Aren’t they doing well?

But he did it anyway, over and over again, because well… it comes easy to him.

Dr Rachel Clarke said:

When Sunak entered Downing Street, he promised a government of ‘integrity, professionalism & accountability at every level’. Yet here we are – with televised lies to the British public.

It’s the bloody bus all over again and he’s as shameless & dishonest as Johnson.


It’s hard to imagine that it didn’t even occur to him that, particularly (but not exclusively) within his typical voter profile, this would be an important event.

It’s hard to imagine that no one advised him that it would be.

It’s harder still to imagine that he didn’t know that Sir Starmer was attending an event and had the opportunity to make comments to camera while he trotted b ack to England to do some electioneering.

Just being there was, in a way, electioneering. Showing you were a leader.

He’s not very intuitive, is he?

Presidents Biden and Macron, Chancellor Scholz… along with His Nobleness Lord Fiddle.

Once he discovered that the move had been a bit of an old faux pas, he issued an apology. He tweeted: “After the conclusion of the British event in Normandy, I returned back (eh?) to the UK. On reflection, it was a mistake not to stay in France longer – and I apologise.”

He could do with tightening up his English too.


EEEK, what’s that?

And Rishi’s wife’s family’s firm, Infosys, is in dispute with the British tax authorities over a sum of around £20,000,000.

Infosys is part-owned by the Prime Minister’s wife, Akshata Murty, who holds shares worth around £700 million and who has received dividend pay outs of over £50m since 2020.

Pay up. It’s a piddling sum to you.


Tax cuts of £1.3 billion for people earning £120,000 a year is an election promise from the Tories.

The Minister for Children has all the figures about how much these relatively well off people will be better off (a tax cut of around £1500) but the Minister for Children has no idea how much the payment for children in England actually is.

You’d think he was Minister for Comfortably off Parents.


Frank Hester, such a good looking, slim, young man.

And then there’s the Tory donor, serial racist, Frank Hester, who apologised for making disgusting remarks about Diane Abbott including that she should be shot.

The Tories refused to hand back the £10,000,000 he had given them… and then proceeded to take another £5,000,000+ from him, despite it being made clear that his comments about Ms Abbott were not a one off and that he regularly makes racist remarks about people. I’m not repeating them here, but they are mentioned in the video above.

Of course they didn’t give money back or refuse more money despite him being such a lowlife. They probably have no issue with it. (I cite the example of Douglas Ross and Travellers).



  1. Body shaming … not good you are better than that ..

    The Tory’s will and have done anything to hold onto power.

    one hopes coming election keeps them out forever… And just leading the leadership for a while .

    Fathers theory would be the money markets fearing a revolution have put the Tory’s out of power

    And put Labour into power to calm the populace and then at a later date reinstall their preferred choice

    The Conservative Party !

    Father had a point .. don’t you agree

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wasn’t body shaming. I said he was good looking, young and slim. You’re not disputing that, are you?

      I mean if he can afford to donate that kind of money to a set of losers… he’s gotta have some attraction.

      Look at the way Rupert Murdoch keeps on getting wives.

      Well, the money markets know that Labour isn’t Labour any more. Look at how things boomed under Brown. Rishi made his money there.

      OK, it all went belly up after a few years, but folk made serious money in the Brown boom.

      But yes, the Tories will get back in in 5 or 10 years


    2. Your father speaks truth Niko. Power; has to keep the populous in a state of malcontent, in order to get them to do the things we want, but not too discontented that they hang us from the lamposts.


  2. The only way to prevent the Tories coming back is to change the constitution and the electoral system. However, Labour will not do that because from time to time they get a chance of being in power. In addition, if the Tories do explode, there will be a space for a right wing party and who better than one led by a knight of the realm, so patriotic he has two flags and is a Thatcherite socialist. Once he gets into power he can drop the final word.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. First Past the Post is a way of (normally) keeping smaller parties back.

      The Liberals had a chance to get proportional representation when they were in coalition. After all, they were massively under-represented in seats by comparison with the size of their vote. But, like everything else they did then, they failed, by accepting Cameron’s proposals for a very poor PR system that wouldn’t have made much difference.

      Mrs Thatcher said that FPTP was the only way to get strong government… pretty close to dictatorship.

      FPTP, Whipping, massive prime ministerial power, privy council, unelected house of lords and a massive royal family

      Britain really isn’t a democracy.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Although Labour’s individual membership favours, by a large majority, voting reform the trade unions bloc vote opposes it and because of the rigged constitution of the Labour Party their view determines Labour’s view. Despite the growth of women membership of trade unions and some women general secretaries, the hard faced, Willy-waving bullies still dominate the unions. Many of these large unions had no qualms about colluding with Labour councillors to suppress the wages of women. This resulted in cities like Glasgow and Birmingham facing huge payouts to give these women a measure of justice.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Labour.
            Birmingham also made a very poor investment in IT which compounded their problems.


              1. A chap who was at school and university with me – we also shared a student flat for three years – was a senior Council officer in one of the Lincolnshire Councils and after he retired he was one of the team which investigated Birmingham. He was appalled by the poor quality of management and decision making.

                His father, like mine, was from Govan, served his time in the yards and was a stalwart trade unionist, red Clydesider. Given the lack of alternative in England, my pal continues to vote Labour. He has said that if he ever moved back to Scotland, he would support independence. Like other friends who moved south for work, proximity to children and grandweans makes them stay in the south rather than return home.

                Liked by 2 people

    2. Post election will be interesting, if reform have power to wield they are all for proportional representation. Depends on the seats that Labour get, who are not for Prop Rep. Also if it is a tory wipe out, and they seem to be doing all they can to achieve that, could the Farage/Tice duo become the new centre right right party, hoovering up any remaining tories to their cause. Politicians and voters.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. The far right (Tories + Reform) is getting about 35% in total. Merkel was getting that and remained in power for many years.

      Careful what you wish for!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah, immediaely leave.

          The problem in the UK is the %age of voters who will vote for far right candidates. This is a much bigger issue than FPTP.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It’s scary.

            I wonder what the traditionally Tory tabloids, Mail, Express, Telegraph, Sun are making of Farage, Tice and, of course, 30p Lee.


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