95 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Pic 2 – Glasgow Broomielaw – Carlton Place Suspension Bridge in the middle distance. Hard to date but maybe 1940s-50s. Pic 4 – Cadbury’s Smash Advert – I remember them well. Pic 5 – kiddie’s pedal car – 1950s? – modelled on Austin A40? Pic 6 – BR Pacific loco – not very good pic – maybe Peppercorn A1 class. Pic 7 – the truly nauseating Hughie Green on ITV’s “Double Your Money”. Pic 8 – Glesca again – Sauciehall Street – looks like Edwardian times. Pic 9 – Greek songstress Nana Mouskouri. Pic 10 – Vauxhall Viva, 1960s-70s. Pic 12 – RMS Empress of Britain in John Brown’s shipyard, Clydebank, ca. 1930.


    1. The pedal car in pic.5 was based on the Austin A40 right enough, the Somerset, produced from 1952 -1954. The Vauxhall Viva in Pic. 10 is an HC model, in this case on a P-plate so 1975-1976. The bus in pic. 14 is the near-ubiquitous Bedford OB.

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    2. Pic 2 is actually Clyde St. Broomielaw ends on the west side of the railway bridge. Where the sheds are is where the La Passionaria statue now stands. It is a memorial to the Glasgow people who fought in the Spanish Civil War.

      The vessels docked are of the Vital Spark type, because they could actually sail under the bridges at Oswald St and Jamaica St, when the tide was low.

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        1. I believe transportation of goods, including coal to to – mainly – the inner isles. No doubt someone who has more experience or better read than I will enlighten us. My comments are only recollections of what I was told in my youth and no doubt have become addled, as it has been processed through the remaining, disintegrating grey cells.

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          1. Well, I’m sure that they haven’t, Grumpy. But open to any other suggestions on what the puffers did.

            I remember my mum had a video (yes video) of Parahandy, and I bought a book a few years ago…

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          2. “as it has been processed through the remaining, disintegrating grey cells.”

            Me too, but my own “disintegrating grey cells ” suggest that you are not at all addled.




            So, grumpydubai, either we are both crazy or we are not.

            Meantimes, and as long as the blessed Munguin allows, I will consider both you and, ahem, I, to have at least some of our faculties.

            Best wishes.

            Liked by 3 people

        2. You get a very good idea by reading the very humorous Para Handy Tales, by Neil Munro or by finding copies of the old BBC Scotland TV series. There were several of them, with a number of outstanding Scottish actors like Roddy MacMillan, John Grieve, Walter Carr. There was a feature film (The Maggie), too, in which the puffer gets stuck on the outside of the subway tunnel round about the place where the photograph shows.

          The puffers took small cargos up and down the many small ports that dotted the River Clyde and its estuary, sometimes even venturing around the Mull of Kintyre and north to the islands. They would deliver anything that needed to be shifted, such as coal, timber, sheep, dried fish, stone, gravel, etc.

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          1. Duncan Macrae played Para Handy in the first series the BBC made. Roddy MacMillan was the mate, John Grieve was the engineer, and I think Angus Lennie was Sunny Jim the deckhand. I remember it as being much better than the later series – mainly, I think, because of Duncan Macrae. Maybe if I could watch it now it would not seem so good, but I don’t think any recordings survive.

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        1. A lot of puffers were built, surprising though it seems, in Kirkintilloch, a long way from the Clyde. They were launched sideways and, on fitting out, travelled to the river by way of the Forth & Clyde Canal. I’m old enough to remember the puffers (when I was a boy) plying up and down the Clyde. I could watch them from the end of my street which was also just above the West Highland Line, so I could see the trains going up and down to Oban, Fort William & Mallaig. It was a great time to be a steamer or train spotter.

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  2. I could do with no1 coming back into fashion. Hard to socially isolate when you need milk and the shops are rammed! The Smash men – loved them, not the smash itself but the advert!

    Yesterday was Vera Lynn’s birthday – she was 103! One of the few people I’ll take any lectures about the Blitz Spirit from since she was actually alive at the time!

    I’ve been sneezing and coughing – no fever though. Fingers crossed its one of the other, nicer, viruses I have contracted….

    Liked by 2 people

      1. well I had a bug a couple of weeks ago and it was a just common or garden one. I’ll probably post some nonsense (how would we know the difference PP?) each day to show I’m okay. I’ve a similar arrangement over at the Guardian as a lot of the Scottish posters have gotten to know each other.

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        1. I think that’s a good idea.

          Not the nonsense mind. Munguin expects every Munguinite to post serious intellectual stuff. Often, however, he is a little disappointed!!! 🙂 🙂


  3. “Every gambler knows
    That the secret to survivin’
    Is knowin’ what to throw away
    And knowin’ what to keep
    ‘Cause every hand’s a winner
    And every hand’s a loser
    And the best that you can hope for is to die
    in your sleep”
    My karaoke song has never been so relevant.
    People used to mistake him for me you know…

    Liked by 4 people

  4. The Weekend Chocolates were something you took along with the Rolo to the cinema and after eating them all you felt ill, all that sugar.

