Say hello to Ollie the Orangutan and now one of Munguin’s Dorangutans. Poor lad, he has to get up very early in the morning to get to work on time!

2. Needle’s Eye tunnel, South Dakota.

3. Orcas in WA have a new calf.

Story here:

4. What a beauty.

5. Yummy, Mummy.

6. What you got there?

7. Where’s Dave?

8. Someone’s got their Sunday Shell on!

9. Anyone home?

10. So very very sad.

11. A new orangutan comes into the world.

12. Sound advice.

13. You’ve never had a toad on Soppy Sunday in all these years. I think you’re toadist!

14. What are we doing?

15. It’s all about sharing what we have.

16. Hello.

17. Tasty dinner for hungry birds.

18. Don’t get angry when I jump for joy when you return. You are what makes me happy. It’s hard for me when you leave.

19. The Hague.

20. Just keeping an eye on the new boy. He seems to be settling in OK.

Bonus for DonDon:

A spider!!!

I’m gonna give you what you deserve.

The right to live.


With thanks to Panda Paws, Andi, Dave and Quokka.

47 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. Thanks for that, tris. And in French, too.

    I have an old coffee pot to trap them in. Usually they go out the front door, but if I’m feeling lazy or it’s raining they end up in the garage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, grumpydubai. It’s amazing how short sighted we are about what we are doing to their world… which is also our world.

      It’s all about greed though, so it won;t go away.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’re right Robert, that’ll be Ardbeg and Port Bannatyne on the left side, but what were the 3 jetties on the right for?

      they look like something from WW2, disused refuelling site, or maybe for re-ammunition? someone?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alex, I think they’re the remains of McAlpine’s oil platforms building facility – only a few were built there, I believe.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. What a pretty snail shell and I don’t fancy being on that bus far less driving it. Eekk! Shame about the rhino sub species. Also a shame about the beasties in no14 though tbf I’d have removed the ivy from the house too as it can damage the structure. However the least attractive version is that plastic like last one!

    I seem to have been the only one to have noticed, but doorangutan no 1 is slightly different from the usual ones. However hopefully Ollie has done himself proud in the role. And good news about the baby orangutan born by Caesarean because that’s a baby that wouldn’t have survived in the wild and probably not mum either.

    All in all a balm for the soul but with some melancholy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. I’ve got ivy in the garden but not on walls that are part of the house. There are so many animals that live in it, and the birds can sleep in there at night, pretty safely. Also because it is evergreen they have some protection in the winter. So, although I don;t like it, it leave it there.

      Ollie has settled in well and has pleased Munguin with his dedication to his duties. He’s amusing the other staff by telling tales of his home life though… hmmmm

      Yes, great news about the wee orangutan and mum.


      1. Glad Ollie has settled in but he’s prone to exaggeration. He’s not attracted the same level of compliments as Bongo did but he’s orangutan enough to rise above it all.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. He’s a handsome fellow.

          I’m surprised he hasn’t had more adulation.

          Anyway, he’s doing a grand job on the doors.

          I’d not be surprised if he got a small bonus for today’s work.


  3. Morning Tris

    Yes , I’d sent you a nice view of Rothesay.
    Picture is above toward point.
    The jetties are the facilities to build the One concrete oil platform for the North Sea.
    The housing was on a Scottish lease so that was recovered by the land owner at no cost.
    Off to the right is the ship refuelling facility, the tankage is buried below ground, on she west flank of the hill.
    Loch striven was used to store oil tankers not very long ago.
    Loch striven has a hydro power station, looks like a wee church, takes water from loch tarsan, 12MW , two pelton wheel turbines..


    Liked by 1 person

      1. We are totally reliant on it these days.

        Can you imagine having to get out, go downtown to the reference library and pour though loads of books to find out what three clicks can now tell you?

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely to be eased into Sunday, although the white rhino is tragic. I remember the very touching image.

    I was thinking that Dave was over and near to Dunoon (bottom right) looking onto Wemyss Bay and Great Cumbrae, wrong. Good to be put right.

