At the risk of being accused to fixing on Airmiles, I couldn’t resist highlighting this car crash interview that the bumbling head of police in England did for LBC.

Incidentally, I’m pretty sure that she will find that he IS, to all intents and purposes, above the law.


      1. We had quite a few Sikh friends in Tanzania. When we went to social events with them or round to their houses the men would eat meat and plenty of whisky was consumed, and we women would have vegetarian food and no alcohol. Though I was allowed to eat meat if I wished (I could also have had whisky, but I don’t like it!).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. From what I can understand is prohibited in Sikhism. Baptised Sikhs are forbidden from drinking but some non-baptised Sikhs do consume alcohol.


  1. Just listened to that excuse for a police officer, remember she was in charge of the Brazilian that was murdered by her officers on the tube.
    Nothing to be investigated as nothing happened in englandland, didn’t the girl travel here and wasn’t going to check the protection officer’s reports, aye right, nothing found because they chose not to look.
    Another was the ex diplomat who was giving his advice on Afghanistan and the levels of corruption in the government there, it must be stopped.
    The flounder retired troops just last month and now 600 are going back.
    Pret a sandwich cuts the wages of staff on the living wage by not paying for break time, sounds like the 1800’s and the sacking of workers.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, I remember that. The stupid woman went to the wrong briefing room.

      She’s even more of a stutterer than Johnson.

      Utterly useless.

      Dame of the British Empire? Jeeez.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. It would be quite nice, though, if they could, just occasionally, find one of their own to look after, that wasn’t an incompetent waste of space.


    1. A kinda love, Niko?

      LOL… Yeah, maybe. I really LOVE hating people who prey on young or vulnerable folk…

      Especially those who are so powerful they cock a snoot at ordinary people and ordinary rules.

      Also, I think that showing up that waste of space police chief is worthwhile.

      How many times is she going to get it disastrously wrong before they boot her sorry ass out of the door.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. BUTT
    Gurkhas go on hunger strike for equal pensions.
    UK service persons are looked after at Erskine hospital, a charity.
    Descendants of Windrush deported to a country they have never lived in without covid testing.
    Migrants rescued from La Manche.
    A footballer signs a contract for £25milion.
    An employee of the UK embassy sels documents to the Russian Government for cash.
    Non exam results top 110% high passes this year no mention of how much of the curriculum was covered.
    Curry’s offer HGV drivers a £1500 sign on fee.
    The soldiers that were going to deliver goods to supermarkets are going to Afghanistan to do embassy removals.
    Don’t you see that we would be better doing our own decisions?
    The Lord of the Flies government is on holidays.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. To think in the 60s, in the job, we used to call Jack Warner, “Doxon of Dick Green”. Seems appropriate nowadays, although as Dave points out, this waste of space was Gold Commander on the day that John Charles de Menezes was killed.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. They couldn’t/didn’t prosecute the Monarch’s husband for serious driving offences let alone one of her offspring.
    They are above the law.
    I deluded myself, in that respect that Scotland was different but recent revelations have dispelled that illusion.
    Not only are they above the law but they make the law or rather veto it when it suits.
    The Queen isn’t going to allow her favourite son to be extradited by a bunch of former colonials and will ensure that her government complies with her wishes.
    If we want no one in Scotland to be above the law then we have to get the feudalistic British state off our backs and create a written constitution which guarantees that principle.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It seems that, although royal prerogative is normally used with the consent of the government(s), it is actually law that anything to do with the royal family is above the level of government and dealt with my the monarch.

      Because the constitution is reserved to Westminster, the three lesser countries have no say in how that is managed. So it is all in the incapable hands of Westminster and Johnson.

      So the queen has the right to have her people examine bills before any parliament which could impact upon her personally or on her family. For some obscure reason so does the prince of Wales (although you would have though it would all have been covered by the monarch).

      The queen appears to be untouchable in law because in all the countries of the UK (and probably more) she represents the law. The Crown versus x.

      Philip wasn’t charged with dangerous driving when he drove out of his grounds in front of someone in England causing an accident and injuries.


      I wonder if the FBI or the New York courts want to talk to him and he still refuses to go, what will happen.

      In the meantime, as I’ve said before, if he is, as he says, innocent, why not go to America and sort it out? His refusal to talk to the police, because he can, because of who his mother is, is damning.


    2. Shugmeister
      If Prince Andrew is innocent, he would have access to the best lawyers in the land who would have no trouble proving his case.
      If he refuses to contest, and a default guilty judgment is passed, it renders the British Monarchy unfit for purpose.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Anne Sacoolas, wife of US diplomat, charged with dangerous driving in death of Harry Dunn

    She has not come to a British court to face a judge and she is not royalty.

    Oh and am I right in thinking that two of the events did not take place on US Soil?

    What is the age of consent in these places? Do the local or US laws apply?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure what happened to her, Wasn’t Dominic Raab supposed to be sorting that out?

      I think that the woman in the York case was trafficked to England from the US when she was 17. Under English law she would have been of legal age for sex, but not to be trafficked. I think that it was the trafficking that is the crime not having sex with an underage person.

