













15. When a Parisian asks how to make salted butter.


17. You wouldn’t trust that to go the messages, even wi’ a note wrapped ‘roon’ the money. From L to R, ‘Speak No Sense’, ‘On The Fence’, ‘Incredibly Dense’.






22. We give gritters a name in Scotland. Yep, we’re that daft.




26. Although this is far from a joke for so many. Munguin will be off to the foodbank or as Rear Admiral Mordant calls them “food pantries”, so that hopefully some people can have some dinner on Christmas day.




30. In England’s brown unpleasant land.

Thanks to Andi, TM, Brenda, Panda Paws.

Bonus (with language warning):

37 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Pic 12: the air-mobile, amphibious, all-waddling . . . . duck.
    Pic 21: Private Eye covers often make me laugh.
    Pic 25: the good thing about winter in these parts is that it kills off the mosquitos. Imagine a west highland midge magnified fifty times . . .

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Ha ha…fabulous and funny, except the one about the dad not able to afford to buy food. Must remember to contribute to food bank, though our ‘local’ big chain shop has a new collection box half the size of the previous one, strange. The English government should hang their heads in shame for starving people, including little children. Criminal.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. There’s a Scottish council where Labour and Tories have ganged up to stop the SNP proposal to give kids a hot soup and a roll every day until March.

      Labour? Socialists? Goodness me, no.


  3. Andimac missed a trick there. It should have been union flag bikini, maybe he just could not bear to draw it! Some great ones today. Poor Harry Kane. Nope I’m kidding though I do notice he’s not had the vile abuse that Rashford and the other two guys had when they missed penalties.

    Love the Gritters but they is no sign of Gritter Thunberg. Maybe in for maintenance. Loved the chimp too, he must have escaped from Soppy Sunday 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The chimp says you can’t get into Soppy Sunday for the orangutans on the door, so you have to sneak in where you can.

      Ah yeah. Hard time for Harry, but just imagine if he had been black!


    1. For sure, you are right. I have the feeling that Mone is being thrown to the dogs to try to save some of the others, because they are posh and she is common and not really “one of them”, although clearly some of the male cabinet members rather admired her for some of her attributes.


  4. Harry Kane should maybe have tried a David Narey ‘toe-poke’ instead. It worked for Scotland against Brazil in 1982. I’m not a football fan and rarely watch, but some things stick in your mind forever. Jimmy Hill got a lot of stick for the comment for years afterwards.


    Unfortunately, it was Scotland’s only goal against Brazil who went on to win 4-1, but we’re used to that! It’s called snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I dont’t think it was that year, maybe 1998, when I seem to remember being on a train here in the north when the driver or guard announced over the public address system that Scotland had scored a goal against Brazil! Although the train wasn’t busy, there was a muted cheer all round! We lost that one, too, as a result of an own goal!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I enjoyed Trump and his team of political candidates after the American midterm election.

    #20…….If “getting out of Dodge” has become an internationally recognized idiom denoting a hasty retreat from trouble, I wonder how much is actually known about Dodge City and the history of the Kansas cowtowns, with the likes of Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickock, Doc Holiday,
    Bat Masterson and other old west gunslingers.

    Dodge City, Kansas…..Early 1880’s:



    1. LOL. I love the ‘OK’ clothing store.

      “Firearms were prohibited in Dodge City, however, in 1875, it is estimated that as many as 25 people died of gunshot wounds.”

      Sounds like London.

      Changed a bit:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tris…..I do wonder about the fashionable attire sold in “OK Clothing” of old Dodge City. 😉

        Surprisingly, some of the old western towns like Dodge City did have laws against carrying guns within the city limits. Widely disregarded apparently! By all accounts, the old west was every bit as violent as Hollywood movies would have us believe.

        Dodge City is located in southwestern Kansas, some distance away from principal cross-country Interstate highway routes, and I’ve never been there. Changed a lot, but keeping its cowboy history alive for passing tourists who may still remember it as the locale of the long-running TV series “Gunsmoke,” in which fictional US Marshal Matt Dillon told a lot of old west miscreants to get out of Dodge.

