And Jacob Rees Mogg said this: “This ought to close this matter. There is a war on and the Prime Minister, supported by the Chancellor, provides the leadership the nation needs.”

Yes Jake, there is a war on… as people say, but in fact Britain is not in that war. We have a side, but we are not at war. This Dad’s Army stuff is just pathetic.

When we have actually been at war, we have changed prime ministers, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in the Gulf war…etc. Indeed, your own party got rid of Margaret Thatcher while the Gulf war was going on and, while we were involved in a war in Syria, your people voted against Theresa May in a vote of no confidence.

So your arguments on loyalty to the prime minister when at war fall flat on their butts.

Also, I put it to you that a man who is at a party but doesn’t know it’s a party (there being cake, drink, singing and jollity gives a big clue) is probably far from the best person to lead the country at any time, wars or no wars.

I think Nicola Sturgeon has it right (below).

The horrific suffering of people in Ukraine really is not an excuse for letting, what even the Met have decided was illegal activity, go.

It’s so disrespectful to their dead, just as partying while our people were dying was.

How, in heaven’s name, could anyone use this as an excuse?

Moreover he lied, not once but many times, to the Press, the Commons (breaking the ministerial code…a resigning offence as even Douglas Ross would tell you) as well as to the people of this union.

Douglas Ross MP MSP

Lying to Parliament and breaking the Ministerial Code is a straight red, even in the most lenient referee’s book.

Clearly, we are not cracking down on us, chaps…
Even the “Scots”man says.


  1. There are similarities between Johnson and Putin.
    Both see lies as being the normal means of communication and both feel completely impregnable to criticism.
    Putin through his state controlled Soviet style apparatus and Johnson through his 80 seat majority.
    Johnson’s carefully timed visit to Kiev was clearly designed to deflect from his criminal behaviour and give the Tory faithful an excuse for continuing to support him.
    However,should Johnson fail to get a good result in the May elections and Putin fail to make significant military successes before his May day parade,they will probably both be toast.
    Both despicable human beings.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. It is unbelievable the brass neck sturgeon has re calling out ANYONE for lying , you only have to watch her performance at the HR enquiry and her don’t knows and can’t recalls to realise sturgeon only has to open her mouth to speak and she is lying

    WHY are all the political parties and politicians who publicly proclaim their outrage NOT taking bozo and richy rich to court for the constant lies and denials issued by them during covid about partygate to parliament , and WHY are they NOT exposing and vilifying the CONSERVATIVE PARTY for their gross ineptitude and contempt of parliament and the electorate by NOT publicly SACKING these corrupt clowns , they should NOT even be given the chance to resign

    And WHY are the broadcasters and msm FAILING to highlight the outrage that should be felt against these corrupt liars for CONSTANTLY ,REPEATEDLY and DELIBERATELY LYING about partygate

    WILL HOYLE the speaker who insists the word LIAR cannot be used against a member be sufficiently outraged at the clowns to ban them from the HOP or will they still be able to be addressed as the right honourable member , when CLEARLY they are anything but


    1. Well, added to that there’s the war in Yemen that he must superintend… And there’s always another war coming up somewhere in the world.

      I fear he will be here forever and ever… or until Carrie gets fed up with being first lady.


  3. Rules for the rich and powerful, are laws for everyone else, in places like the UK and Russia.

    Johnson’s visit to Ukraine was quite bizzarre, he must have been flown in via the military and been there for an hour with a couple of camera’s for his walkabout
    in the same suit he wears in the commons, and just why? Also no idea why Zelensky agreed to meet the guy, given how Johnson has close ties with Russia. What did he offer Ukraine to get Zelensky to agree to the visit. Johnson used Zelensky and the horrific war being waged by Russia for his own political gain. Can’t get much lower than that.

    Scotland needs to disaccociate itself from the English government and the UK pronto, everything about the English cabal in power is toxic.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I was talking to a pal who works for the BBC last night; he said that when ministers go out and about, they take their own camera crew so they’re in charge of output – no unflattering footage released – and there’s no pesky journalists asking them awkward questions.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Dear heavens… they have theor own hairdressers and their own photographers and now their own camera crew.

        I expect they have their pet interviewers, which will be why Channel Four is to be binned!


  4. The Welsh secretary says that the Rwandan government’s record on human rights are improving so we’re going to send Male asylum seekers there for processing.

    This is to hit the people smugglers who charge huge money to send them across the channel.

    Do we really want to be part of this?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Has Rwanda been asked about this this time.

      I seem to recall that the last timne someone came up with that scheme the Rwandan Embassy pointed out that they hadn’t been consulted.

      And why just “male” asylum seekers? What are they going to do with the women?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ve just see the pictures of Patel going to Rwanda.

      God… they are serious!

      I wonder how much they WE are paying for this. And of course, because they organised it, there will be two men, a table and some crisps and it won’t work.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They will no doubt be paying some folks in Rwanda for this out of the people of the Uk peoples’ pockets. I wonder how much it’s costing, aside the fact it’s inhumane and is it not illegal under international law? What am I thinking! the Tories don’t follow the law, anywhere.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. We, the public, are being played, like violins, by the establishment.
    The announcement by the Met, during a Parliamentary recess, the sudden visit to Ukraine (as ArtyHetty notes in his suit!!), and the co-ordinated Tory MPs defence of this pathetic PM – basically to protect their own jobs – all points to us being ‘used’. As for the Daily Heil headline about ‘a war on’, vomit inducing!
    If we don’t get on with IndyRef and get out from under this woeful ‘union’ then we really are all doomed!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Daily Mail is pretty predictable.

