Say hello to Ollie the Orangutan and now one of Munguin’s Dorangutans. Poor lad, he has to get up very early in the morning to get to work on time!

2. Needle’s Eye tunnel, South Dakota.

3. Orcas in WA have a new calf.

Story here:

4. What a beauty.

5. Yummy, Mummy.

6. What you got there?

7. Where’s Dave?

8. Someone’s got their Sunday Shell on!

9. Anyone home?

10. So very very sad.

11. A new orangutan comes into the world.

12. Sound advice.

13. You’ve never had a toad on Soppy Sunday in all these years. I think you’re toadist!

14. What are we doing?

15. It’s all about sharing what we have.

16. Hello.

17. Tasty dinner for hungry birds.

18. Don’t get angry when I jump for joy when you return. You are what makes me happy. It’s hard for me when you leave.

19. The Hague.

20. Just keeping an eye on the new boy. He seems to be settling in OK.

Bonus for DonDon:

A spider!!!

I’m gonna give you what you deserve.

The right to live.


With thanks to Panda Paws, Andi, Dave and Quokka.


Aren’t they doing well?

But he did it anyway, over and over again, because well… it comes easy to him.

Dr Rachel Clarke said:

When Sunak entered Downing Street, he promised a government of ‘integrity, professionalism & accountability at every level’. Yet here we are – with televised lies to the British public.

It’s the bloody bus all over again and he’s as shameless & dishonest as Johnson.


It’s hard to imagine that it didn’t even occur to him that, particularly (but not exclusively) within his typical voter profile, this would be an important event.

It’s hard to imagine that no one advised him that it would be.

It’s harder still to imagine that he didn’t know that Sir Starmer was attending an event and had the opportunity to make comments to camera while he trotted b ack to England to do some electioneering.

Just being there was, in a way, electioneering. Showing you were a leader.

He’s not very intuitive, is he?

Presidents Biden and Macron, Chancellor Scholz… along with His Nobleness Lord Fiddle.

Once he discovered that the move had been a bit of an old faux pas, he issued an apology. He tweeted: “After the conclusion of the British event in Normandy, I returned back (eh?) to the UK. On reflection, it was a mistake not to stay in France longer – and I apologise.”

He could do with tightening up his English too.


EEEK, what’s that?

And Rishi’s wife’s family’s firm, Infosys, is in dispute with the British tax authorities over a sum of around £20,000,000.

Infosys is part-owned by the Prime Minister’s wife, Akshata Murty, who holds shares worth around £700 million and who has received dividend pay outs of over £50m since 2020.

Pay up. It’s a piddling sum to you.


Tax cuts of £1.3 billion for people earning £120,000 a year is an election promise from the Tories.

The Minister for Children has all the figures about how much these relatively well off people will be better off (a tax cut of around £1500) but the Minister for Children has no idea how much the payment for children in England actually is.

You’d think he was Minister for Comfortably off Parents.


Frank Hester, such a good looking, slim, young man.

And then there’s the Tory donor, serial racist, Frank Hester, who apologised for making disgusting remarks about Diane Abbott including that she should be shot.

The Tories refused to hand back the £10,000,000 he had given them… and then proceeded to take another £5,000,000+ from him, despite it being made clear that his comments about Ms Abbott were not a one off and that he regularly makes racist remarks about people. I’m not repeating them here, but they are mentioned in the video above.

Of course they didn’t give money back or refuse more money despite him being such a lowlife. They probably have no issue with it. (I cite the example of Douglas Ross and Travellers).



It appears that the beloved Tory branch office manager is not to be giving up one of his numerous jobs as promised.

As an MP, MSP, Branch Manager and Football Linesman, you’d have though that Douglas Ross, affectionately (or not) known as DRoss would have had sufficient income to keep him going, but it seems that he has decided to stand again as an MP.

But no. David Duguid, his colleague, has be de-selected due, the Tory office says, to ill health.

However, Mr Duguid, has said he had been looking forward to standing in the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East constituency as he was making a good recovery from surgery.

Ross said:

“The party had to make the difficult decision not to allow Mr Duguid to stand as he was not well enough.

“He said he only made the decision to stand in the seat on Thursday morning and had not seen himself standing as an MP in this election.

” ‘I’ve decided I need to lead from the front,’ he said.”

