1. Someone needs to lock Braverman up.

    Thank goodness she’s never heard of the third party or indeed, of Scotland.

    ‘Guardian-reading, tofu-eating wokerati’.

    I wonder what she calls people who look at the pictures in the S*n and the Daily Express … or Völkischer Beobachter as we have come to know the Mail.


    1. Yes. Quite amazing.

      And yet another highlight of how different our two countries are.

      They seem to think in the UK that that level of incompetence, laziness, criminality and possibly more is acceptable in a prime minister…

      Not sure that many in Scotland do, or that we would welcome him back. We didn’t much welcome him the first time.

      In fairness we don’t want Truss, and I can’t think of any Tory that we would want… including the right wing Labour leader.

      Tell you what. Why don’t we try independence?


  2. She and her front bench failed to irony of Mr Blackford’s question.

    Pity he didn’t stand up again to answer her question, yes he’d had his 2 but it would have been great theatre when the useless teapot told him to sit.

    Mr speaker, the pm asked me a question and it would be ill mannered not to answer.

    That english parliament is a total joke.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Around the world they are laughing.

      And today, on Fracking:

      Adam Bienkov
      Liz Truss, who has just broken half a dozen pledges she made during her leadership campaign, is now telling Conservative MPs they will lose the whip if they vote to keep their own manifesto pledges on banning fracking.

      Couldn’t make it up.


  3. Truth to Power asks ‘Will the real hunt stand up?’

    He destroys the safe pair of hands for his plundering of expenses and destroying the health service.

    Kent maternity wasn’t providing the expected level of care, hunt removed the maternity nurses training scheme.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, he’s useless.

      And he wants a privatised health service.

      By stealth obviously, because they wouldn’t be elected on a pledge to do that, even in England.


      1. Robert Peston
        Massive Downing St pile on against @sajidjavid
        . “If Saj hadn’t humiliated the PM” – by forcing her to suspend adviser Stein – “he’d probably be home secretary now, not Shapps”. Wow. Rome is burning

        Robert Peston
        As I understand it @SuellaBraverman has been asked to resign over an issue relating to “security”. Resignation letter soon. Being replaced by @grantshapps

        So she’s running the cabinet and choosing ministers in spite, rather than by their capabilities. Shapps/Michael Green/Corinne Stockheath/Sebastian Fox is utterly useless no matter which name he is using.


        1. Robert Peston

          Just to be clear, the Tory right already telling me Braverman has been stitched up by Truss. This will make it much harder for Truss to survive.


        1. I’d love to see her sent to Rwanda. As I may have said before, she makes Patel sound almost human.

          Another day, another minister… and an official as well today.

          Who will go tomorrow?


        1. Seems to be something to do with the new immigration policy, released to another mp.
          But who can believe them.
          The parliament was told truss was on urgent business, the drowning street said it was with Brady, but he was in the chamber for the chancer’s statement and mordaunt’s palming service.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow

    the shapps elevated,

    This is a game of musical chairs that will go on until the end of time, their time.

    This is just a mess and people can’t do a thing.

    Wragg says he’s against fracking but has to vote for it or lse the whip and hence his letter will fall.

    This is the mother of parliament?, don’t think so.
    A cattery would get you a better management.

    Larry for PM.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Probably a bit beneath him.

        I think they should change places. Larry can be PM and Truss can be the mouser. No one now would expect her to be competent at anything so when she makes a mess of it, no one will notice.


    1. She seems to be suggesting that if ministers made mistakes they should resign…what a quaint idea.

      I see that Wendy Morton resigned as Chief Whip tonight,and Craig Whittaker, her deputy, has also quit.

      Liked by 1 person

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