Hurry up and get me to work, Mummy. Munguin hates animals to be late.

    2. If you see swifts lying on the ground with their wings stretched out, don’t be afraid, just help! They are not sick. They cannot take off from flat surfaces. You need to pick them up and let them go up slightly from the height of your hands. They should catch and fly on their own.

    3. Oh, I’m glad I found this flower… Loads of pollen for me.

    4. Why wouldn’t we be friends? The cat is a nice warm mattress and I do good head scratches.

    5. Drunk tree in Angers, France.

    6. I wonder if there is any paid work for donkeys here?

    7. So there is a story to the rhododendron. Bill, a neighbour brought it to me and it was looking pretty bedraggled and sick. He asked me for a pot for it and I was reluctant, but seeing as he was a nice old guy I said OK… knowing that it would only be a few weeks before it was well and truly dead and I could have my pot back. 10 years on and the rhododendron is doing away grand. Bill died a few years ago, and so we call it the Bill Memorial Rhododendron.

    8. Remember Andi’s tree from last week… well, he has a face too!

    9. I’m watching you.

    10. I’m a bit disabled. I’ve got a horn growing out of my eye socket, but there are those who still think I’m a wee cutie.

    11. I’m well camouflaged, aren’t I?

    12. I want you to meet my kitten.

    13. No, I’m not speaking to you any more.

    14. Black roses, wow.

    15. Lenticular clouds in Iceland.

    16. The population of Penguin Island’s namesake bird has dwindled to just over 100. That’s a drop of 94% since 2007. I’d love a job out there protecting them. Good article.

    17. Great article about elephant communication.

    18. My kind of room.

    19. Norway.

    20. That first day was very tiring.

    Apologies to all. I’m still having difficulty with uploading pics, so many of these just come straight from the net. Others have been stored some time ago.

    Thanks to Andi and Quokka, b ut also to Kay who sent some corkers which I can’t upload.

    Kay was saying that Ziggy, the cat with the damaged eyes, is doing very much better, and she sent a photo, which, as soon as I can, I will upload.

    26 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

    1. pair of magpies were making a massive hullabaloo.The racket was unbelievable.. turns out cat few doors down had got hold of its chick 🐥

      unfortunately by the time we got to where the crime was committed just a lot of feathers 🪶 left 😢.

      that bloody cat had a pigeon two days ago I’d wring his neck if I could catch him ..

      swaggered out his gate the other morning looked at me as if to say .

      Nae chance !!!!

      I’ll catch him in the end so help me .

      bet he votes snp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thats sad, but not all cats are like that. We have eleven cats and our garden is full of birds. The cats ignore them, except for maybe a quick turn of a head when a bird swoops low.

        I have however had to rescue birds and rabbits from one our dogs! We have a bird here called a Rabilargo. It is also sometimes called a blue winged magpie. Only found in Extremadura. They nest in the olive trees in our garden, their babies tend to fall out of the nests when fledging and the first year here we were running around trying to pick them up before a dog got them, or removing them from the dog’s mouth. Again our cats (only three cats then) weren’t interested. The birds now, very successfully, nest outside our fence in our olive grove

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Sad story, Niko.

        Twice this week I’ve had to bury birds in the garden.

        I know it’s all a part of nature, but all the cats around our way are well fed. They don;t need to kill birds and then not eat them.

        It is so upsetting to find them.

        I hope you gave the poor chick a decent funeral.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. once had a kestrel swoop down to grab one of the birds eating inme garden he missed .but perched on me grandson bike handlebars just long enough for me to take a picture..

          felt like I’d been visited by a god


          Liked by 1 person

    2. Loved the donkey, wee cutie. Didn’t know that about Swifts though tbf I don’t really see any of them round mine. Though Bertie Blackbird has been singing his wee heart out. I think he’s looking for a girlfriend.

      The copycats were cute. But so many highlights, laughed at the huffy penguin! Of course the doorangutans were a delight as ever. All in all a balm for the soul and I think Tatu has made a very spirited defence of the felines. Rather than ring the cat’s neck Niko should put a bell round said neck which will ring thus alerting the birds. They don’t call it nature red in tooth and claw for nothing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, Bertie in the Towers’ grounds has been singing a lot. Such a lovely sound. And so many different notes.

        I never know whether he’s looking for a lady, or just wants Uncle Tris to put out more sultanas.

        I didn’t know about the swifts either.

        Bells on cats are a very good idea, but might end up driving the humans of the household mad! 🙂


      1. Thanks for letting me know, NIMN.

        There were some that Dave and Kay sent that just told me I wasn’t allowed to upload them.

        I think I have to convert them to Jpegs, but I’ve forgotten how to do it.

        Still, Munguin’s techy advisor will be here later and he will sort it out.


    3. A rather dreich day made brighter.

      That wee donkey is a charmer and the door keeper in waiting with his/her mum.

      I didn’t know about the swift not being able to take off from the land. Similar to the shearwaters whose legs are set too far back to take off from land I suppose. We had thousands of them on the island, 120k from memory. Yes we had to count them!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What a great job…

        Just hope you didn;t get to 119,000 and forget where you were…

        118,998, 118,999… oh blast my cell phone is rinbnging…

        Now where was I?

        Damn… OK 1, 2, 3, 4,

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lol, sometimes like that. It was done in the evening and more like, “Oh, stuff it. Come back tomorrow night.” Don’t know if they still count them like that now. It was high up rocky mountains, late evening, usually coming back in the gloaming or dark.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL

        Oooops… Nah, I’m getting mixed up. That was me!

        Vlad the Invader must really be laughing at that one.

        Interesting too, that he points out that he’s 75… that’s 3 years younger than Trump and 6 years younger than Biden!

        Liked by 1 person

    4. I think… that the flower the bee is happily pollenating is Angelica. In pic #3

      Been trying to get more familiar with umbellifera and the smooth stem is one of the features of it.

      Of course the family also contains Giant hogweed and Hemlock so please do not go munching on random umbellifers. Not at least without a huge deal of caution, a guide book or 2 and preferably someone who is experienced.

      Those funny green candied cake decoration things that are so old they have no flavour at all, aparently a flavour is extracted from the roots that is used in making gin.

      Always something to see on soppy Sunday, thanks Tris for making it such a constant in these chaotic times.


      1. Ha ha, Sandy, I’ll give the hemlock a miss.

        I’m pretty careful about munching on anything found outside.

        My father once made an omelette with mushrooms he had gathered in the woods.

        My mother refused to be involved and even made him write and sign a note saying that he had eaten them voluntarily and if he died, it was nothing to do with her.

        He didn’t!

        So glad you enjoy Soppy Sunday. 🙂


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