    Some cinema adverts from the 1960’s.

    and the Cadbury Smash advert

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    1. Those ads were excruciating. And we had to sit through them without the relief of a mute button. I hate to think that adverts have improved over the years. It’s maybe because you can turn the sound off and ignore them.

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        1. Tris……Nothing like that in days past as far as I know.

          It occurred to me that the coating of the “banana choc” sundae bar looks somewhat like the “Crunch” ice cream bar…..which has been in the States for as long as I’ve known, marketed by several ice cream companies. Now with various flavors of chocolate crunch coatings, and ice cream flavors. Some similar ice cream bars now have a layer of caramel in the bar. I’ve only seen those recently.

          I didn’t know of a “sundae” bar from years past, but Googling “Crunch”, I see that sundae bars with a crunchy coating are now being marketed. Maybe similar to what is shown in the old video. Looks good……although I’d have liked to try the peach sundae bar (which didn’t seem to have a crunchy coating,) and the “banana choc” sundae bar (which apparently did.) 🙂

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          1. That looks like the Good Humor “strawberry shortcake” bar which I remember from my 1970s childhood on the plains of Chicago. (Good Humor were the ice cream trucks driven around neighborhoods during summertime, whose bells possessed the magic ability to conjure crowds of kids from thin air. We still get them from time to time in my part of this fine city, but the bells have been replaced by bad electronic music.)

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            1. Jon. They had disappeared here for years, and last summer one started to appear around our area. Of course, there’s not a lot of point in Ice Cream vans in Scotland in winter. And I doubt they will be out this year. So many businesses going to the wall.


            2. I’ve never tried an ice cream bar like that. I guess that the Good Humor trucks were once a fixture of an American summer. I’ve still seen them operating in our area, (maybe a different brand name,) and frequently hear that electronic music. 🙂

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  5. I recall a far less ‘modern’ version of 1 scooting around where I lived. They seemed to carry almost as many delivery boys as milk bottles! My recollection is a tad vague, but I think they delivered rolls too.

    The Tesla’s of their time!

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      1. Phew! My brain is not completely fried!


        Off Topic.

        Can I ask you how you feel about Craig Murray being excluded from the Alec Salmond trial? It seems a bit weird to me.

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          1. Conan,

            I would willingly contribute a fiver to the cause. Whilst I can access the site you mention it doesn’t scroll for me, so I cannot contribute there. Just going to give Craig a rolling subscription instead.

            I should have done that a long long time ago. We desperately need to support independent media. As trispw refuses all support, and I respect and admire that, there are several sites that do need support. However Craig is the cause of the week. What’s not to like about a radical voice in courtrooms?

            For the mainstream seems to me to be pretty well corrupted. Apart from ‘The National’, which I already pay for. Sadly enough, if you want to know what your enemies are doing, I also still pay for the BBC and The Herald. The former I can sort of justify to myself on the grounds that I admire it’s non-political and come to that, it’s satirical content. The Herald I keep just to watch the crazies in both the ‘above the line’ and in the ‘below the line’ comments.

            Away to give Craig some dosh.

            Liked by 1 person

        1. The whole affair stinks. Next on their hit list they will attempt to prosecute Craig for contempt (I realise a post by Craig was a bit naughty but it was clearly labelled as fiction and made no mention of the trial or Alex Salmond).

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  6. Had a teacher at school by the name of Mackintosh. His nickname was Rolo.
    I suspect it was probably due to his girth which was – shall we say – generous, matching rhe shape of the above confectionary.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It was. To quote:

        “This series was set in the offices of a glossy women’s magazine. It was one of several attempts by the BBC to invent a soap opera to rival Coronation Street.”


    1. Or alternatively

      They come fae near Lochgelly
      They hivnae goat a telly……(I had suggested alternative second line « they’ve Buckfast in their belly « but it never caught on.)
      They’re dirty and they’re smelly….
      Guess which team ?

      One of the Stanier Pacifics went up to 114 mph on Madely Bank but left insufficient time to brake before Crewe station and came across the multiple crossovers and points on the station approach with terrified passengers amid flying crockery in the restaurant car.

      Kenny Rogers appeared in an episode of a western series about a woman medic and I have always remembered his mellifluous speaking voice.

      Hired Vivas once or twice during late 60’s and looking back recall how spartan the interiors were – bare metal everywhere. Lively little cars for their time though.

      To change subject, the picture of Boris’s facial expression when Peston asked his question reminded me of Klaus Kinski’s when Clint Eastwood strikes a match on his stubble in one of the Dollar westerns. Any chance of comparative pics ?

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      1. I think I like your version better, Cairnallochy. Good old Buckfast. I’ve never tasted it… anyone know what it’s like?

