And they tried to shut her up at the end… and failed.

But she’s not wrong, is she?

6 thoughts on “OUCH! TAKE THAT, STARMER”

  1. She’s definitely not wrong At least he had the sense to keep quiet and take his medicine, though there is fat chance he’ll “change” now.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yep. He looked a bit shell shocked.

      But no, he won’t change. I don’t think he’s very popular, but who else can they vote for in England?

      I wonder who gave his security the signal to move in on her.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Good for her and I particularly liked the way she dealt with that twat who – illegally I imagine – laid hands on her. Feedback online is that Starmer lost the ITV debate to Sunak which wouldn’t surprise me. Two cheeks of the same bahookie. If it goes on like this a hung parliament isn’t out of the picture, then the nonLibnonDems will be kingmaker again.

    Can we be independent now, please?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Fearless and all of what she said was true.

      When his sirness was trying to appeal to the then massive young membership that Corbyn had brought, he was all socialist.

      The minute he got the job he ditched all that nonsense and went straight into his right of centre phase.

      Mostly I can’t tell the difference between their policies.

      Just imagine if the Lib Dems under that frightful bloke got involved. Another party with no principles.

      Maybe Milk Shake Farage will be the the king maker.

      I didn’t know there were that many milk shakes in the world. I wonder if Farage paid for that one himself?


    1. I can’t imagine why she still was. It’s not a Labour Party any more. To be fair, it hasn’t been for a very long time, but since his sirness took over, I can’t imagine what any member of proper Labour would see in their policies.


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