Oh, and we all thought he was such a nice old bloke


Shortest international bridge

This is said to be the world’s shortest international bridge, connecting a homeowner in Canada to his backyard in the US.


I hope you’ve upped your pathway standards, matey

There are only so many times in a decade you can crash the economy and see off the queen.


It seems unfair that the Duchess of Mayfair should hog all the fame for selling deadly dangerous medical equipment to the NHS

Old Bob is nearly as accomplished a salesman as Lady Moan


Oh, I’m sure that that’s a coincidence


Sometimes, you do have to wonder at Lady Baillie

… As she whines incessantly about how terrible the health service is under the SNP. I realise it is done to hurt the SNP and get Labour elected to the London parliament and then, the Edinburgh parliament… thereby getting her a fat pay rise.

But it does make her look rather small and mean minded…well, mean minded anyway!

But mostly it is incredibly insulting the the staff of SNHS, who are so dedicated to what they do.


Mange tak Danmark


She’s finally gone completely batty


Phew, it’s hot


10 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

  1. Oh they are not batty tris. They know very well on which side their bread is buttered. Whether it’s Farage, Mone, Baillie, Gros or Daley, and no, I haven’t heard of the last two, they are as alike as two peas in a pod. They are all disgusting individuals, especially the Scottish quisling, whom I despise. Didn’t she get some title recently? Tells you all you need to know about her motives.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Daley is an academic come journalist. I doubt she’s made a lot of money out of it, but she writes hard right wing stuff for the Torygraph.

      Given the the media is controlled by Conservative outlets, from the reasonably intelligently written Times to the comics like the Express, Mail and Sun, I think it is unlikely that they have been responsible for the public’s move against the Tories.

      Rather, she might want to consider that the reason is the incompetence of the last 14 years of Tory government, which started off by deciding that the way out of the financial crisis (caused by banking greed and stupidity [Yo Sunak]) was austerity, whilst the other three countries most affected chose spending their way out of it. Hence the success of the USA, Iceland and Ireland in righting themselves, and the failure of Britain to do so.

      The Noble Lord Cameron was at fault for allowing the Pro-Brexit cabinet members to lie through their teeth about £350 million a week, about holding all the cards, about the deal with the EU being easy, and carried out over a “cup of tea” in an afternoon… and on and on.

      He was also at fault for having blocked any preparation for losing the referendum and for resigning (Eton and Oxford boy don’t lose), although he had promised he wouldn’t, on the morning he lost.

      And since that there has been chaos. That’s 8 years of chaos. Labour left a debt which the Tories said we must not pass on to our children… and then promptly more than tripled that debt.

      May was just a relatively incompetent, unpleasant, communication skills-lacking person who, to be fair, was trapped by the hard right Brexiteer nutters in her party into moving far too quickly on Brexit without having done any of the preparatory work.

      Then we had the lying drunken clown, Johnson as PM at the worst possible time, giving us the worst Covid in Europe, while he partied and suffered hangovers …followed by Lettice Truss who smashed what was left of the economy in a matter of weeks, but still maintains she was right and it was the woke lefty judges, civil servants establishment and Bank of England that thwarted her.

      And, as if that were not bad enough, we then got the incompetent, weak, pathetic grifter, Sunak, who had been a disaster as Chancellor and went on to refine his talent for screwing everything as prime minister.

      Scandal after scandal in the party, from tractors to Grinder, to using party funds to pay off sex blackmailers, to drug taking, to appointing donors and Russian spies to the House of Lords and with people waking up naked in brothels in the middle of the night …all of which seems to have been brushed under the carpet, by a compliant press, which is still desperately trying to find something to stick on Nicola Sturgeon.

      But no… it’s the press that have hounded out the Tories?????? Yes Janet, of course it is, dear.

      Countess Moan was raised to the aristocracy by David Cameron with the eager assistance of George Osbourne and the Nose Picker, IDS, ostensibly for campaigning against independence for Scotland, As I recall all she said was that if Scotland became independent she would close her bra factory in Glasgow and move to England. Something she did anyway.

      To be honest I rather thing it was Moan’s other attributes that got her her blue blood.

      I see she has now left the Tory Party, and as far as I know, has moved abroad to the tax haven Isle of Man.

      Liked by 2 people

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