      The Daily Express leads with “I will do better for Britain”.

      But he won’t. He’s been a lair and a cheat all his life and in late middle age is hardly likely to change now.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Here’s an idea for doris.

    If you want to by-pass the people traffickers why not
    Just send the aircraft to Calais and bring them over in less than an hour.
    Save you billions from sending them to Rwanda.for a 9 month holiday..
    Are the Welsh people happy to have simon hart as their secretary of state.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. The strange case of the tory party moving into ‘People Trafficking’

    The traffickers in Calais collect money from the asylum seekers and give them a plastic boat for the money.

    The party of bussines in the uk provide help to save the asylum seekers from drowning in the channel and now are going to transport them at huge cost 5000 miles away by aircraft.

    All to deflect us from the fines to come for the tory party in drowning street.

    I’m deflected by the horror.
    As others have said ‘What’s the difference between a Syrian or Yemeny asylum seeker and a Ukrainian where I would get £350 a week to look after them.

    Was horrified to hear Politics Joe interview englanders say move on.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I watched a youtube video by CNN earlier called ‘meet the kids of the Kremlin’. It’s about Putin’s daughters and his right hand men’s daughters living the lavish western lifestyle while Putin calls the west immoral and inhinged and everything bad that his country and people would never aspire to. The description of a kleptocracy describes the Tory cabal off to a t! Who really pulls the strings in the running of the so called UK, namely the cabal in power at WM, we probably do not know the half of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Correct, we don’t (and never will) know the half of it.
      The UK is bombarded with propaganda, where everything must be preceded with “Great British”, and the ‘glorious past’ celebrated!!!
      Until the BBC is truly an independent broadcaster, we have little chance – why do so many in the south of England revel in this joke of a government?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Sopunds interesting.

      I’ll watch tonight.

      Remember that the Andrew who used to be a royal highness was pretty close with some of the ex-Soviet stats’ dictators and their lavish lifestyles.


  9. Hi Tris can I ask if you removed my comment highlighting the hypocrisy of sturgeon calling out johnstone for his lies and his breaching of the ministerial code , if so is the site against exposing the truth or is it only unionists who lie and are involved in corruption whereas our FM is as pure as the driven snow or her lies and corruption is acceptable because of who she is supposed to be

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL…COP26.

      Yeah that was a laugh.

      Remember when he said Nicola Sturgeon couldn’t attend it in her own city in her own country? Stupid prat.

      And he wanted to see Union Jacks all over the place? So we put saltires everywhere. Stupid prat.

      And he wanted to make a big speech and be world leading? As it. Stupid prat bumbled on about Greek mythology and everyone fell asleep,

      And he spoiled it even more by arriving at a climate change conference from 300 miles away in a private jet… and then leaving to go to an all male party in London at night, again in a private jet, then getting drunk and returning the next day to fall asleep, maskless, sitting next to David Attenborough… Stupid prat.

      While, in the meantime, Nicola Sturgeon was there, making contacts with presidents, prime ministers, ambassadors and representatives from all over the world.

      It must have really boiled Johnson’s blood to see pictures of her talking to Angela Merkel, Joe Biden, etc, and the only publicity Tubby got out of it was a picture of him disrespecting the conference and a “national treasure”. Stupid prat.

      It was all about that, but at the end of the day, he couldn’t stay off the booze for long enough to make an intelligent contribution.
      I think he’s a stupid prat.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This government is one of the most horrendous on record. As a country we need to send them a message at the local elections – tactical voting to remove as many of these parasites as possible!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don;t think there is much doubt that, unless he is gone in short order, the council elections will be catastrophic for them.

      It will be interesting to see what Douglas Ross thinks of his fall from grace with the ERG.

      Will he stick with “not while there’s a war on” or will be ditch that to court popularity and revert to his previous position.

      No principles.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You’ll like this:

      “Conservative MP Alexander Stafford says we should forgive Boris Johnson ‘as a Christian country’, days after the prime minister led an attack on the Archbishop of Canterbury.”

      Adam Bienkov

      TBH and with no disrespect, is England a Christian country? I mean, unless you force people into a religious belief, is that even possible… ?

      Liked by 1 person

        1. To be honest, I’ve never understood how a country can have a religion, unless of course you force that religion people whether they believe it or not.

          And even then, of course, it is a pretend “whatever” country.

          People tend to attribute a lot of things to “Christians”, but it would be fair to say that many other religions have exactly the same tenets.

          We have Christian foodbanks and Muslim foodbanks in Dundee. Temples have been opened to take in victims of disasters and a Jewish friend of mine works tirelessly for charity. It doesn’t make him a christian.

          I have no religion, but I hope that I react to pleas for help in a way that might get me described as “christian” although it’s not.

          I remember Cameron telling us we were a Christian country… He that offshored his money to avoid tax.

          The queen is the head of the English church and she tells us that she has always tried to live her life in accordance with the teachings of Christ.

          And although I was force fed that stuff for 13 years at school, I’ve yet to find where it says “thou shalt live with thy family in a multitude of palaces and castles furnished and decorated with priceless artifacts, have a private plane and racehorses and a helicopter to take you from house to house, and thou shalt pay off your nonce son’s debts incurred with young girls he’d never met. No sweat.

          Liked by 1 person

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