All the polls indicate that Labour will win the next UK election. The only question that remains is, by how much.

So what awaits us once we bin the pathetically weak and hopeless Sunak and his hard right Tory party?

Could we expect Lady Baillie’s hopes to be fulfilled?

Nope, the actual boss of the proper Labour Party says NO.

Some of the broken pledges that stand out to me are:

Economic Justice: Increasing tax for the highest paid?

It seems not.

Common Ownership: So, are Labour going to nationalise energy?

Nope. The shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds told the BBC: “We’re not going to nationalise the energy system.” Asked if they would follow the vote of the Labour Conference, he said: “No.”

Mr Reynolds said votes reflected the interest of people at the conference – but that there would be disagreements in some areas.

Yep, the shareholders and directors of the energy companies, often not resident in the UK and not in the least caring about us having very expensive electricity and gas.

So we’ll get rid of one substandard lying prime minister and in his place we’ll get another substandard prime liar.




  1. What will we get from Starmers labour party?

    Just more syphoning of Scotlands wealth southwards, our resources sold off overseas for a fraction of their worth & a bunch of wage stealing sycophants doing their time on the green benches until they move over to the red ones.

    The one thing we won’t get from them, is respect.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, more and more, I think that we are the cash cow that keeps them (the elites) living in the style they became accustomed to when Britain had an empire… coronations that cost the earth (when Denmark did the hand over for a fraction of the money), private jets to take the likes of Cameron around the world in luxury, motorcades more suited to Kim Jong Whatsit.

      While the rest of us live in relative poverty.

      What they wouldn’t do to get rid of the SNP.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I predict that things will be just as $#!+ under the red Tories as they were under the blue Tories. Almost all act either in their own interests or in the interests of lobbyists, bankers or big business.

    As Pete Townsend wrote, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”, though I’d prefer John Lennon’s “You say you want a revolution, we all want to change the world”, etc.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Tris, it’s not you. I’m sure lots of your readers would affirm that they feel it too. It seems the Tory party have gone way out of their way to make things as bad as possible and way worse than it used to be, setting precedents for others to follow. How I despise the Tories for their 14 years of misrule. Looters pretty much to a man/woman. If ever there were a revolution…But of course that was the point of my John Lennon reference. It’s peaceful, bloodless but radical revolution he sang about. Oh, how we could do with it now.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. We could start by voting to get away from Britain… then we probably wouldn’t need to revolt in any other way.

          I’m not suggesting Scotland would be perfect…where is? But it would be better than this.

          Liked by 1 person

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