It was certainly a stab at being popular. Loads of kids didn’t want to wear face masks in class and loads of parents didn’t want them to have masks on all day. Who can blame them? But with the weather too cold to open windows there really was no alternative..
… as Boris Johnson’s government soon found out. So the question is, if the Scottish Tories didn’t want face masks to be worn in Scotland when the English government didn’t mandate them, how does he feel about them being worn now when the English have mandated them? Has he changed his mind? If so, why.. and on what scientific evidence? Does he not accept the advice of the Scottish government’s health advisors? Are only English opinions on viruses worth having?

And this is far from the only thing over which the Scottish Tories are looking rather silly.

One of their MSPs was complaining indignantly the other day about advice from the Scottish health authorities to only go to Accident and Emergency Dept if it was a life threatening situation. (In fact, at any time the A&E is not for a cut knee or a sore throat. There are always other options for that.)

However, it must be a little embarrassing that English hospitals are asking exactly the same thing, indeed they are telling people not to expect an ambulance to take them there, but get a taxi… although it’s not clear what you do if you can’t afford the taxi fare.

I can’t help thinking that if they tried to actually be a real opposition party instead of simply finding fault with absolutely EVERYTHING that the government does, Douglas Ross and his branch office might earn themselves some credit.

As it is…

13 thoughts on “OOOPS!”

  1. Alas, I cannot say that any part of the post was life-affirming. It did, however, reaffirm that the Tories in Scotland are a bunch, a shower, a pack of no-hopers who can’t aspire even to mediocrity. If I were British or a Unionist or a Tory myself, I’d be mortified by them. As it is, they have all the charm and invigoration of a car crash on the other side of the motorway.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Alas, Munguin keeps the life affirmation stuff for Sundays, Ed.

      I think that governments work better for us lesser beings when there is a strong and good government party and a strong and good opposition, opposing where appropriate and supporting where appropriate.

      But this opposition isn’t about doing the best for Scotland or the Scottish people.

      It’s shameful and I wish we could stop paying them for such poor quality work.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. There would seem to be a pattern in all this Tory public school attendance.
      ie. The bright entitled young Tory gits go on to life in the city, making huge pots of cash. The dull entitled young Tory gits go into politics, making huge pots of cash. Not only for themselves but mostly for the bright entitled Tory gits by way of institutional corruption.

      As for Tory gits who go into politics and didn’t go to public school, well they’re just gits.

      There has to be a whole nature/nurture debate in there somewhere. It’s just a shame that we the sheeple allow the dull and witless to front the billionaires/corporations pulling the strings. It probably says more about our herd mentality than anything else.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Some folk are really swift with wordplay Derek.

        I spotted a beauty, in a Guardian comments section, this morning. In response to someone calling Trumpists the “American Taliban”, some quick-witted soul came up with:

        Y’all Qaeda.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Similarly ha ha ha ha ha from me, Tris. I have forwarded the one about Novax Deportovic to my Aussie ex in Oz.

            On a less happy note, my old friend’s father in Kenya, who’s been in isolation for over two weeks now for COVID but was supposed to be out on the 2nd, has taken a turn for the worse and is on his way to ICU. He’d only had one dose of vaccine, and the medics have said he’d probably be dead already if he hadn’t had it. So fingers crossed. I help as I can.

            I’m putting that last gobbet of information out in public because I am so sick of people who refuse to accept the reality of this pandemic, and the simple fact that diseases mutate – particularly when loads of people refuse to get vaccinated, for whatever insane, illogical or just plain stupid reason, so that they can be walking Petri dishes for the bug to grow and mutate and do its whole Darwinistic evolution thing. So let no one in my presence, on line or otherwise, dare try to tell me it’s not deadly serious.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I completely agree.

              It’s a terrible inconvenience not being abloe to go to the match or do all the things you want to do, but my friends, who are medical doctors would assure them that being in ICU with a ventilator down yer throat is even more inconvenient.

              I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s dad.
              Fingers crossed for him.


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