So, this week, before we get started…

A certain Munguinite wanted an up date on Coats of Arms.. and a certain other Munguinite provided it. Huge thanks to Andi.


And now, for the rest



Sunak & Starmer sitting on plane, together( now there’s a novelty).

Sunak turns to Starmer,” I could throw £1,000 out of this plane & make someone happy!

“Oh really”, retorts Starmer. “Well I could throw out 20 £50 notes & make 5 people happy.”

Pilot hearing this, turns to co-pilot & says, “I could throw these two bastards out & make 64 million people happy!”








8. I think the only thing we haven’t tried is is to disconnect this mess, wait 10 seconds and then reconnect.













Thanks to Harry Grieve … and once again to AndiMac.

27 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. My wife sent me a sweet text that read “If you’re sleeping send me your dreams. If you’re laughing send me your smile. If you’re crying send me your tears. I love you”

    I replied “I’m in the toilet…..please advise”


    Husband to wife “I want you to have this bracelet. It belonged to my Grandmother. It meant a lot to her”

    Wife “Why does it say ‘Do not resuscitate’ ” ?


    A woman is suing a hospital after her husband lost all interest in sex following recent treatment he had at the hospital

    The Hospital, in their defence, stated “All we did was correct his eyesight”


    Why does my wife always wait until I’m at the opposite end of the house, so out of earshot, before asking me to…….

    ‘Merm frner mernferr brnerfer!’?


    The wife took my new car out today and when she came back she said, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”

    I said, “Don’t you dare give me any bad news.”

    So she said, “OK, your airbags work!”


    Today was my son’s fourth birthday party.

    I didn’t recognize him at first.

    I’d never seen him be four


    An Irish priest is driving along a country road when the police pull him over.

    They smell alcohol on the priest’s breath.

    “Have you been drinking?”

    “Just water,” says the priest.

    The Policeman replies: “Then why do I smell wine?”

    The priest says: “Good Lord He’s done it again!”



    Liked by 4 people

      1. I think it means they are so far away you can’t make out what’s been said and so it’s unintelligible. Either that or it’s Welsh 🙂 Sorry Nigel!


        1. Spot on Panda Paws…….as in “so far away you can’t make out what’s been said ” and not as it maybe being “Welsh”…..also sorry Nigel.


          Liked by 1 person

      2. Ah… tis supposed to be…but LOL obvs is not (working as a joke so no LOL really)….the hubby saying that his wife waits until he is way way out of earshot before asking him or saying something….thus he cannot make out (understand ) what she is asking him or saying to him…..soooooooooo….he translates it as to what it sounds like to him…..as in jumbled nonsensical words……confused…..so is he…..LOL


        Liked by 1 person

        1. I knew what it meant, NMRN, because my mother used to do exactly the same, made even more frustrating because latterly her hearing was failing and my shouted attempts at “What was that, Mum?” fell literally on deaf ears.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. @ J Hall

            Yes my mother was the same……..as was my Mother-In-Law also.

            It will eventually, I suspect, happen to us too when we get older……oh well….


            Liked by 1 person

  2. So it turns out the answer to how can you describe the ineffable is to use a homophone! Merci beaucoup Andi and Sammi with his Saltire.

    I liked the pilot one, Moron and NMRN’s.

    Liked by 1 person

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