1. John will tell you this fine looking lad’s story.

.Munguin’s thanks to John.

121 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Ah, that’s better.

    Pic 1: Interesting tractor. Never seen that combination before.
    Pic 2: Lucozade — I could never decide whether I liked it or not.
    Pic 4: I can relate to that, but don’t recognize the trombonist. Not Don Lusher, is it?
    Pic 13: Mary Tyler Moore and Dick van Dyke.
    Pic 15: Reagan and Gorby.
    Pic 17: Don’t eat the tails!


      1. It is. When he died in 1974, the French Television service withdrew the French entry to the Eurovision Contest as his funeral would be taking place around the same time.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. As recently as 10 years ago, there was a cafe in the West End of Glasgow that sold the sugar mice. I had not sen them for about 50 years until then. I bought some for my colleagues to eat with their morning coffee ……. and did I get thanked????????

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Working for me hopefully
    No 8 – jon bon Jovi
    No 12 – Mrs T and Robin Day
    No 13 – Dick van Dyke & someone
    No 15 – Ronnie & Gorbie
    No 20 – The Supremes??

    Sugar Mice – horrendously sweet as I as remember as was Lucozade



      1. Cairnallochy…….Moore and van Dyke played Laura and Rob Petrie on the Dick van Dyke show.

        Carl Reiner was a producer of the show and also played Rob’s irascible boss, TV star Alan Brady. Alan’s baldness was a secret, but one day Laura was on a TV game show and accidentally divulged that he wears a toupee.

        In real life, Reiner’s toupee was a running joke. He would sometimes show up in public with his toupee on, and at other times he would be bald.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Tris……It sure does. Reiner had plenty of money to buy really good ones of course. 🙂

            Bing Crosby was bald, but could also afford good toupees. Same with John Wayne (Marion Morrison), and Fred Astaire.


            John Wayne: “It’s not phony. It’s real hair. Of course, it’s not mine, but it’s real.”

            And Fred Astaire:


              1. Hahaha…..that HAS to be a wig!

                There was a country singer named Hank Snow who was famous for wearing bad toupees. Mismatched color……and sitting crooked on his head sometimes.


                There was speculation that maybe he did it on purpose for publicity…….

                “Hank Snow, a legendary Canadian country music singer/songwriter, was born on May 9, 1914. His songs were covered by numerous entertainers, including Ray Charles and the Rolling Stones. And even though he wore such absurd toupees–some people thought he wore them off-kilter intentionally–he was still so popular Elvis even opened for him.”

                Liked by 1 person

                1. The great Hank Snow…
                  One of the classic C&W LPs was “When Tragedy Struck”, which he released in 1959.
                  Full of songs about things like spurned orphan children dying in the snow from hunger – and that was one of the cheerier ones…
                  Starting with “The Letter Edged in Black”, it went downhill from there.
                  Billy Connolly described it as “blood pouring out of the record-player”.
                  One listen was sure to brighten your day…

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. morego……LOL!!!!!
                    Imagine an entire LP of country music mysery! Hank had the right idea. 😉

                    Major calamities were always covered. There’s a Titanic song. And of course there’s The Wreck of the Old 97 to name just two.

                    I like this from a recording by David Allan Coe:

                    Well, a friend of mine named Steve Goodman wrote that song
                    And he told me it was the perfect country & western song
                    I wrote him back a letter and I told him it was not the perfect country & western song
                    Because he hadn’t said anything at all about mama
                    Or trains, or trucks, or prison, or getting’ drunk

                    Well, he sat down and wrote another verse to the song and he sent it to me
                    And after reading it I realized that my friend had written the perfect country & western song
                    And I felt obliged to include it on this album
                    The last verse goes like this here:

                    “Well, I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison
                    And I went to pick her up in the rain
                    But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck
                    She got run over by a damned old train”

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. The most recent country train crash death and drowning record (ahem…) that I acquired is “The Last Ride” by Bobby Wayne. A pal gave me a pile of records; I kept around 2/5 of them having had a couple of days doing juke box jury. I got rid of all the rubbish country but kept that because of the train crash/falling in the water thing. You’re not getting out!

