Who the hell does Sunak think he is?

Vladimir Putin? Kim Jong Un?

Does he think he’s worth that? Does he think he’s so unpopular that he needs it?

Is he living the high life on our money before next Friday when he’ll have to pay for it himself?


Can you imagine what they would say if the First Minister of Scotland, Wales of the northern part of Ireland did that?


And why are we paying for his security?

Reform UK leader Farage has been offered additional private security by the British government following incidents where milk shakes have been thrown at him.

While I’m 100% against violence being shown to any candidate, even him, I’m not sure that WE should pay for it. He’s not an MP; he’s not an official. He’s offering himself for election.

His party should fork out.

I heard that Tice has said that Farage will not visit Scotland during the General Election campaign because it is “dangerous”.

So even the Brit government supplied security force is not enough rebellious Scots to crush eh?

Big Jessie.

I’m not sure if I heard it right, but he seems to be blaming his security team for that… Didn’t he say “could have spotter it a mile away”? Of course HE could also have spotted it a mile away. He was only walking, not engaging with anyone.


Labour seem to have missed something here

They keep repeating that only they can beat the Tories across Scotland.

The Daily Record, a Labour paper, in an editorial, is saying: “Only one political party can stop the Tories and only one candidate for prime minister can turf Rishi Sunak out of office. “That is why the Record is backing Labour and Keir Starmer.”

But in Scotland, in every Tory seat, the real challengers seem to be the SNP.

If you want the Tories out, vote SNP.


Scotland left a good impression in Europe

Tartan Army fans in Germany have been ‘banned’ from heading home after making a wonderful impression while supporting Scotland at the Euros.

Scotland fans have been dubbed ‘the best in the world’, with many German supporters “broken hearted” to see them go.

Not everyone will leave such a good impression.

Imagine… but worse than that… imagine not knowing that your queen was dead…


And finally, lest Starmer should feel left out…


28 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

  1. While I’m 100% against violence being shown to any candidate??

    I’m 100% against political violence

    being used upon vulnérable people

    via inhumain policies .. so why should it’s perpetrators not get face the same ????

    The Migrants son Sunak uses the racist mantra of being flooded with migrants (black of course)to attract the racist lot in UK 🇬🇧 society to vote for him 🤮…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. There is an irony that quite a few of the Tory ministers are sons or daughters of immigrants and yet they have such a down on others.

      What I was saying was that physical assault of politicians for their beliefs isn’t the way forward, no matter who they are and what party they are from…

      Even the odious Farage.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. tris

        you really should read (and others )


        We are about to return to normal politics. After 14 years of Tory corruption and misrule, a Labour government will put this country back on track. Justice and decency will resume, public services will be rebuilt, our global standing will be restored, we will revert to a familiar state. Or so the story goes.

        What is the “normal” envisaged by pundits and politicians of the left and centre? It is the most anomalous politics in the history of the world. Consciously or otherwise, they hark back to a remarkable period, roughly 1945 to 1975, in which, in certain rich nations, wealth and power were distributed, almost everyone could aspire to decent housing, wages and conditions, public services were ambitious and well-funded and a robust economic safety net prevented destitution. There had never been a period like it in the prior history of the world, and there has not been one since. Even during that period, general prosperity in the rich nations was supported by extreme exploitation, coups and violenceimposed on the poor nations. We lived in a bubble, limited in time and space, in which extraordinary things happened. Yet somehow we think of it as normal

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Good article, Niko. I’d not really thought about a lot of what he says in it… you know that the period from 1945- 1975 being the only time when people other than the rich were considered.

          A good few years ago I got talking to a guy who had been in Burma in a prisoner of war camp.

          The officers, to keep up spirits promised that when it was over; when they were released and back in Britain, there would be a green and pleasant land for them.

          Everything would change, more equality, fairer distribution, better working conditions, etc etc.

          He, who lived through it, said that the Labour government of Atlee had gone a long way to provide that, but not far enough. and a return to Conservative rule afterwards saw it slipping.

          This inevitably led to the disruption of the 70s, the strikes, protests, etc and the eventual election of Thatcher.

          I think that Atlee’s big mistake was investing so much into Britain remaining a leading nation punching above its very reduced weight.

          It received a massive amount of money from the Marshall plan, a great deal of which was ploughed into researching and building nuclear weapons, because America wouldn’t share anything with a prime minister so far on the left, and so close to the Soviet Union and somehow, Atlee felt (perhaps with pressure) that Britain must be up there with the important countries.

