
Don’t worry though, people. She is only accepting the peerage and the title, and the money, so that she can abolish this embarrassing pantomime relic of the Rees Mogg century. Don’t, however, hold your breath.

Scots react to Baroness Davidson taking her seat in the House of Lords |  The National
Ruth Davidson joins House of Lords as ex-Scots Tory leader introduced as Baroness  Davidson of Lundin Links
The Baroness - Ruth Davidson - Photos | Facebook


  1. “She is only accepting the peerage and the title, and the money, so that she can abolish this embarrassing pantomime relic of the Rees Mogg century”

    Aye just like all them Labour lords that planned to do the same! Even if they originally did, they soon get to love the London life and the subsidised “canteen” that is better than the Common’s one. Settling down… Unfortunately I’ve seen signs of too many of the SNP MPs settling down too!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Boke boke boke. Why are Scotland’s pro-indy politicians still faffin’ aboot in the Westminster cesspit? English/British nationalists are crapping all over Scotland and they’re doing nothing about it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve often been tempted to go for a complete withdrawal from Westminster, like Sinn Fein.

      They pretty well ignore everything we say and do there anyway. All that we get out of it is the possibility that one of them will come back with the virus, given that they are stopping wearing masks and distancing.


  3. I think it would be better if from today that no-one tweets or posts anything of the woman in the story. What exactly are her achievements? She is a media-driven entity, nothing else. Out of sight, out of mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agree,
      This non person has done nothing to have 40 years of the easy life given to her.
      Heard our colonial masters are going to reduce the training and licencing requirements for HGV drivers.

      The blindness of the ruling clases when their political dogma limits their solution to common problems.
      Who in the Universe would devolve decision and law making to a party of sycophants?
      We need a better system.
      The big flounder says it’s freedom day for the virus. Got to a night club until September THEN you get in unless you have been vaccinated, this is nonsense unless you are determined to spread the virus.
      Near enough 50,000 new positives reported.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. You are right. I don’t think she achieved anything. Some say she took the Tories from 3rd to 2nd place in our parliament, but I doubt that was her.

      One of the reasons for that was the ever-diminishing Labour vote. Possibly some people from Labour switched to the Tories, but as I recall, Annabel Goldie had a bigger vote that Davidson.

      She was good at getting publicity and of course she was helped in that by her contacts in the BBC where she had previously worked.

      She lost a lot of sympathy at least from women (my Tory friend included) when she said that she would resign after she had the child because she wanted to be a full time mum.

      Of course none of us believed that. We know it was because she was in the Huff about Johnson winning the leadership. My friend said that she had done womanhood a disservice by pretending that she couldn’t be a mother and a high flyer.

      I’m not sure I can promise not to mention her again, because I object to her sitting in a parliament that can affect Scotland… and this is particularly ridiculous when she has not been elected and has taken a stupid title and £300+ a day. I suspect that I will be unable to resist taking the whatsit.

      But you are right. She is a nonentity.


  4. Guess never doing a single solitary surgery for your constituents whilst in office must pay well. In other jobs you’d be fired for not turning up. What a living-thieving piece of shit that woman is.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. She’s always seemed to me to be a bit of a self publicist, but a not too bright one.

      She banged on about the day job, while trotting off for a photo op to Afghanistan to pretend to defuse mines (Diana like) or to be on some british bake off show.

      But surgeries for a constituency MSP? Nah.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Grew up without attention from somebody – parents, same sex, making up for it now with her vapid antics. A real living-stealing lobotomy case.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d actually be quite happy with her ascension to lordly hood if it meant the position would swallow her up and we’d never hear from her again. Unfortunately this is not to be. The lords is merely a springboard, as the establishment finds ever more creative ways to insert her Ruthliness into our lives and bug our happiness even more than it’s currently being bugged. And that’s a lot.

    This is around the time when some bright eyed optimist suggests that these blatant, allegedly unpopular political moves can only convert more people to Indy.