                      Are you aware of the aforementioned Billy Connolly’s “Country & Western Supersong”?

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Derek…..Thanks! A combination train wreck and drowning song. 🙂

                      I hadn’t heard the Billy Connolly “C&W Supersong.” It’s wonderful……complete with Jimmie Rodgers blue yodels….LOL

                      In “T for Texas” (AKA “Blue Yodel No. 1”), Jimmie (the Father of Country Music) apparently commits two murders.

                      Columbia Pictures, 1930:

                      Liked by 1 person

          2. Used to work with an Irish sub-editor who had the most obvious hair-piece imaginable. Looked like a recyled coconot door mat. When he’d had a few jars, it would slip over his eyes or down on one ear. Unsuprisingly, he was known as the Thatched Leprechaun. Journo humour was not the most sensitive. Nowadays, that would probably get us fired for workplace harassment.

            Liked by 3 people

  3. It’s working, DonDon. Don’t worry. You’re first-in yet again. AOY wasn’t up when I looked about 20 minutes ago. I was about to reclimb the wooden hill after catching up with news headlines but thought I’d have another go. And here we are. I’ll save the tractor story for later once Munguinites have had a chance to claim the ID honours.

    As you say, another great selection but I can’t add much by way of extra info – other than the obvious ones. Lucozade was always a bedside standby at times of childhood ailmensts. But did it have any therapeutic value apart from placebo and fizzy sugar water kiddy appeal? Don’t think so. Vaguely recall reading a very critical appraisal, but I’m cynical enough to think of PR flakkery (flakery?) by the new breed of ‘energy’drinks.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks, Roddy. You’ve saved me having to look it up again and give the story. And no, I’m not becoming a tractanorak to rival your bus professorship. It was prompted by the mistaken Porsche tractor a few weeks ago. That reminded me of a Lambo tractor we’d come across while visiting the Resident Sassenach’s sister in France, where it was parked on a neighbour’s vineyard in Gaillac.

            At the time, I was working in Dubai and doing a column for Middle East Car monthly mag. A lambo tractor was defintely column material and I took some photies to go with it. They are somewhere on an old laptop, but as so often the case could not be found when wanted. Hence resorting to Mr Google for memory refresh – and the link you’ve suppled. Although my French model was very much ‘as is’ with grass growing through the wheels and looking more than a bit sad. All they have in common are the age and the colours (with the French comparatively very faded ).

            Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Lucozade was just very sweet.

      Diabetics used to use it for a sugar boost. I note that it no long can be used for that.

      I saw someone had kept a tin in the fridge for an occasion when she needed a sweet boost and found that, in its modern format, it no longer works.


    2. My mother used to give me Lucozade as an infant when I was under the weather. However, I preferred putting the orange wrapper over my eyes because it made the world look sunny and happy!

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I had a friend who used to do led cycle rides and he had started getting headaches. His doctor diagnosed it as due to him having to screw up his eyes when cycling into the sun. He recommended that he see an optician, who arranged for him to get a pair of prescription cycling goggles (They were like spectacles, bur sat close to his face.) The lenses were tinted orange like the Lucozade wrapper. They solved the headache problem!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. FWTW:
    No4 Chris Barber trombonist.
    It about 50 years since I was last there, but I think No16 is Dingwall High St and Town Hall.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I discovered Chris Barber and Lonnie Donegan (and Skiffle) when I first heard “The Skiffle Sessions – Live in Belfast”, with Van Morrison.

      “Goin’ Home” is one of the tracks on the album. So is “Worried Man Blues”, a Carter Family song.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Tris……I found a 1955 version of the Carter song, with Ottilie Patterson clearly heard on the vocal. Donegan joined what became the Barber band in 1953, and formed a skiffle group within the band. Wiki says:

          “While in Ken Colyer’s Jazzmen with Chris Barber, Donegan sang and played guitar and banjo in their Dixieland set. He began playing with two other band members during the intervals, to provide what posters called a “skiffle” break, a name suggested by Ken Colyer’s brother, Bill, after the Dan Burley Skiffle Group of the 1930s. In 1954 Colyer left, and the band became Chris Barber’s Jazz Band.”

