



5. You don’t leave the table till you have finished your bone I’m sure I was adopted!












17. Unless I change my mind, or I’m just an opposition leader.



20. That look!

Thanks to AndiMac and Brenda.

22 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

        1. Thanks PP. I knew about Turkish Baklava, but not about the similar sounding head covering.
          People seem to feel that baklava is very good, but almost never have a kind word for the pastry as served in the USA. It’s never as good as their great grandmother made who came over from the old country.

          Same with pasta sauce BTW! Requires a great grandmother from Italy, using fresh ingredients only available in Naples, and five days of simmering on the stove. Heaven forbid that you should open a jar of Prego from the grocery store and heat it for five minutes in the microwave.
          I wonder if they have grocery store baklava.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Just for laughs….or alternatively my contributions……#NotLol….

    1. I’ve been trying to break up with an Optician recently… it’s really hard!

    Every time I tell her I can’t see her any more

    She moves an inch closer and says: ‘How about now?’ …………

    2. Just read that by law you have to turn your headlights on when it’s raining in Sweden

    How am I meant to know when it’s raining in Sweden?…………….

    3. At this time of year I love sitting in front of a roaring fire, sipping mulled wine and listening to Christmas songs until I fall asleep…

    Which is probably the reason I lost my job as a fireman…

    4. My pet gorilla ran off with my jewellery.

    I’m not angry, I just want my silverback…………

    5. I was doing a crossword in the pub and said to my Scottish friend;

    “I’m stuck on one, ‘trapped on a desert island, eight letters, starting with M’ “

    He said “Marooned”

    I replied “Thanks, I’ll have a pint of lager !”

    6. I said to my wife: “When I die I’d like to die having sex.”

    She replied: “At least it’ll be quick.”………….

    7. Thinking of giving my wife some roses for Valentine’s Day, should I give her 6, 12 or just the whole tin?………….

    8. Therapist: “I think you have a phobia of marriage. Do you know what the symptoms are?”

    Me: “Can’t say I do.”

    Therapist: “That’s one of them!”………..

    9.Halfway through my Indian meal the waiter came up to me and asked;

    “Curry OK?”

    I said “Maybe, what songs do you have?”

    And FINAL one…Thank God….y’all say !

    10. I have a habit of taking pictures of myself in the shower, but they always come out too blurry.

    I think I may have selfie steam issues…

    Have a nice day everyone…..


    Liked by 4 people

    1. LOL. I saw that.

      It’s not going well for them.

      Chucking Harry and Meghan out of their home in Windsor might have been expected (although they did spend a LOT of their money on renovating it) but giving it to Nonce Andrew? Where did that come from… oh, wait. Mrs Parker Bowles.

      And now she’s to be anointed with holy oil and have a canopy held over her (why, it the roof leaking) and her grandchildren will be doing it.

      Obviously cashing in here.

      It’s going down like a dose of caster oil.


      What I cannot understand is the spending of such massive amounts of money on crowing an old man, and his even older wife (not that there’s an issue with them being old… rather that the crowning is a rather short term thing… it will all have to be done again in a few years). But in the eyes of the Church that will crown them, and of which he will be the big boss, they aren’t even married. They are “living in sin”.

      I must get a suitable t-shirt for the occasion.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Can I donate some old frier oil for the annointing?, it is quite fragrant, smells of old chips.
    Pity to waste it.

    When is the flounder’s sister to be made a dame?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A guy with a van working on another house close to the Towers, left his oil lid off, and covered the road with oil. The evil old bat can have that if she doesn’t like the smell of chips. It’ll be good for her wrinkles!

      Probably any day now Lady Johnson of … where?

      I noted though that Johnson’s papa is now French, having decided that he can’t possibly live in the Brexit Britbin his idiot son created.

      So doubtless his announcement will go something like this.

      Je suis ravi d’être fait chevalier, et je remercie l’ex premier ministre (qui, par une coïncidence, se trouve être mon fils) de m’avoir accordé cet honneur que je mérite amplement.


        1. You’re probably right, Andimac.
          I’m guessing the woman in the middle is the mother/wife…before Stanley broke her nose for her.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’d forgotten he was a wife beater. I wonder if he has the same alcohol issues that Boris has.

            No wonder they are making him a Sir.


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