    If your that bright eyed optimist then how’s it working out so far?🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, exactly.

      I have a unionist neighbour (an Englishman) who loathes everything about the British establishment… he is scathing of royalty, lords, Conservatives, class-dominated society… everything very British… But utterly determined against Scottish Independence.

      No matter how bad the Brits are… he still is against the SNP, which in many ways sands for everything he believes.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wow……it’s tough being a lord or lady. Not only do they have to buy Parliament robes, but they’d also need a coronation robe. An inflation-adjusted coronation robe these days costing about £35,000. At least Lords less than Earls were allowed to wear cheaper attire in 1953. It might be nice to be Duke, but I would guess that a Duke suit might be prohibitively expensive. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Niko……Yes it isn’t often that a US Senator is called a liar by a witness, under oath, in an official proceeding; but Dr. Fauci told off the odious eye doctor Rand Paul pretty good yesterday……”officially” he said. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

              1. Me too! Fauci controlled himself amazingly well considering that Paul effectively called him a liar and perjurer. There was a time when Paul was probably the most hated senator in the chamber (by both parties.) Mitch McConnell (the other senator from Kentucky) certainly hated him. But that was before Ted Cruz showed up. 😉

                Liked by 1 person

    1. It is still the stoat that pays the most for the cloak, the dead stoat coat.
      They have some fake fur ones but apparently too few.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Seriously, I thought that by now they would be all fake.

        That truly is disgusting.

        You can only hope they catch something from having a dead animal round their necks and vomit horribly…

        Seriously, the idea that something had to die so that some prat could ponce around like a ****** from the18th century repels me

        Liked by 4 people

  6. I think high time the Scottish parliament had an unelected upper house.
    Everyone in Scotland ( except those that already have a title) should be allowed to be a member and have a vote.
    Every member could be given the title “Citizen”, which being gender neutral would save a lot of fuss about whether to refer to someone as Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Mx etc. It would also solve the current constitutional conundrum about referendums

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sounds like a plan. We’d need a big building. Perhaps that vacant plot opposite parliament would do.

      I think the old lady who has the use of it only uses it about 10 days a year.

      I’m sure we could find her a B&B.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s certainly be kind to her.

      But what we need at the moment is lorry drivers, who don;t mind working far too long, for apparently VERY low wages.

      I wonder if she fancies that?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. what is the required IQ of an englander government minister?
    Over the weekend we witnessed one defending the pilot scheme solution for the chancer and pm, shortly thereafter the u-turn.
    You can go into a night club now but in some weeks hence you will need a vaccination passport, the passport that we weren’t going to have for travel.
    Today we have patel giving the French a bung of £54million to stop boat people from travelling, these poor travellers will be jailed in the uk for Four Years IF caught, then patel says that 60% of the boat people are leaving from Belgium, so how much are we paying them?
    There is no answer really, they are all just following orders.
    Where have we heard that defence before?, didn’t stop them hanging Germans.
    Good job the stop for their holidays very soon, back to funny stories from the tabloids.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s what you get when you have an election and lose all the competent people in your party.

      You are left with ministers who would be over taxed being entertainments convenors in a small local council.

      And they are trying to run the country.

      4th rate would be praising them.

      I struggle to think of one competent or even semi competent minister.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, we will have to be sure to treat her with the respect that a noblewoman deserves… and never let her forget that we know that we are her nobleness’s mere humble and unworthy servants….eh?

      After all…were there to be an independent Scotland she would have to choose to become English or lose her titles and styles because we aren’t overly keen on that kind of nonsense here.

      (thanks to Alan for the heads up on the typo, now corrected.)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I was wondering what to cook for supper, sat down opened MNR and by the time I had reached the comments, decision made. The images of the Baroness of Lundin Links work as an amazing appetite suppressant.
    Another reason to be thankful for MNR, as if we were short of reasons.

    Liked by 1 person

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