          Donegan left the band in 1956. Patterson married Barber in 1959, and toured with the band into the 1970’s.

          Liked by 1 person

              1. LOL Yes, it seems to be very well covered. Love the harmonies on that version.

                PC did it in French, (Je chante doucement… I sing softly) English (The Road), German (Petula’s Twist) and Spanish (Cantando Al Caminar …Sing while walking)!

                All of which was much more than anyone ever wanted to know!!!!

                Liked by 1 person

  5. No.1 sexy Tractor

    Ooer! John into Tractors then we’ll I never. Thought that was only a Tory MP thing. Although of tractors she is a damn fine figure of a machine

    Still you learn something new every day in the Republic 😂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Lost me on that one – please elucidate. Trac-Tor-ies? That seems a bit of a stretch. Have I missed a scandal? Quite possibly, seeing there so many of the Tory variety around.


          1. Thanks, Tris. Got it now – and it prompts recall of that tractor claim by the porn watcher. Didn’t work for me either when looking for the Lambo photie.
            Perhaps I should have tried Missy Friggison.

            Liked by 2 people

          2. Word has it that the offending/offensive Tory MP on question got a nasty surprise when he got home: no sign of his wife and there was a John Deere letter on the table!

            Liked by 2 people

  6. No 14 Dundee West station(?), handsome building of ?1866? by Andrew Heiton (?), closed mid 60’s and swept away by the road reorganisation linked to the opening of the Tay road bridge.
    Will try to find D A Walker’s little book on architecture and architects in Dundee. Don’t know if the Dundee volume of Scottish buildings takes account of vanished buildings.
    Paper round calls – back later !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The station was rebuilt by the Caledonian Railway in 1890 perhaps in response to the opening of the Tay and Forth Bridges to say, ‘we are still here’. Listed for closure by British Railways following the 1963 “The Reshaping of British Railways” known as the ‘Beeching Cuts’. BR didn’t waste time when they closed some major station in having it demolished. Nottingham Victoria, Sheffield Victoria, Birmingham Snow Hill and Edinburgh Princes Street spring to mind. Just by chance the Tay Bridge was being built and it saved the Tay Bridge Joint Board having to work out the road system at the Dundee end by having the space to put in the new road when the land was sold to Dundee Corporation before or after demolition.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have confused two Perth architects, Andrew Heiton and Thomas Barr, the former responsible in 1866/7 for Castleroy, reputedly the grandest of all jute palaces, the latter for Dundee West, 1888/9.
        Old age eh ? Have linked Heiton and Dundee West in my mind for over half a century.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. There were various plans for a bridge over the Tay over the decades. One sensible scheme was to have it cross the Tay to the beginning of the Kingsway at Greendykes Road/Dundee Road junction. Traffic would be less of a problem in the city centre. However some councillors wanted it to be in the centre of Dundee and that is what happened.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. I suspect the business people in Dundee who funded the councillors activities in the 1960s had a personal interest in it.

              Liked by 1 person

  7. Pics 2 & 5 – Lucozade and Gibb’s Dentifrice bring memories of a couple of childhood hospitalisations. When it came to flavour, Lucozade had the edge.

    Pic 11 – wild guess but I’m going for Piccadilly Circus because the name is on the picture.

    Pic 12 – the repellent Maggie Thatcher and interviewer Robin Day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. Sorry to bring back memories of hospital, Andi. 😦

      First prize to you for being able to read Piccadilly Circus. 🙂

      And a million apologies for having Thatcher on the blog. Feel free to throw eggs!


  8. no 7 is a trolleybus, an AEC 661-T (based on the early AEC Regent chassis) with English Electric body, new in 1934 to London Transport.
    no 16 is “Dingwall High St on a wet August in 1982!”.
    The bus is a Highland Omnibuses Ford R192 (from 1972) with a Willowbrook bus body.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. dunno, but their carrot cake and empire biscuits (if you’ll excuse the terminology 😉) look extremely yuuuummy
        as for the pie (bottom right), I’ll let you know in a minute…


          1. Talking of which, I just went to Tesco to get some slates for the garden.

            And they have union jacks all over the place and big signs saying some thing about Happy and Glorious.

