With thanks to Dave A and John McD

▷ Orangutan Sanctuary 🦧| Volunteer in Borneo 2020 | Volunteer World
1. OK, so you want in? What’s the Password?
strange animal
2. What’s that odd-looking animal with the silly looking flippers?
lets play
3. Let’s pretend we are film stars.
4. Why did my wisteria not look like that (before it died)?
Blandings turtle
5. You’ll not be saying that when I’m big!
dave albiston aoy
6. So, where you reckon this is? (Tris was wrong).
ss john 3
7. I’ll let John explain the joys of open-air boozing in Bulgaria.
sss john
8 Bloody Bulgarian Bees.
9. The beauty of Pakistan.
10. Opposum bus! No social distancing there!
11. My name’s Joey…
12. I can be big and tough…
13. but I’m also as cute as a button, aren’t I?
kitten what you mean
14. Cute as a button, you say? I don’t think so. Certainly not in comparison to moi!
15. Munguin’s Wygella 
16. Floating island.
17. What do you mean ‘that’s not what it’s for’?
Petition · Defend the Dying Polar Bears ·
18. Loving the Canadian summer!
19. The grounds are all flowery at the moment, which puts a rare smile on Munguin’s wee face.

Baby Orangutans Falling In Love Teaches Us Everything We Need To ...

20. Me and my best buddy are off to play now. You get on with your day and remember, stay safe… 

72 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

      1. Help m’boab. Is there no limit to the erudition on this site?

        We had actually gone to Arenberg Park to see the monstrous flak tower when we spotted this jewel among the surrounding houses.

        Mr Hitler had the idea that after he had won the war the flak towers would be encased in black marble with the names of the fallen inscribed in gold letters. It didn’t work out according to plan.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Nah, Dave, it’s not really erudition. I’m a great fan of Jugendstil/Art Nouveau and I’ve seen a lot of it in many places in Europe over the years. I’ve been to Vienna a couple of times. I remember the flak tower well: it is indeed a monster, particularly squatting as it does amid such beautiful architecture. Interesting about Hitler’s memorials plan for them. The Reich that would last for a thousand years – fell short by quite a bit, eh?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. We had actually gone to Vienna to see the secessionist/jugendstil/art nouveau architecture. They have some beautiful examples. While there we went to see the flak tower. So it was just by chance we saw this apartment block.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Yes, I used to pass it quite regularly in my time in Vienna in the 1980s. A friend of mine actually had a flat in there for a bit, but moved out because she got so sick of people peering in her windows.

                Liked by 1 person

    1. well I picked out the sign was in German which narrowed it down but I wouldn’t have known about Jugendstil – looks lovely. If I’d heard of it I’ve have gone when I was in Wein many years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Ah, there speaks the voice of someone who has worked in Vienna.

      I thought it was Paris… although the stonework is wrong!

      I’m pleased that life is reaffirmed.


  1. is the password cute orangutans? Any lovely stuff. Adored the puppy and the Lion King recreation but I thought that 14 looked a bit too angry to be cute.

    Munguin’s Towers looks lush (as the Welsh would say) so it’s the Wisteria’s loss if it didn’t want to live there! What on earth do they get up to in Bulgaria though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Munguin says he can’t hand out the password to any Tom, Dick or Panda. But he can give you a clue. It has to do with how great Munguin is!

      As for what they do in Bulgaria… John lives there, so it’s anyone’s guess. I’m sure when he arrives he will recount his story.


      1. Lovely stuff, Marcia. Makes me all nostalgic for Scottish beauty spots. But Bulgarian bees are my story of the day. The lamp-post is next to the veranda of our village pub, a few paces from the front door. A swarm of bees decided to make a nest there.

        Stanislava the barmaid was concerned about customers getting stung (never by the price-list) and called one of the village bee-keepers – we have many. He brought an old hive and a smoke gun to encourage them to enter the hive rather than the lamp-post. This they did, but not in any great hurry. He eventually left them to it and came back the next day to fetch the hive – and take home a new colony of honey-makers.

        We have vast fields of cultivated lavender a few kms from our village so honey is plentiful, and delicious. Harvest time is approaching so I hope to get there in the next few days while the fields are still photogenic and show you in SS next week.

        No one got stung in the lamp-post relocation. Beer glasses would normally be an attraction but we were left well alone as we watched the proceedings, despite thick swarms on the pole and much buzzing about.

        But how do the bees drill into a concrete pole to make a nest? Didn’t even realise they were hollow. Ah, holes already there, I learned, either pre-drilled or formed when the concrete is cast, so that brackets can be attached for cables. Of course, makes sense when you think about it.

        Sundowner pints again, now that our lockdown has eased, and a nature study lesson thrown in. Just like SS – life reaffirmed.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Beautiful, Marcia. I see the video is by John McSporran. Don’t know if you know about his Flickr account – stunning photographs of Scotland. I think this will link to it.

      The Red Roofed Cottage

      Liked by 1 person

  2. No donkeys this week but that’s ok because they’re trending on the interweb today. Excellent tortoise btw.


    1. Said tortoise points out: “I’m a Blanding’s Turtle if you don;t mind. Mere tortoise? The cheek of the man!”

      FIY: Blanding’s turtle is a medium-sized reptile found mostly in the Great Lakes region and a pocket of New England. Very mobile on land and in the water, this turtle eats crustaceans, insects and fish, as well as plants. Its lifespan rivals that of humans. A Blanding’s turtle can live up to 80 years and remains active and hearty throughout its long life. You can always tell a Blanding’s turtle by the bright yellow streak under its chin and neck. Photo of a young Blanding’s turtle by Jessica Bolser, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. panda paws……Excellent! 🙂

        However, the Scottish Star Force insignia leaves something to be desired. And perhaps there is a bigger copyright infringement issue, since there already IS a United States Space Force. It has an official seal , and (as of last Friday at the White House,) a flag.

