32 thoughts on “HARD TO KNOW WHAT TO SAY…”

        1. Damn, the wrong “lead”.


          I think their stuff is genuine, DonDon. It’s on their site on Youtube. They have 77,500 followers and a couple of thousand comments.

          I think we can assume it’s genuine.


  1. Very informative, but while Sunak’s recent actions, as well as his disastrous reign as P.M, have surely consigned the Tories to, hopefully, electoral oblivion, it’s the Red Tories Scotland has to beware, if they become the next Government of the U.K. If we don’t vote for a Scottish Political Party, then I fear for our future.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. While it will be satisfying to see the Tories given a good metaphorical kicking, in fat it will make no real difference to the way we have to live.

      They will continue most of the Tory policies. Austerity will continue to be the watchword and the lives of vast numbers of people will continue to be utterly miserable.

      We must vote for a Scottish party.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Our SNP and Green politicians must,from now on, make the point of who are Scottish parties and who are not, at EVERY interview they ever give. Hammer it home!!

    I still believe that most of us Scots don’t actually realise where ‘Party’ control resides and need to know how they are controlled by England.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Private Tory polling must have caused Ross to steal Duguid’s candidacy for Aberdeen North and Moray East, but wouldn’t the good folks be saying they were happy with Duguid and intended to vote for him.

    So with a bit of luck the Tories might lose both seats in the North East, thanks to Ross’s jiggery pokery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Looks like Douglas is under investigation for his expenses. Something about him charging parliament for his travel to his fitba job. Karma’s a bitch, eh?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. He shouldn’t have made himself so unpopular with his staff and they wouldn’t have leaked the information.

        Trying to take David Duguid’s seat was a bad idea, but not surprising from the nasty bully that Ross is.


    2. I heard it said that Duguid was a good constituency man.

      With the best will in the world DRoss had too many jobs to do any of them well.

      I really hope they lose both seats.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. He was not without his moments of typical tory controversy though… Failure to declare shares, an attempt to avoid scrutiny by transferring them to his wife…oh and dodgy donations from “dark money”. A Tory, so all the usual stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Correct Tris, hard to know what to say and maintain pleasant.

    Didn’t know about the Bank of Scotland wheeze.

    Possibly a hedge fund model, load company with debt supplied from a subsidiary of the fund and proceed to asset strip. After creaming off big share dividends and bonuses, being the debt holder they have first dibs on the assets. English water companies could be used as educational purposes for this topic.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. tris

    the world 🌍 to come frightens me

    you can hide away in an island all on its own but eventually…


    London is controlled by the money markets.they destroyed truss in about 15 minutes..

    wot chance a dependent Scotland bereft of the oil 🤷‍♂️

    zero ..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, Niko, when you look around at other northern countries, most of them with similar climates and either similar populations, or a bit smaller ones, or a bit larger ones, they all seem to be doing better than we are.

      Of course they don’t punch above their weight, or regularly meet with the president of the USA, or sit on the security council as a permanent member, or go to war regularly, but for the ordinary person, life seems to be a good bit better.

      Norway (with oil), Ireland, Sweden, Finland, the Baltic states, Denmark, Faroes, Greenland, Netherlands, … and even more southerly ones like Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein… none of whom have enough oil to make a difference are rich by comparison.

      If there is a future (and with the way the climate is going, who knows), it probably won’t be oil. It will be water, sun, wind… and waves… We have three of the four.

      I’m not sure that the UK has those in abundance.

      And when the oil runs out, how on earth will Britain get along.

      IU mean back when Gordon Brown lost power, the debt was under a trilling. Now, after 14 years, it’s getting close to three trillion… and that is with our oil.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lots of water, lots and lots of wind, lots of waves and yes, anything up to 20 hours of sun! (Well part of the year anyway even if it’s not *hot* sun.)

        Liked by 2 people

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