for a recall election, the SNP should re-instate her to the Parliamentary Group and fight the recall. One rule for the Tories MPs and one for the SNP MP. If there is a by-election Labour won’t have an easy ride. Starmer, Brexit, Cost of energy in energy rich Scotland and Labour shifting to the right will be easy targets.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I can understand that. And she must have been desperate to get home (although I think she also went to church!)

            The Medical Officer of health in both Scotland and England had to resign over breaches.


        2. Yep. Agreed.

          And quite apart form what Johnson is being questioned over, which was “did he lie to parliament?”…and Ferrier did not, he was partying with his staff when he shouldn’t have been, and she was outside when she shouldn’t have been.

          If they give her a 30 day suspension for that one offence and it triggers a by election, they should most certainly do the same to him.


  10. I don’t think you need a TV licence to watch anything on Iplayer, Tris.
    You can watch anything streamed, as long as it isn’t live streamed.
    I haven’t had a licence for decades, and i watch whatever i like! They are getting no money off me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I tried, Jutie, and it said “Have you got a tv licence?”

      I said “no” and it took me to a page where I could buy one…. as if! I’d as soon bow to Old Mrs Parker Bowles!

      How do you get round that?


        1. I know you can get the page up, but when you press “play” it asks if you have a licence.

          I suppose I could say “yes”, but I’m by and large honest.

          I understand that the BBC is waiving the need for a licence to watch Old Chas and Dave’s carnation.




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