      The age of consent across the US is 18, but some states have variations (like with parental consent as there used to be in England). I think at that time in New York she would have been legal as the age of consent there was quite low (14, I think, but possibly with parental consent).

      Anyway, Airmiles will be safe in Balmoral. No one will touch him while the queen is with him. In the meantime, the pompous ass can, with the rest of his appalling family, shoot our wild life.

      Guns for birds and stags, says Munguin.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Loved reading that article.
        Someone with No known income gets a £13million mortgage for a wee cottage in Switzerland.
        Seems to be that we will pay the compensation to the woman if she’s awarded damages.
        See the Angus Macneil clip of him asking the flounder who would be responsible for food and driver shortages is becoming prominent.
        Oh dear, the team gb athlete has produced a suspect drugs test, will the media be caling for the team to be excluded from the next event?, no didn’t think so.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I suspect his mother gave him the money out of the dosh she gets every year for being the Duke of Lancaster (on top of her Civil list money). At £20 million per annum, which she has had since 1952…ie 69+years (total at today’s value +/- £1.4 billion), it would be like me buying Munguin a bar of Dairy Milk!

          She must be keeping him out of that money as she had to sack him from all royal duties.. and presumably from money from the Civil List and he has his ex-wife (not cheap and no Epstein to bail her out) and the two holiday princesses to keep… yes, I know they are married but lord knows how on earth could their husbands afford to keep them, even with grace and favour residences?

          I wouldn’t think that he’s cheap to keep. After all, he’s the guy who, coming back late for doing whatever it is that these sort of people do when they are out late, finding the back gates to Windsor Great Park to be locked… and feeling disinclined to drive around to the front gates, just drove his/our range rover through the gates, leaving someone (us) to repair them.

          As my granny would say, I’d rather keep him a week than a fortnight.

          I see the troops were brought in to deliver food. Apparently they don’t get Covid pings. But now they are going back to Afghanistan.

          So maybe Andrew would like to volunteer to drive a lorry. No sweat.


  5. Meantime the ‘Living Wage’ is to rise by 2%, pity the inflation rate is forecast to be 4%. We realise that next month’s published rate will be 1.8% as September’s published rate sets the pension rise.
    So to pay for the cash for pals we all get to have a reduction in standard of living.
    Sunak says that we can’t afford the extra UC uplift to continue, maybe that’s because there will be nothing on the shelves to buy, a billionaire says you should get yourself a better paid job.
    In my area a litre of unleaded fuel is £1.40, this is a 30% rise since the start of the year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I’ve no idea where they get that inflation figure… out of their backsides, I wouldn’t wonder.

      If we can’t afford a UC uplift how can we afford the railway which will only now go from London to Birmingham, cost many many billions, cause untold disruption and, in the end, shave only 10 minutes off the journey?

      And why are we again sending troops to Afghanistan? What difference will they make?

      How can we afford a First Lady Yacht and a First Lady Plane?

      If we can’t afford to feed our poorest, how can we call ourselves a G7 economy?


  6. OT,
    A new poll has been published by the Sunday Telegraph in Scottish Independence.
    Seems that 40% of the population would not vote for Indy If the SNP wish to join the Euro and ditch the Pound.
    The Sunday Telegraph has a recorded distribution in Scotland of around 11,000.
    The question they asked was ‘If voting Tomorrow how likely are you to vote for indy IF’

    If the SNP don’t get the message out on currency this could be a big problem.
    Yes their policy seems to be to rejoin the EU and to agree to moving to the Euro when conditions allow.
    The Scottish population at the brexit vote did return 60% wishing to remain.
    The push for the independence seems to be dying out with the vaccination programme finishing.

    The media are not going to help, they will continue to peddle false news to suit westmonster.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I dont remember anyone seriously suggesting we would use the €, although in my opinion, it would probably be a safer bet than the pound which has a dubious future.

      Anyone reading the Telegraph is NEVER going to vote for independence no matter what we used as currency.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We couldn’t use the € initially anyway, as countries have to have had their own stable currency for some years prior to joining it. To be an independent country, I think that it’s best to have your own currency. Denmark and Sweden do just fine.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Exactly, we could use groats first.
          The problem for me is that people think that their pound pension will be lost, not true, I have 2 brothers in Australia who get the pension they accumulated before emigrating, certainly it is fixed at the rate when they became 65, a fix by the uk goernment that applies annual inflation rises to other countries but not Australia.
          Reading that Gurka soldiers get small pensions compared to similar levels of uk staff.

          We can all relax now, patel has taken on the security duties given up by brokenshire who has lung cancer.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sorry to hear about Brokenshire. He had cancer before but had seemingly recovered.

            I think after the fuss on social media, they decided to appoint a replacement for him.


            The fact that Patel committed Treason when she met a foreign government 12 times in uncleared rooms, without the knowledge of her own prime minister or any officials from her department and then lied through her teeth about it, must have been a step too far even for Johnson.


        2. As do many others. Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland. Also the EEA countries of Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein don’t use it.

          They will come out with the … but you have to take it when your economy matches the € zone economy. But there is n legal obligation to ever do that, or try to do that, or admit that you have done it.


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