








Munguin reckons he may have nailed it again this week!

22 thoughts on “WHERE’S MUNGUIN?”

    1. As soon as I saw the Pictish stone, I said Eassie.

      It had a level crossing on the Coupar Angus – Forfar railway that had experienced a lot of problems. So British Railway and Angus council had a road bridge by-pass built in 1962. The line closed in September 1967 just five years later. They could have saved the expense if they knew what was in the mind of Dr Richard Beeching and his report that was published in March 1963.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Poor wee Munguin, thought he may have nailed it. First image looks like he was indeed nailed, impaled to the gate post and I couldn’t see the gate pin at first!

    I never heard of Eassie either, that church looks to be worth a visit and a look at it’s history.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, ancient indeed, year 600 class ii Pict stone, with some fine carving and the 1600 church. Probably built atop an older significant site. I noticed that the church was dedicated to St Brandon, is that a variation on St Brendan, the navigator patron saint of sailers?


          1. Certainly that wiki article diminishes the probability of him and Brendon being one and the same. His, Brandon’s reign as bishop would have been when Man and much else was under Norse domination. Earls in the East trying to curry favour, smart assurance policy?

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Huge contrast between the two main Westminster parties. One has given up, no plan or control, spreading gaffs all around like confetti. The other is doing the Ming jug walk, as described by Helena in Novara Media, tiny delicate steps, one stumble and the priceless vase is shattered. Corbyn? “No, I was never his friend.” They are walking on eggshells.

      Sarwar is in a cage with a cover over it, to make sure he doesn’t say anything. Yet to verify, but two Labour candidates in the North East have been dropped. One might be Duguid’s old seat.

      SNP seem to be rallying in the polls, John Swinney is doing a good job.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If the Tories had any sense they would tell Mr Sunak that he had developed a bad dose of the flu and would be confined to bed for several weeks.

        Then they should do to him what D Ross did to Duguid.

        The Spectator, a hard right publication that calls Sir Starmer’s Labour “lefty Labour” says that they have dropped their candidate against Ross .

        He has apparently made pro Russian statements. Although, as far as I can see, he only questioned whether Putin was involved in the Salisbury poisoning.



        1. Well, the “scottish” labour party did get one thing correct in their statement. Starmer, and, don’t laugh, Sarwar, as though anything he says will make any difference, have changed their party. It’s now indistinguishable from the Tories.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Yes… except perhaps not quite so much at war with itself.

            In the other hand, the Tories are pulling chunks out of each otehr.

            If any of the right wing nut jobs are re-elected, I’d be very surprised if they don’t defect to the BNP or Reform as they now are called.


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