So, some pics that we couldn’t load up this weekend.

I found a way of loading them from emails, on to Facebook and copying them from Facebook and posting them on here.

It’s doable but a massive plaster and takes ages.

I must find another way.


From Kay

Ziggy looking much better.

Common Pink Barred Moth.

Srem Clematis.

Hawk Moth rescued by Kay’s other half from the blades of the lawn mower.

From Dave:






And finally, from Munguin

What has this daft old bat come as?


  1. Hi, tris. You’ve uploaded some good pictures there. Always nice to see the flora and fauna of Srem.

    The last time we saw Dave’s pic 5, I checked on the internet and found out that the Hagelauer car dealership is still trading in Heilbronn. 1949 of course was the year that the western powers allowed the introduction of a new currency in their zones of occupation, the Deutschmark. The Soviets replied in kind with the Ostmark, and the rest, as they say, is history.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dondon: The rep[eat of No 5 is my fault, not Dave’s. I found it in my pics and forgot we had used it.

      Yeah… good stuff from Kay too. Lovely picture and what is that brightness… sunshine maybe?

      Does that still exist?


  2. Zippy is looking very imperious there. Much more regal than Cam, is she channelling lampshade chic? That outfit is bit like those doll loo roll covers you used to get!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yep. Ziggy definitely looking down his nose.

      I was trying to remember what Parker Bowles reminded me of. I think you nailed it.

      The frock looks like it could do with a good wash.


      1. “Jeez, PP, it looks like a lynx!”

        It’s merely the Lynx Effect 🙂

        Anyway I’ve been somewhere and once pics sent to Tris, we’ll see if as expected you get it right away… Though Marcia has a very good strike rate for the West too!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes that’s the word WP wouldn’t let me type! These cats are absolute chonks. Interesting they are described a dog like cats though.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I wonder why that doesn’t come as a surprise. I must be something of a psycho, well Jags fan, because even as a young man I never trusted the Labour Party. And watching the shenanigans in Glasgow City Chambers at close hand in the 70/80, I never will.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I believe it was pretty much the same in Dundee. Labour ran Dundee for a long time and corruption and crime were at the heart of it all.

        There were some good people in Labour, once upon a time though.

        But bit by bit, since Thatcher, they seem to have, bit by bit, disappeared.


          1. LOL. Yes. Fair.

            They were a fill yer boots lot…

            The Arctic Bar within staggering distance of the City Chambers and the council’s underground car park. 🙂


            1. I suspect that “The Pub” has been the traditional place to do local “Business” across the archipelago since the mass availability of ethanol.

              Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d sign, but its the Scottish Greens and I don’t like them. I think they did the dirty on the SNP, getting carried away with visions of their own importance. Though it has meant we now have John Swinney and I think he’s the better leader for where things are politically at the moment. His manifesto speech, and especially his answers to the, typically, negative press, were very good

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Fair enough, Tatu.

        John Swinney is a competent man… and having met him,, I can say he’s also one of the most polite and charming guys you could hope to meet.

        He’s head and shoulders above Patrick Harvey or any of the leaders of the branches of the British parties.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting image of Dave’s old radio, is it his? Does it still work, or has the original valves been swopped for semiconductors?

    I’ve not long bought three old “portable” valve radios, an idea for a winter project.

    The Cam looks ridiculous, pull her up by the umbrella and more folds of the frock will cascade down.


    1. Dave: If you are reading, can you email me the answer, please.

      The thing about the Parker Bowles woman is that the bottom part of her lampshade looks a different colour… as if it’s dirty.

      Can’t help thinking she’s off to a fancy dress party. Seriously who the hell would go out looking like that?


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