        BTW……Dodge City was named after nearby Fort Dodge of the US Army. Fort Dodge was named after General Grenville Dodge who established the fort, and after retirement from the US Army, was principal engineer of the Union Pacific Railroad. For the transcontinental railroad route over the Rockies, Dodge found the Wyoming route between Cheyenne and Laramie over Sherman Hill. Grenville Dodge is the guy on the right, at the center of the famous Golden Spike “joining of the tracks” picture, shaking hands with his counterpart, Samuel S. Montague of the Central Pacific Railroad, on the left.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Small world, Danny. Great that you could find a link between Dodge City and the Golden Spike, which we discussed at length a few days ago.


          It’s quite some distance from you.

          As for OK Clothing, I remember that the UK side in the Scottish referendum, had a slogan that said “Better Together”, which seemed to me a good enough slogan for their cause.

          Then someone for no reason I know, decided to change it to UK OK, which was bad on two accounts… first of all, of course, if the best you can brag about your goal is that it’s ‘OK’, maybe you need to think again. You know … “holiday in Paris. It’s OK” ins’t the best advertising you can do.

          Secondly though people laughingly read it as U KOK, which was quite insulting and slightly embarrassing.

          Oh how we laughed!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Love that! You do have to take care with slogans and signage.

            Grenville Dodge, after his prominent Civil War service, did what many Civil War generals such as George Custer did, and effectively had a second US Army career in the post-Civil War west, during the era of railroad building and the Indian wars on the plains. After Dodge retired from the army, he joined the Union Pacific Railroad as chief engineer, and had a long career as a railroad executive. He also served one term in Congress.


            Finally being able to travel across the mountains and the plains to California in relative speed and comfort had been a dream for decades, so the Golden Spike celebration at Promontory Summit in Utah was well photographed and documented. Several photographers were present that day. That most famous picture was taken by Andrew J. Russell, a former Civil War photographer who was employed by the Union Pacific.
            No less than 28 people in the photograph are known by name. The two men leaning out from the locomotives with wine bottles are the two engineers who drove them…….George Booth of Central Pacific’s No. 60 “Jupiter” on the left, and Sam Bradford of Union Pacific’s No. 119 on the right.

            See the diagram at the end of this National Park Service article:



            1. Lovely photograph, Danny.

              How proud they must have been to get it finished in such a very short time.

              But I hope they didn’t go on to drive these engine when they’d consumed that bottle of bubbly.


              Liked by 1 person

              1. LOL Tris……At least one of the Union Pacific executives (the VP I think) was apparently hung over after too much booze the night before at the big UP party in Ogden. 🙂

                It was indeed an amazing feat of civil engineering in a relatively short time. Before the railroad, to an American on the East Coast, California might almost as well have been on the moon. Hard to know which was worse…… a 2,000 mile overland trip across plains and mountains west of Kansas City, or a 13,000 mile ocean voyage from eastern ports around South America. Two ocean voyages and a trek through the jungles of the Isthmus of Panama was a much shorter alternative than the voyage around the Horn, but there was that jungle crossing to endure. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

  6. Maybe not a laugh.

    Early this morning the government asked for 2 coal fired power station to be restarted.

    They have been off grid for nearly 2 years now.

    This afternoon that request was rescinded.

    Reason given is that there is plenty of wind generation to cover.

    Where I am there is no wind but hundreds of windmills not turning.

    Best if luck, government, of bringing on line old coal fired stations at short notice, hope they can get a coal delivery.

    Good news, Nicola’s talks with the unions has put off the strikes at least in the short term, it’s great to have an Adult asFirst Minister.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is a relief. I see the BBC isn;t mentioning it.

      Probably too busy with a story about the ferries.

      Something lying idle for 2 years should be able to start up right away, if you show it a blue passport and give it a pint glass with a crown on it.

      Maybe wee Wullie and Kate could go an open it. She could buy another new frock.

      Liked by 1 person

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