    Fav? The wee blue tit and the squirrel.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. If that image was being captioned, Squirrel, “How can something so small make so much noise. Here fill yir beak and shut up.”

        The wee coal tit (thanks Andi) is giving the squirrel a hard time in the first image.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Alan, it’s a great photo but I think the wee bird is a coal tit. I get blue tits, great tits and coal tits in the wilderness that passes for my back garden and I’ve even on a very few occasions had Long Tailed Tits, so I’ve had to get to know the different species – all lovely anyway.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks Andi for the ident. If I’m honest, I saw that it was a tit and went for the blue because there are more of them, by us anyway. My missus is the bird expert, which is a boon, but I sometimes think that I get a bit lazy and roll back on visual scrutiny. Ok, it’s not think, I know I am lazy.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. They are cheeky birds… all of them I’ve got a load of blue tits who come for the seed mixture available 24 x 7 and one great tit, who should get a job as a opera singer. What a voice.

        Need to encourage long tailed and coal tits.


  5. Talking of spiders, by chance while looking for something unrelated yesterday, I came across a US news item about giant joro spiders, native to China, Japan and other parts of Asia which are now in the US and moving north into New York State and beyond. Here’s a video and archnaphobes should look away. It gave me the creeps and here’s hoping that they haven’t arrived in the UK off a shipping container, too! Legs 4 inches long, spread 8 inches?!! Are venomous but largely harmless – I sincerely hope so. I have a wee message for them – you’ll definitely not like our climate. It’s like winter here just now – in June!!!

    Liked by 1 person


      I wonder if they are bothered by the cold. If so they won;t like the winters in Maryland and New York.

      But there are lots of places in China which are REALLY cold.. likewise Japan, so maybe they are used to that.

      But yes… I’ve been out and about in the last week with layers of clothes on against this dreadful cold wind

      Isn’t it just as well that there’s no such thing as climate change…


    2. I can understand why some people are put off by spiders, wee darty movements and a head stuck on their stomach. But I’m not that bothered by spiders, so I see an attractive looking spider.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know I was scared of them when I was a kid, but my gran said I should give them a name and make friends with them and then I wouldn’t be frightened.

        So I did, and I’m not.

        Sidney is a good name for a spider.

        I have had to remind myself when I’m somewhere in Africa, that they aren’t all nice friendly wee Sidney!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. All this has come into light, coincidentally when he did the dirty on Duguid.

      Who would have thunked it, eh. Obviously more than the tory party at prayer today.

      Just a thought, if he was claiming parliamentary expenses for referee work, did he also claim expenses from the SFA? And might he also have forgotten that his expenses were reimbursed, he forgot about £30,000, and claimed against tax?

      Does D Ross have a garden big enough for a blue tent?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. He he he he he….

        The blue tent would be an embarrassment for him because his Mrs is in the police. A sergeant, I think.

        Wouldn’t it be fun if Duguid dobbed him in.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. The caption beneath his picture states “Douglas Ross’s team have identified 28 claims he made …..” so is this a case of whistleblowing? I’ll get ma coat. Who are his ‘team’, exactly?Does he need a ‘team’ considering he doesn’t seem to do that much except flit about from one thing to another?

      I think we can be sure that in view of his undoubted loyalty to the Union, his services to a fundamentally English political party and his very British brass neck, nothing much will come of this and ‘extenuating circumstances’ will be found for this ‘oversight’. I could, of course, be wrong, and maybe he’ll be sent to Coventry. They’re very welcome.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well, it’s a thought that it might be that some people weren’t best pleased that he stuck a knife in David Duguid. Like he did with Jackson.

        So maybe the staff in his parliamentary office are the team they are talking about.

        And, given that he has a reputation as a bully, they may have decided to split on him.

        Coventry would be an excellent place to send him.

        He’d be at home in his beloved UK, because, as far as I know, Coventry has no desire to seek independence.

        Can’t say I’d miss his whiney face.

        Liked by 1 person

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