            IN DUNDEE for heaven’s sake. They are brave.


              1. Ha ha ha ha ha….

                We is weird!!!!

                No, decorative slates for a patch of the garden. I went to B&Q first and three bags were £27,00… or should I say £27:0s:0d

                But I had seen them in supermarkets for £3.50 a bag or £9 for 3 bags… So I headed over to Tesco.

                And I got a bottle of gin too, which I’d never have got in B&Q!!!

                Liked by 1 person

          2. 😜
            I’m partial to a ‘double-shortbread’ myself – the ones you in small independent (😂) bakeries can be different class to the standard supermarket variety – crunchy shortbread, thick jam filling, a layer of icing and a jube-jube on top!
            I’m feeling peckish now.
            Sadly the pie was a standard scotch pie, I’ve tasted better.
            anorak rating 3/5.

            Liked by 1 person

  9. Like the Vauxhall from the mid 30’s probably a 14hp maybe a cadet, used later by Opel.

    The Morris van is an 8, much used by the Post Office, remember them with Rubber front wings, fenders for Danny, never painted just black rubber.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The Austin 12 I owned and ran was the car to stop the rangerovers in their track in case I should wreck them, they normally bully the reast of us.

        we’re resetting the month, next month is April and we’re returning to Imperial measures says

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah. I’m not sure he’s thought this through.

          No one under 50 understands most imperial measurements. But I guess they are going to have to start teaching Distance, Capacity, Weights, in Imperial as well as in metric, because really, only an idiot would chose to use a system so hopelessly complex when there is an easier one which most of the population already knows.

          I suspect children will either have to start school a 3, or stay on till they are 20 to learn all this extra stuff.

          What a total buffoon he is.

          What’s next? Re-introduce Latin and Greek into the curriculum?


            1. LOL You better get him some more, Dave.

              It’s terrible to be without.

              I wonder if they will bring back 6d bits and 3d bits and farthings?


              1. Well, it might make you forget that you’re going to have to relearn to count in 240 pennies to the pound… and what will they call them, New Old Pennies?

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Aye Dave, the Vauxhall looks like an R-Type 20-60 from the late 1920s. The fluting at the top of the grill running into the edges of the bonnet are a pointer.
      I took the van to be a Fordson, the E83W Thames half-tonner.
      Grill and full sized mudguards with the lights mounted on top are the right shape but in the stripped-down condition it appears in here there’s not a lot of detail to be certain.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. My thought was Morris as the Fordsons I’v seen had the vertical style and larger, this looks like a cheaper stle.
    Like most manufacturers the vans were sometimes really cup down versions of the car styles.
    I won’t angue, just my first guess from memory.
    The Vauxhall would probably run all day at 40mph if you could find roads to do that speed.
    Used to own a n Austin 12 of 1934, similar style had a bombproof engine and running gear.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. No.1 an excellent refurb job. Quite a powerful and useful machine, with it’s PTO at the rear. This Lamborghini was 40hp (I had to look that up) a UK competitor would be the Bristol crawler with 16hp or a 20hp version. I liked these small tracked units, though I never came across a working Lamborghini. They give low ground pressure, slow but huge traction without slippage which gives less soil damage. The useful grass tyres and the wee front birly wheel on the imaged one would be used for transport and taken off when working. With 40hp and transport tyres, it may have had a higher gear for a bit more speed on smooth roads, would still only be about 15mph. No such speeds from the Bristol, you had wooden slats that fitted to the tracks to help stop damage to roads.
    Recognised a few of the others and Dingwall. Visited the bakery, it has a cafe at the back, visited more than once so not too bad.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, I had forgotten that you would know first hand about tractors, which have now become a regular feature on All Our Yesterdays.

      We may rely on you in future weeks.

      The stuff in the Dingwall café/bakers looked quite tasty.

      We went to Dingwall once, a long time ago and missed that.

      It seemed mostly to be closed!


      1. The coffee stop we now use when over in Dingwall is a farm cafe along the old Evanton road that runs along the north side of the firth but a field or two higher than the new A9 route.

        Liked by 1 person

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