1. Good morning. I’m in charge today because the gingers are on a course about snakes. They’ll be back later, so just gimme your entrance fee and off you go.

2. What a scary course Munguin sent us on.

3. Nice healthy salad for lunch, little one.

4. This little one gets tired so I have to carry him.

5. Two 5-month old kittens from Srem, Dora and Cindy who have found their forever home in that lovely animal-friendly village.

6. And then Penka the Donkey, also from Srem, wanted to put in an appearance on Soppy Sunday.

7. Woods full of snowdrops in Glenrothes.

8. I’d like to introduce you to my factotum. He’s called Robert.

9. Foxes are dogs. Fox Hunters are vermin.

10. I like it when my buddy comes to see me.

11. Chateau du Champ, Lozère, France.

12. Duke enjoying the sunshine in Bulgaria.

13. Wow, Mum, your kids look just like you.

14. More snowdrops.

15. You never know who you’re gonna bump into at our local over a few drinks.

16. Well, I asked you twice and you didn’t answer, so I’m off. Peoples are so stupid. They don’t understand Emperor Penguin.

17. Don’t worry. Mummy’s watching out for you.

18. Aussie coast.

19. Such tenderness from both of them.

20. Family day at the beach.

21. I always wanted a trampolene, says the little penguin.

22. Do you want to be friends?

23. Helsinki.

24. I’m on lunch break.

25. That was a scary course. My hair’s standing on end. I’m sure there are no snakes in the Towers’ grounds, but Munguin says it’s better to be safe than sorry. And he’s a very wise animal… or so he tells us.

Anyways, he asked me to say thank you to Claire and Kay.

Bonus Pic

Et merci à Guy pour cette photo ci

18 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. Okay I know orangutans are renowned for their laziness but that’s two weeks in the row! One week lazybones has a lie in and now they’re having snake awareness training on a Sunday instead of Mon-Sat! It’s a good job the chimp and the gorilla were able to stand in!

    Still all the photo were a balm for the soul.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Munguin hopes you are not criticising his policy of giving his staff the very best training available in all of Scotland.

      He’s very proud of his personnel policies. Decency and fairness to all (well, most) of his staff.


      And he demands flexibility, whether it is of the door keeper or the factotum. As I know only too well. 😦


  2. I did like Bella and Cindy (if she’s the grey cat) particularly. I’m beginning to think we got it wrong and SERM is the Bulgarian equivalent of the RSSPCA and not an actual village 🙂

    The snowdrops were lovely. My own snowdrops have poked their heads out recently and very cheery they are too. I don’t have any crocus but I have seen them in other folk’s gardens.

    The fox was rather splendid- the ones round my way are a bit mangy and skinnier. This one has obviously found an ideal spot for being a fox!

    Ps it appears I was first. So all the foreign correspondents must be taking a leaf out of the orangs’ book and having lie ins!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have won the “First” prize, PP.

      This week the prize is that you get to wash and iron Munguin’s scarf. A HUGE honour as I’m sure you will appreciate.


      Srem is, it always seemed to me, the perfect place to live regardless of what kind of animal you are.

      We’ve never done pics of the humans there, but rest assured they are all cared for too.

      BSPCA or all types. A truly caring society.

      I found 2 crocuses in a border. I have no idea where they came from. I didn’t plant any.

      Maybe Bertie, who appears to be speaking to me a little more than he was, may have stolen them from next door!

      He’s quite an acquisitive bird.


  3. I thought we were under new management when I saw the first photo. Lovely photos to see on a damp Sunday morning.

    A video of a “reverse” waterfall in Utah.


    1. No, Marcia.

      Just Munguin taking care of his staff and making sure that they can cope with any emergency that should occur in the grounds.

      Fantastic video. That must have been some wind to blow that water up. Also, isn’t the terrain spectacular in Utah?


  4. This is bliss, after long tiring day yesterday. Little wood burner has the room toastie warm, our wee cat, Meabh, curled up on my lap and Soppy Sunday on the screen. As soon as Meabh moves I’ll go and make a hot drink and view it all again, although without the soft purring from Meabh.
    Enjoy your weekend everybody.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds idyllic, Alan.

      I hope you and Meabh have a relaxing day together. I assume the purring means she is happy to be where she is… so maybe your hot drink will have to wait a while?


      1. absolutely Tris.

        If there’s anyone ‘up there’ (personally, I don’t think there is), he or she would have been better to forget all about humans and leave our fellow creatures to get on with it without us.

        I struggle to think of anything positive we’ve ever achieved (except, of course, for our selfish selves, while to the disadvantage of everything else), but would be happy to hear suggestions from anyone who thinks otherwise.

        Worse, I think we are incapable of solving the terrible issues that now confront us; climate change most of all. And even if we were to nudge forward a little, bit by bit to make the world better, there will always be some bastard (like Putin) to reverse any small progress.

        Also (since Munguin Towers is an animal-loving place), I’d say that as long as we treat our fellow sentient creatures as we currently do (especially for human consumption), there is no chance we’ll be serious about all the other issues confronting the world.

        Too gloomy for ‘Soppy Sunday’?

        Maybe, and certainly today I came out of a wonderful concert in Edinburgh’s Usher Hall, with music of such brilliance to prove we can still, exceptionally, when we really try, achieve great things (even while apparently screwing everything else up).

        So maybe there’s a little hope for us all after all ..

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Humans are capable, Tom, of incredible brilliance.

          Unfortunately they are also incapable of incredible greed and stupidity.

          In the end we will finish the planet, but the planet will come back. Hopefully without humans.


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