        The Seal:

        The Flag:

        National Public Radio: “The flag design comes from the seal of the Space Force, which was approved by the president in January. It sparked some Star Trek fan outrage for what some people have called its similarity to a logo in the science fiction franchise.”

        On Friday, Trump named the newest Space Force weapon….Quote: “We have, I call it the ‘super-duper missile.’ And I heard the other night [it’s] 17 times faster than what they have right now.”

        I’m NOT making this up. Only in America!

        Liked by 1 person

              1. Boris, for all is idiocy, isn’t in the same league.
                Trump says doctors and nurses are “running into death just like soldiers running into bullets” and that “it’s a beautiful thing to see.”


            1. Well to be fair Danny, your President is a bit of a space cadet…

              Did you see Donald trump Steak on the previous article -AOY?

              Liked by 2 people

                  1. LOL Tris…..No, I think that scamming was central to his entire fraud-based business plan…..from selling Trump steaks to running “Trump University.” That plan hasn’t worked quite so well in running the executive branch functions of the government of the United States. Too many people watching! 😉

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. As we said, right at the beginning, Danny, it never occured to the silly man that he wouldn’t be able to run America like he ran Trump Inc.

                      Mind he might have got away with it if it hadn’t been for the virus and the attnedant fall in the stock markets and meteoric rise in unemployment, mainly, I’d think to his kind of followers.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. A thin skinned man who is outraged by criticism should definitely NOT run for President of the United States. 😉

                      He made news today by announcing that he is taking the anti-malaria drug that, against all reputable medical advice, he insists works against Coronavirus. Nancy Pelosi issued a statement to the effect that that’s a bad decision for a man who is morbidly obese. He undoubtedly loves Nancy calling him a tub of lard…..or words to that effect…….LOL.



                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Well Pelosi is right. He is a tub of lard… and orange lard at that.

                      I couldn’t care less about the effects on him, but what if some of his supporters, or even (and there must still be some) someone who thinks that advice from the president should be followed… especially if he hasn’t dropped dead in the next week… follows that advice and drops dead?

                      Words fail me.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    4. To be utterly hard-hearted about it, the best thing the man could do right now to counteract his bonkers misleading dangerous words and example, which many of his maga-mad, Trump-derangement-suffering disciples will undoubtedly believe and follow, would be to – yes – drop dead as a result of his bloody stupid hydroxychloroquine habit. Though one does have to worry what damage his right-wing, bible-bashing, anti-gay, rock-ribbed socially conservative dimwit Veep might inflict over the next six or eight months afterwards. Maybe we’d lose him for the same reasons, though, as the man is such a suck-up to his boss, in which case the throne goes to Nancy Pelosi, if I understand these things correctly.

                      That would be – interesting.

                      I think we all know that the Mango Mussolini is a psychopathic ar*sehole, and as for Pence … oh, the adulation and adoration in his eyes as he gazes upon the Dear Leader’s makeup… truly sickening. Kinda makes me want to either spew, or – were I present – shout out “Get a room!” in mockery.

                      Liked by 3 people

                    5. Well, obviously, Ed, I wasn’t bright enough to draw that conclusion all by myself, but a certain small animal who has spent some of the afternoon lying in his grounds contemplating stuff, said to me “Ya know that Ed fellow, I think he doesn’t like Donny”. So I pinched his conclusion.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    6. Edd, I enjoyed the mental image inspired by your “Mango Musselini”
                      I’m quite the optimist, he (the Mango one) is, out of fear starting on his medicine cupboard, if the hydroxychloroquinine doesn’t get him, the next in line is the dettol or bleach. And while we wait, because of the he speaks, we can expect him rendered speachless whilst sitting on a long UV light tube. Win win I would say or in words of solidarity with our cousins, “way to go Mango.”

                      Liked by 3 people

                    7. Ed…..Well said! Yes, Nancy Pelosi is indeed next in line of succession after the VP. One wonders what the fawning multitude of Trump cultists would make of a switch of political party in the presidency at this juncture. These people are not the brightest apples on the tree, and the finer points of presidential succession law are probably lost on them.

                      Tris…….I tub of ORANGE lard is quite an image to reflect upon. 😉

                      Alan……Perhaps he is keeping bleach as his fall-back medication in case the hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work. It does seem that the White House physician, who Trumpy insisted approved his use of hydroxychloroquine, will OK just about anything Trump demands.

                      Liked by 2 people

  3. O?T…

    The Tories insist schools will reopen on the 1st of June. This applies to State Schools and not Private Schools which will stay closed until September.

    Every Cabinet member who has school-aged child sends them to a Private School so they won’t be putting their own kids at risk.

    Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Westminster… Posh people’s kids will be fine.


    1. According to an article in The National (, the Westminster regime is threatening to withhold emergency Covid money from Scots who follow the Scottish Government’s advice and don’t go back to work as ordered by the Tousled Toff and his nasty little pals … what price devolution, eh?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aye, they can starve us into unionism…

        I’m assuming the same will happen to Welsh and NI people.

        I wonder what he will do with English people who refuse to risk public transport and crowded offices…


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