        How are you doing? It’s good to see you again.

        There’s a challenge to you all. Can you find these two pics on the net and post them?

        A mate of mine had an old Viva. Lord it was crap!


        1. I confiscated a bottle off my teenage laddies back in the day. From what I remember it’s like sherry and Ribena, with a hint of cough mixture. Bairns love it. Obviously.

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            1. Tris, remember it was marketed as a tonic wine. The sort of thing to be sipped from small glasses by elderly, often hypochondriacal, gentlefolk, definitely not meant to be necked by the bottle by feral youths in bus shelters and the like. Mind you, I suppose the makers aren’t too unhappy about so many bottles being bought by the ungilded youth 🤪

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  7. No 14 is another Bedford OB with Duple Vista body.
    The interesting feature about this one is the bodywork. Some years ago it was converted by Duple for summer seafront duties at Skegness. It has removable side panels (seen here with the panels removed in it’s summer guise). The panels can be slotted back into place making it suitable for year round use.
    This the same vehicle with the panels in place , I’m not sure if I have permissions for this link to work….
    Clever but aesthetically it doesn’t look right.

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    1. It’s a handsome bus. So much more attractive than today’s buses.

      I’m not sure what sent it to the spam folder, but it is now well and truly out of it.


      1. “So much more attractive than today’s buses…”
        Buses used to have such graceful curves, accentuated by liveries with ‘side-swishes’ sweeping down to the rear.
        By contrast modern vehicles are basically just boxes.
        In fairness it should be pointed out that the ‘boxes’ will also have disabled access, air-conditioning and wi-fi.

        Thanks for finding, I thought I might have been imagining the post.
        ( it might also help if I make up my mind whether I’m big ‘R’ or little ‘r’ – oddy).

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  8. Pic 6 – the Stanier Pacific is, I think, shown at Polmadie Loco shed, Glasgow. The Polmadie based engines of this type mainly worked on the northern half of the London Euston – Glasgow Central or Edinburgh Princes Street expresses, though at the end of their careers could pop up in other places. Locos terminating in Edinburgh were often worked back to Polmadie by way of heading a Princes St to Central via Shotts stopping local – an interesting sight to see such a magnificent and large engine on such a turn.

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  9. I’ve decided due to the encroaching pandemic to indulge in a scientific experiment. My hypothesis is that hand sanitisers which I believe are made up mostly of alcohol and that is what kills the germs externally is a principle requiring further examination. I have therefore decided to conduct an experiment to determine if this principle can through consumption of alcohol, work internally. (not involving hand sanitizers though because that would just be silly and taste horrible)

    To this end and purely in the interests of science, tonight I will mostly be drinking Old Pulteney, washed down with Morris Bros 7 Girraffes IPA. Any managing directors of distillery’s reading this and wishing to sponsor me in this vital and ground breaking research are welcome to get in touch. As you will see from this post I’ll be no at all shy about advertising your product. Please note, I am particularly keen to include malts over 18 years old from Springbank in Campbeltown and any similar age range Caol Ila or Octomore, although any offers in reality would be instantly accepted if I’m being honest. As long as it’s not any of that poser gin of course.

    DISCLAIMER:The author recognises the dangers to health brought by excessive alcohol consumption and in no way countenances this except for, as is the case here, legitimate scientific research.
    There’s nowt big or clever about getting pished, or so they’ve always told me.

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    1. LOL… aye… judging by the half empty drink shelves in Aldi tonight, I suspect that you are not alone it trying out the inner cleanliness idea.

      But credit where it’s due, you at least had the gumption to try to get it paid for by distillery directors.

      Munguin salutes your ingenuity!


    2. Laphroaig is renowned for it’s medicinal qualities.

      While we are still awaiting scientific proof of it’s efficacy against Corona virus – I repeat, there is no proof that Laphroaig works against Corona virus – there is no proof that it doesn’t. Which is good enough for me.
      Failing that (& given this is an emergency) -I suggest Ardbeg or Lagavulin should prove acceptable substitutes.

      ( I began my research last night; unfortunately my erudite bus post re. that Bedford OB (no 14) seems to have disappeared into the ether, possible because I was seeing double at the time. If I can remember what I said I will try to re-post.)

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      1. LOL. I was wondering what happened to it after me finding it specially for you.

        I’ll check up to see if perchance it has found its way into a hidden cupboard in Munguin Towers.

        Good advice though about the self medicating. It certainly makes self isolation more pleasant.

        I found it. For some weird reason it was in Spam!

        So you don;t need to recreate it. 🙂


  10. The thing is, the hand sanitiser stuff is currently more expensive than the more “medicinal” stuff that’s oak-aged.

    Two thought occur:
    1st: it might not be such a bad idea to use “poser” gin as a hand wash
    2nd: there are some people profiteering from this pandemic and I hope that should they become ill they are spared just long enough to reflect on this.

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