11. Sorry for the poor blighters who work for him (but then I was always sorry for them), but absolutely delighted for him. He can always get a job at Tesco.
12. Mower Model 2023. No electricity. No petrol.
13. Cats, huh?
14. Havering old bat. I’m amazed Truss hasn’t got her in the cabinet.
15. I say, is McMunguin about?

29 thoughts on “WE NEED A MIDWEEK LAUGH”

  1. Gross should read

    I’ve got piles and they’re multiplying.

    Thought his glasses fit better than the real subject, they don’t fit around his ears.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jay Leno (on NBC Tonight Show) with newspaper funnies:

    At about 4:00 in the video: H.Lee Scott, President and CEO of Walmart Shakes Hands with Prince Charles. (Note: The world headquarters of Walmart is located in Bentonville, in the Arkansas Ozarks.)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Financial Times columnist Robert Shrimsley writes: “But the Tories are now in bunker mode, listening only to those they already agree with. We are now watching the real-time implosion of the governing party. It’s going to be a hell of a show, though sadly the tickets will prove expensive.”

    I’ll buy one with my windfall from the econoclasts’ mini-budget and £ collapse.

    As for rights bill rejection… you have the most extreme rightists in charge. Thought they’d be all in favour. Or are they disqualified on the ‘human’ part?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh dear.

      Well, if you go to the show, take photographs for our laughs page and get the programme signed by those in the cabinet who can write.

      And if you find a human adult in the cabinet do let us know. A Torydeas story would be good.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Who blew up Nordstrom? Speculation here


    or you could just take his word for it


  5. Ha ha thanks Tris, love these, so funny, and so apt. Those two characters in no8 (or is that no10!) need to be on the international maritime security watch list, as modern day pirates. Number 13, yep, better to have a wee dog they bite ankles and bark. Still, cats can sense good or bad people, so the burglar must be a bit good. If anyone broke into our home they’d probably really injure themselves tripping over all the junk stuff in the hallway and falling over the bags of books and printing presses and other stuff on the living room floor!

    Let’s see what Thursday brings, will Truss and her chancer chancellor make things even worse for the UK, is that possible? Yikes.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I’m not sure whether Truss and Kwasi are incompetent (in which case they need to go) or a guilty of corruption and malfeasance in public office* in which case they need to be arrested.

    *Kwasi made £200m on Brexit when he was a hedge fund guy. He met with bankers on Thursday, next day announced a mini budget that crashed the £ and the economy, and those self-same bankers made a fortune shorting the £. Coincidence I’m sure.

    Seen elsewhere

    ” The pound dived so far that it won a new name: shitcoin.”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL. Love the new name for it.

      When you’re job is to keep the economy going and hopefully build it, and instead you crash it… that’s incompetence, even if it comes about because of malfeasance and corruption.

      OK, all his mates got barrels load of cash having been forewarned (presumably by hints rather than details). As a result he will doubtless be rewarded after he steps down. That might well be called corruption, but it was incompetent of him to think that it would be OK and that he could get away with it.


  7. Reports today that the BoE has spent £65 billion supporting the economy.

    Wouldn’t it be easier just to give everybody £1k a day to spend?

    Might avoid austerity.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I see that an asylum has a patient missing.

    Truss’s interviews on local radio in England has spooked the financial markets with the FTSE100 dropping down further.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Even ferrari this morning was gunning for the deadly duo who have gone missing.

    The truss was interviewed on EBC radio Nottingham, very proper area for the reverse ‘Robin Hood’ deadly duo.

    Just for certainty, the richest tax cut was to start in April next year, it hasn’t happened yet but the markets have reacted, now.

    The pound shorters have made a pile of money from us. They are all englanders I’m certain.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Today’s PMQT
    An important question from the tory placeperson on the economy

    Rachael Hamilton S6F-00164 5. To ask the First Minister what action the Scottish Government is taking to curb the decline of iconic woodland bird species in Scotland.

    My answer is that the number of Magpies has increased so much that we should be feeding them happy english fish rather than let them eat the wee birds.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. “Rachael Hamilton S6F-00164 5. To ask the First Minister what action the Scottish Government is taking to curb the decline of iconic woodland bird species in Scotland.”

    I think the answer here is to spend tax payers money feathering the nests of the top 1% of avian predators. This will cause a trickle-down effect which will halt and then reverse the decline of these iconic woodland bird species.

    Liked by 1 person

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