BOSF Orangutan Releases: Manisha Makes a Marvelous Mother! - Orangutan  Outreach
1. Morning all.
2. Hello. My name is Stanley and I showed up in a village in Bulgaria. I’d had an accident with a car and I had a limp. But the nice peoples there took me to the vet and I got my leg fixed. Now they think I should travel to the UK (I think dogs are allowed to ignore Brexit) and find a forever home. But don’t worry, there are expert travel agents here looking into that.
3. We’re possums. Sweet, huh?
4. That’s very forward!!!
5. What do you have to do to get some service around here?
6. Tell me about it. Just shocking service you get these days!
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7. You might say I was in the pink.
8. YES?
9. You wouldn’t deny me elevenses, surely, even if it’s only half past nine?
10. Snug as a dug in a (sheepskin) rug.
11. Although I’m wondering why he has to wear that silly t-shirt!
Talat Sao Bus Terminal, Vientiane | DestiMap | Destinations On Map
12. Vientiane, Laos. Taxi for Munguin.
13. Ol’ Blue Eyes? That’s me.
Mr McKenzie was called out for this carpet python. Picture: Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers / Facebook
14. Eeeeek, snake hunter down under. Also, for everyone except DonDon, here’s his story which involves a massive spider!
15. As Munguin always says, when in Rome… stand on one leg.
16. Well, let’s be fair, it’s not like it was the Botanic Gardens, is it?
17. So we went up to Glamis and found a great walk past this amazing waterfall… and there was a guy at the bottom of it raking around in the water. Turns out he was removing rubbish which people had dumped. He isn’t employed to do it; he just does it because he is a good guy.
18. Nice that they have central heating in this house, eh?
19. Room for a little one?
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20. So, is that you away then? Well, thanks for dropping by. Munguin always enjoys visitors as long as they don’t stay too long! See you next week.


Murmuration of starlings.

Thanks to Quokka, Dave A, John and Kay for the pics they sent in.

35 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. News about the spider and the snake in the Australian bedroom reached Kansas City last week. What’s worse than a giant spider at the head of your bed? A giant snake at the foot! It’s a wonder that anyone in Australia lives to maturity.

    The article says that the people saw the snake…..closed the bedroom door…….and then phoned a snake catcher the NEXT DAY!!!! Seriously? The next day?

    Surely the wiser plan of action would have been to call the fire department and burn the house down. But as the video shows, the conversation was casual, and the snake catcher released both critters in the back yard.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So the next time I’ve a spider in the bedroom I’ve to get it to jump onto a baseball cap and extricate it outside? I usually do it with a bit of paper though tbf my spiders aren’t as big!

      “It’s a wonder that anyone in Australia lives to maturity.”

      They don’t. I mean some of them might be older, but maturity πŸ™‚

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Even if the Aussies manage to escape the spiders and snakes, there are salt water crocs who can swallow you whole.
        Good point about maturity! πŸ˜‰

        The lady said she’d planned to spray the spider with Raid, but then the snake guy figured out the baseball cap trick.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Danny: ” . . . there are salt water crocs”. And don’t forget the great white sharks!

          ” . . . the baseball cap trick”. When I’m feeling very brave, I use an old glass coffee jug. It doesn’t work if the beastie is in the corner, though.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. DonDon……Yes, I forgot about the sharks. The poor Aussies can’t even enjoy a day at the beach.

            Spiders and bugs are smart. You almost never find them on smooth solid horizontal surfaces where they can be captured or swatted. They’re always in corners or on lamp shades!

            Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL……Always good to have an escape plan!

        People are pretty safe in Scotland. Not even the occasional passing rattlesnake. Maybe an Adder from time to time. πŸ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

    2. In the 1970s when I was in London an old family friend had a pet snake which was called Bubbles. It was very long snake but harmless. The family friend was a bit batty and actually wrapped the snake around her and took it out for walks. Strange to see the head of the snake poking out of her coat.

      One Sunday morning she took the snake out and travelled by underground to visit a relative. When she was reading she hadn’t noticed the snake had moved. The snake used to like looking at your face. After a few visits I got used to it.
      A man next to her was reading his newspaper and was suddenly horrified to find a snake looking at him with the snake’s tongue going in and out of its mouth. The train had stopped at a station and he screamed “There is a snake on the train.”. Being a Sunday the carriage wasn’t busy but his cry emptied the carriage bar her. She realised what had happened and got the snake back around her waist and sat tight. A worried underground worker came in to investigate. He asked her if she had seen a snake, which she replied, “what? On the London Underground!”. Passengers got back on the train. She hoped Bubbles wouldn’t move until the train arrived at her stop.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Marcia……Great story! But one I’m glad that I didn’t participate in.
        ” A bit batty” may be understating it just a tad. πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  2. On a spider theme

    And a SS tribute to Betty White. Betty was offered a part in “As good as it gets” but there was a scene where a puppy is thrown down a shaft and she wouldn’t do the film unless the scene was removed, it wasn’t and and she didn’t.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Those were lovely, a real balm for the soul. I’m sure Stanley will find a home soon. I loved the cub with the big blue eyes. The dug in a (sheepskin) rug was adorable – bet they think it’s a lamb.

    Gorgeous orangs to start and finish – that’s the stuff!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Also off topic, but it speaks of the friendship between our two countries which still exists today.


      1. Up until fairly recently Scots had automatic French citizenship and vice versa.

        “By French law, a Scotsman born before 1907 still possesses the full rights and privileges of Franco-Scottish nationality.”

        Hey Emmanuel any chance you could reinstate that for those of us post 1907? If nothing else it would really piss off Les Anglais.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. OT
    Shouldn’t spoil SS.
    With a report of 160,000 new cases for englandland a government stooge says the data shows there is NO NEED for any lockdown.
    Remind me, It’s Sunday and Bank Holiday weekend.
    Javid says we just have to live with the virus, lockdown a last resort.
    They’re bringing back Nightinggale Light test cities, light because there is No staff.
    Media ull of nonsense, huge numbers of Scots and Welsh crossing the borders to participate in freedom to incubate the next variant.
    Some lovely sights on the site today, thanks for remining us that ‘Don’t Look UP’ might be a useful data source.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I saw this earlier:
      ITV News
      A hospital trust in England has said it is ‘unable to maintain safe staffing levels’ leading to ‘compromised care’ at the heath care centres it covers
      Covid: Hospitals declare ‘critical incident’ amid ‘unprecedented’ staff absences | ITV News
      The United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust said it is “unable to maintain safe staffing levels” due to Covid, leading to “compromised care” at its sites. | ITV National News

      So if you live in Lincolnshire, you can’t count on hospital treatment.

      That’s what it’s come to.

      Glad you enjoyed the sites.

      Apparently Octopuses are really clever… Maybe a few of them would like to join the English cabinet.


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