Once again, as I did a few weeks ago after hearing the news about John, when Panda Paws let us know that Bugger Le Panda had died, I wondered if it was appropriate to have a page of j0kes.

James didn’t comment much on here, but he’d been around since pretty much the beginning and he met Munguin in Edinburgh, probably 10+ years ago when he’d come from France for a march.

Recently he’d been sending jokes for this page, so upon reflection, I thought it probably WAS appropriate to go ahead.

Today’s “Laughs” are dedicated to the BLP. Repose en paix. James.

  1. Putting the clocks forward the easy way.





6. “If you don’t study, you’ll end up like him.” “There is no such thing as shabby or shameful work. What IS shabby is the judgement of those who think themselves superior.”


8. And crawling out of bins.


10. Not the fussiest of hyenas.





16. This is Munguin to me!





Thanks to AndiMac and TMc.

21 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. All wonderful, thank you. Thank you muchly to BLP, much missed.
    I love the Saltire duvet one, ha ha! Our cooker and landline stay at yesterday’s time it keeps us from becoming lazy, good exercise for the mind lol! Gowd why is food ready so early, it’s only 9.22pm!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂

      I genuinely forgot about the time change once in London where I’d been for a concert and turned up at the station an hour early.

      It’s bad enough being with British Rail for the 6 hours the journey takes, never mind adding on another hour waiting… and then the train breaking down in Peterborough.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very sorry to hear about Bugger le Panda. Have appreciated his below the line comments here and elsewhere for many years. As ArtyHetty says, he will be much missed. Enjoyed the laughs, Tris, thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sorry to hear about BLP. I met him a few years ago, he was at Strathclyde Uni at the same time as my older brother Jim( @farrochie) who also passed away a couple of years ago. Both dedicated to independence but fated not to see it in this life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, Gerry.

      So many people, I’m sure we all know some, who never got to live in a free country where we elected our own government,

      He was, as I recall, very good company!


  4. Definition of a door: the thing that a cat is always on the wrong side of.

    (I’m not well-disposed towards them – cats, that is – just at the moment, having trod in a big, wet pile of crap this morning whilst trimming the fuschia bush at the back of the house. One shoe is still on the back yard, and that’s where it will stay for the week or two it will take for the vile stench to wear off. Chemical weapon isn’t in it….)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. Dogs’ humans have to clean up after them or face a fine.

      Cats’ humans…. not so much.

      The other thing that irritates me is that, they are like royalty and aristocracy. They kill other animals for the sport of it. Not because they are hungry.


  5. 🤣🤣🤣
    6 and 9 … very true
    14 I have double vision and this is pretty much what I see (though more side by side) when I am not wearing my glasses which have a prism on one side 🧐

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sad news about Bugger Le Panda he, like many others, did not see an independent Scotland in their lifetime……condolences to his family and friends.

    If he contributed jokes to this page in the past then here’s one I think he may have liked :

    An Englishman is coming to Glasgow and he hears that he can get a Noddy ticket on the buses in Glasgow …..not having a clue what that is he phones up a Scottish friend and asks him.

    ” Hi I hear you can get a Noddy Bus Ticket in Glasgow. What is a Noddy Bus ticket ?”

    His Scottish Friend starts to laugh and says ” I think you mean an aw day ticket…….that means you can buy a ticket for the whole day”…..he then adds….” BTW you can also get a Noddy breakfast in some places in Glasgow too”…..Badum Tish….

    The banter…..I’m sure many fowk just go to Glasgow for the banter…..och aye the noo…..obviously the Englishman never had BIG EARS…..

    Now more (hopefully) Just for laughs for others on here :

    1. I’ve swapped our bed for a trampoline.

    My wife hit the roof.

    2. My wife said she’s leaving me because of my obsession with tennis – and I’m too old.

    I said: “I’m only 40 love.”

    3. At the therapist’s office, I asked my wife, “You are going to bring up my obsession with predicting the future, aren’t you?”

    Her: “Yes”.

    Me: “I knew it!”

    4. Interviewer: I want to ask you a question, and your answer must be quick.

    Me: Okay.

    Interviewer: 12 + 37 = ?

    Me: Quick.

    5. After spending 20 minutes trying to get my Wife’s bra off, I decided to give up,

    I wish I’d never put it on now.

    And Finally…..Thank God you say !

    6. My wife says she wants a man who’s funny & spontaneous but when I tap the window late at night dressed as a clown it’s all panic & screaming…..

    Have a nice evening everyone


    Liked by 3 people

  7. Thank you Tris, AndiMac, TMc and Munguin, of course, for the cheer up.

    Never met BlP, but came across some of his comments and jokes here and elsewhere. Condolences to his family and friends.

    Liked by 1 person

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