We wish Mr Duguid a speedy recovery from his back surgery. Happily he seems to feel he was making that recovery, although obviously not enough to satisfy the branch office/accounting unit management.

Looking at Dross there, I’m thinking that he doesn’t look too great himself. He appears to be going into competition with his boss, Alister Union Jack Boots, for bags under the eyes.

Maybe HE should stand down and rest himself a bit.



Judge me by what I will do in the future? Eh?

‘Don’t judge me on the past’, says Rishi Sunak. “Judge me on the future.”

Right… Not sure how that will work…

The past being things that actually happened, that he did. You know, like “eat out to thin out” and going to parties during lockdown, just for example.

In the future, of course, he is going to make us all richer, sort Brexit, sort immigration, sort Ukraine, sort Israel, build hospitals and schools and sort the third world water problem in England…

Yeah, OK…

The future is full of stuff that will never happen.


Why does no one talk about Brexit?

It’s rare that I could ever say I agree with Piers Morgan about anything… but yep.

I’ve heard Sunak and Sir talk about how everything has been affected by Covid and Putin, but oddly (or not) Brexit is never mentioned by anyone. When will they own up that Brexit has been a massive blow to the economy?


What does matter to you?

We keep being told that the unionist parties will concentrate on the issues that matter to us (the public).

I guess it depends where you live. I can accept that up north people are concerned about the A9 (although if the Tories hadn’t voted to put trams in Edinburgh and had voted with the SNP back in 2007, it would be done by now).

The Tories say that the SNP concentrates first on independence and that everything else suffers because of their obsession with it.

Labour also say that the SNP’s first priority is independence, whereas they would concentrate on the health service, which is odd because where they ARE the government (in Wales), the health service is decidedly worse than in Scotland and Labour in Wales blames this on the Westminster government for lack of funding.

I think one of the important issues that affects people all over the UK is Brexit as Morgan said (above).

Clearly, if you live incertain parts of England the priority would be to do something about the third world quality of water and sewage treatment.

Just for once, however, this fellow in Glasgow South wants his potential voters to tell him what they want prioritising.

Of course none of it will happen because Sir Starmer will set the agenda, but it might be interesting, if any of you live in that area, to let him know.

You can do that here.


For those who missed it yesterday

I put this up pretty late yesterday evening and it was only up for a couple of hours before “Where’s His Imperial Majesty?…” went up.

It is so good, I’d have hated for anyo0ne to miss it. So I repeat it.


Oh, the irony…



Are ye feart, yer sirness?

Of course, I appreciate that the only two parties that can form the next British and English governments are Labour and Tories.

Almost beyond any doubt it will be Labour after 14 years of failure and farce from the Conservatives. (Although I can’t see that it will make much difference.)

So why would the noble Starmer wish to exclude the SNP and “other smaller parties” from debates. Is he afraid that some people hearing what their representatives have to say, might decide to back them, given the paucity of choice in the two major parties, instead of Labour.

The SNP is currently the third largest party in parliament.

Does Labour seriously think that it is fair to block them from taking part in leaders’ debates? If so, I’m a bit worried about Sir’s idea of democracy. Has all this titles crap gone to his head?

Of course the SNP are only standing in the reduced number of Scottish seats, but for the Scottish constituencies it is important to hear how they propose to deal with issues, in comparison to the two big English parties.

In fairness the same has to be said for other parties standing. The Liberal Democrats, Plaid, the Greens or Reform won’t make government any more than the SNP will, but, particularly given the similarities between the policies of New New Labour and the Tories, I reckon that voters have the right to hear them speak (even if it means having to see Farage on telly yet again).


So, this week, before we get started…

A certain Munguinite wanted an up date on Coats of Arms.. and a certain other Munguinite provided it. Huge thanks to Andi.


And now, for the rest



Sunak & Starmer sitting on plane, together( now there’s a novelty).

Sunak turns to Starmer,” I could throw £1,000 out of this plane & make someone happy!

“Oh really”, retorts Starmer. “Well I could throw out 20 £50 notes & make 5 people happy.”

Pilot hearing this, turns to co-pilot & says, “I could throw these two bastards out & make 64 million people happy!”








8. I think the only thing we haven’t tried is is to disconnect this mess, wait 10 seconds and then reconnect.













Thanks to Harry Grieve … and once again to AndiMac.