
2. BBC Scotland putting a Tory on the spot. Rare, but Hilarious!


A fella in the pub just asked me to name 3 Qatar players….

I said George Harrison, Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix.


5. Brexit coffee mug.


7. All we need now is a cat and a fiddle.





12. Note: Available in ERG or Farage versions for subjects of the king of England.










22. Help yourself, why don’t you?







29. Based on Willie’s lad?

30. Trump’s back on Twitter.

Thanks to AndiMac, Brenda and TM.

65 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

          1. 2023. As 19th President of the Republic of the United States of America.

            NOT 2024 as President of the bankrupted and liquidated UNITED STATES CORPORATION.


  1. I don’t know if any of you saw this, but its absolutely correct.
    A Unionist finally works it out, but will it change his position?


    1. Aye we know. He’s a national treasure lol, in England. He seems confused about countries, aw bless. Scottish never British here in our household.
      The eternal pessimist, doom and gloom, ‘dear god’. Maybe he could and help out at a good bank, or warm bank, that his ‘britain’ in 2022, not so great at all.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. These Islands kicked him out.

          National Trust disowned him.

          He remains a patron of the Lighthouse Keepers Association but we all wish he would go and live on a remote lighthouse.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. He seems to me to be amongst the weirdest of the weird on that Channel. They have some beauties, but he takes the biscuit.

            I wonder if the NTS has got back all the members he lost them… What WERE they thinking?


    2. That was some 9:34min rant.
      I met him some years ago, he was on my boat for best part of a day, Mr Oliver, sound and camera engineers. He wasn’t anything like that then, I seem to remember him saying that he didn’t bother much with politics. Maybe that was self preservation, being on a boat, can’t swim. Who knows?
      His ego has certainly come of age.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. When abbreviations aren’t your friend…


      1. Yes Tris, a time in which federal criminal indictment(s) can be filed is at least limited by any election interference rules in the Department of Justice that might apply to the lead-up to the 2024 election.

        It’s commonly believed that federal charges would have to be filed 60 days before the 2024 election. But whether that’s a hard and fast rule, or simply an informal DOJ guideline, seems to be debated.


        Anyway, for practical purposes, indictment(s) would need to be made before the 2024 election.

        Fortunately, the report of the Congressional January 6 Committee investigation is complete and will likely be published within weeks, along with what will almost surely be a criminal referral to the DOJ for possible federal criminal charges.

        Liked by 2 people

              1. Absolutely. As Trump said “Pelosi has left the Country, and been fired”

                Translation gone to GITMO for a firing squad.


                  1. Not Trump, a Military Tribunal, they have been ongoing at GITMO, the White House and a few other locations for a few years. I have not seen any third party confirmation of Pelosi fate, the translation is mine based on evidence of other trials.

                    The Paul Pelosi break in didn’t happen either, at least not the way it was being portrayed in the MSM.


                    1. Well Ed I guess you’re not going to believe it until it kicks you up the ar$€.
                      I have supplied heaps of information over a very long period and we’re down to the wire and you still don’t get it. I can’t help you, you’ll just have to wait until it’s in your street as seeing the truth in the alternative media isn’t doing it for you.

                      I had a friend here a few weeks ago, we were discussing stuff, but nothing deep, he said he was “Very Open Minded” then he proceeded to state that he only ever watched the main TV channels and discarded all the rest, as they weren’t truthful. That’s like only believing the BBC. I guess you’re in the same groove.


                    2. When you say things like Pelosi has been shot by a firing squad at Gitmo, and her husband Paul was not attacked by a Canadian fanatic wielding a hammer, then you really have disappeared down an internet conspiracy plughole, Kanga. And yes, it looks ridiculous from the outside, and no, I am not limited in my worldview to one or two Establishment sources of information. I also have a fairly good bullshit radar.

                      Come off social media for six months, Kanga. Cultivate your bullshit radar.

                      It’s useful to remember Occam’s razor (novacula Occami), aka the principle of parsimony (lex parsimoniæ), which has been around a very long time, which is why I showed off by giving you the Latin for it.

                      In human affairs, cock-up is more likely than conspiracy. Bullshit radars are pretty necessary, when faced with Big Lie propaganda such as, oh, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Amazing, Tris! I got to the bottom of it right off the top of my head!

                      Hm. On the other hand, maybe what my so-called friends have been trying to tell me for the past five decades may actually be true…

                      Liked by 1 person

  3. Things can’t stay like this foe much longer.
    Talking to the CBI the rich synic says that the biggest problem facing the uk is the boat people crossing the channel, illegally.

    Seems that he’s been fully trained by the flounder, whatever he thinks is the latest biggest problem, suppose pmqt will be on the North of Ireland protocol, the next biggest thing.

    Strange that the business people were asking for more immigration.

    Having a standard of living lower that Poland and Latvia must be a brexit plus. A plus for the Polish people who went home.

    Can dross survive the year?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’d say that wasn’t their biggest problem by a very long way. But it’s one they cold have solved easily by cooperating with the French when the French offered.

      I’d say that the collapse of the Heath Services, the likelihood of a winter of discontent, the possibility of power cuts, the probability of people dying of cold or hunger, might be more of a problem.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Snail’s name is Sammy. Sammy the Snail, or SS for short.

        The story is too long for me to tell (I’m on my phone), but the punchline is: ‘Look at that S car go!’

        Liked by 3 people

        1. A turtle was crossing the road when two snails mugged him. The police showed up and asked the turtle what happened. “I don’t know,” the turtle replied. “It all happened so fast.”

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Hi, Danny. It is always a mystery to me, why Americans fail to distinguish between turtles, which live in the sea, and tortoises which live on land.

            Or were the muggers actually sea-slugs?

            Which brings me to the interesting (yawn) fact that the German language does not distinguish between snails and slugs.

            Germans have say ‘Schnecke (snail) mit Häuschen (with a little house’ or ‘Schnecke ohne Häuschen (without a little house).

            Liked by 3 people

            1. DonDon…..LOL…..Actually I copied and pasted the snail joke rather than type it in. I think that the mugging victim is more commonly described as a tortoise in the story. I always think of a tortoise as a terrestrial creature, and a turtle as aquatic. But there are terrapins too I think. 🙂

              The German treatment of snails and slugs seems quite logical.

              Liked by 1 person

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