          There is no doubt that Atlee’s government made huge strides but that bit by bit much of it has disappeared and the only real motivation now is profit for the rich and increasingly hard and unpleasant lives for the not so rich.

          I see no chance of a Starmer government doing anything about that.

          Liked by 3 people

            1. It is very sad, Niko.

              In England (and therefore Britain) there is a choice of: right of centre (Labour), hard right (Tories) and VERY hard right (the Farage company, which to be fair, appears now to be registered as a political party, rather than a company…although he will still operate it as a grifting organisation for him and his unpleasant mates).

              Liked by 1 person

      2. unfortunately the future ahead for us is going to disprove your peaceful theory..,,

        I fear the rise of the fascists is with us again ..

        they have gotten out of the box and with the support of the oligarchs

        drive towards power ….
        it will end in tears 😭 and ww3

        Liked by 2 people

        1. You may well be right, Niko.

          I still will never condone it.

          There have been, in the last few years, two MPs in England, killed for being who they were.

          I detest Farage and all he stands for but, although it may be inevitable, I will never support violence.

          After all, if it’s good enough for the people I disagree with, why would it not be good enough for those I agree with?

          Liked by 1 person

            1. That was news to me.

              I wonder how I missed it. They can be pretty gullible.


              The sound of cake was interesting though!

              Yes. He was murdered by an Islamic terrorist in 2022.

              Jo Cox was the other one murdered by a far right extremist in 2016, over, if I recall, her views on Brexit. She was against.


  2. I’m not the slightest bit interested in football, but I have fair enjoyed all the videos of the Scottish fans having a good time regardless of the football scores. They have put Scotland fairly and squarely on the map and in people’s minds, as a great wee country. Full of good people.

    my (English) sister in law and her husband live in Munich (have lived in various German cities since 1998) and said the Scottish fans were great. We may be out of the Euros, but the Scots will forever be remembered in a good way

    I saw a picture someone had done of the two lads shielding the old guy from the rain, side by side with a photo of two English fans holding a union jack with Stop the Boats on it. Says it all really

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. It does seem that we have left a favourable impression and I’m sort of proud of that.

      Our government has also made good impressions in some of the smaller Nordic nations. In particular the Nordic Council, of which Scotland seemed to be an honorary member, until the Brits banned Scots from communicating with foreign government unless they had a minder from England.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m happy to say I didn’t see it.

      To whom is he not surrendering…

      The woke establishment? The courts? The EU? Decency?

      If Joe Biden told him to surrender, he’d be on that while flag like a rat up a drainpipe.


    1. Niko, there are some amazing and wonderful English people. I lived there as a child and even learned to speak their language.

      There are even some nice football fans!!!

      Je ne savais pas que tu étais en partie français.
      Mais je pensais que tu avais du sang grec ?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “Can you imagine what they would say if the First Minister of Scotland, Wales of the northern part of Ireland did that?

    Well, Gething – a man mired in scandal before he’d even taken office (he took a six-figure sum for his leadership campaign from a businessman who had been convicted of serious environmental offenses – spent a five-figure sum of our money flying executive class to India to meet the bosses of Tata Steel, when he could have taken a train to London to meet them two weeks previously Despite losing a vote of confidence in the Senedd, the rogue is still in office because he’s being protected by Sheer Stumer. Once the Tool is safely in No.10, Gething will be toast, but at some further cost to the reputation of the Senedd

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fair comment, Nigel.

      We’ve heard none of that here.

      I’m trying to imagine the look of DRoss’s face though if our first minister did that.

      Nicola was constantly in the Express, Mail and Telegraph for her extravagances, which as far as I could see were genuinely few.



  4. Re the photo of the “Imagine …” flag
    Reminds me of the saying “The English consider themselves to be a self made race, thereby absolving the Almighty from a horrendous responsibility”

    Stewart McMutrie

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Having turned our country into a 3rd world s***hole the PM is only right in behaving like a 3rd world mafia boss travelling everywhere surrounded by an armed convoy.

    Am just disappointed that I expect “Sir” Keir to behave no differently after the forthcoming tory armageddon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, pretty much that, Sandy.

      The slogan for the Labour party seems to be that we need change.

      But I’m damned if I can see anything in the manifesto that offers any real change… and to be honest, with Sir Keir’s record, I wouldn’t believe it if it did.


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