Hand over your entrance fee.

2. Who’s a pretty butterfly?

3. Clever ants. Cleverer than any of my aunts.

4. Tubby wee baby robin.

5. Scotland.

6. We’ve abandoned our humans to go off on holiday.

7. I’m loving all the sun today.

8. Munguin wants to live there.

9. Pretty sure I’ll be the cutest today.

10. Aren’t some people just rather lovely, while ALL dogs are.

11. Travelling in style, almost as if that cat were Munguin.

12. Amazing!

13. Safe with mummy.

14. Do I look like an umbrella?

15. I’m a parasol.

16. It’s extra if you want a donkey ride.

17. I’ll not say where it is, because I’m sure Auld Touns will know.

18. what a nice tongue I have, eh?

19. We’re howling in harmony.

20. I hope they close the gate on their way out.

Thank you to Andi.

47 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. What a beautiful Scottish sunset. No idea where though, await Auld toons to reveal! I liked the cat hitching a ride too and that’s one self satisfied fox! And mon the srooms. Fab news about the mushroom, that would be brilliant but given the amount of plastic, we’d need to cover the plane with them. However every little bit helps, as long as the by products are all safe.

    Of course the doorangutans were brilliant, goes without saying doesn’t it. All in all, yes it was a balm for the soul. (I often wonder if andimac updated his heraldic emblems, how he’d portray that catchphrase?!?)

    Liked by 2 people

      1. ‘ morning, Tris.

        Like panda paws, I was thrown initially by the thought it was a setting sun…

        …then I saw the island on the horizon, which has a memorable profile, and that let me know the photo is a sunrise – and the location clicked!

        Nice one !

        I also liked the wee robin fledgling at No. 4. There were two just like it having an adventure in our back garden this morning (carefully watched over by our own Robbie doing the wary parent job).

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Craftily merging a Where’s Munguin with a Soppy Sunday photo.

          I think I should get a day off this week!

          I knew you’d work it out.


          Robins are great [arents.

          We had a pair with chicks last year, but although one started off in the gardens this year, I think she must have found a mate with a better supply of food… and off they went.

          It’s starlings we have in abundance this year.

          And BOY are they noisy. It’s like being in a tropical forest. Also, they are greedy.

          Munguin will have to re-mortgage the Towers to keep them fed.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. We’ve got two families of great tits in the garden nest boxes just now and house sparrows nesting in the eaves. Seeing the wee birdies getting on well fair cheers me up. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Magic.

              I’ve just be introduced this afternoon to the young blackbirds, and we have loads of sparrow and blue tits.

              The nest box wasn’t used in the end. Some blue tits moved in, but I suspect there was too much gardening activity going on for them and they moved out. The sparrows are in the eaves, like chez vous.

              I’ll need to reposition the nesting box for next year. Higher up.

              Totally agree it’s very cheering to see the wee birds.

              Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m auld enough to know that wee saying, but alas it does not reveal the place for me. But then I didn’t know Where’s Munguin despite actually having been to Wick, though many years ago!

        Liked by 3 people

          1. I’m being place shamed by the regulars, eek!

            That’s it, a Where’s Panda Paws is coming soon and I hope none of you get it 🙂

            Liked by 5 people

        1. My daft brain is good at remembering bricks and mortar and places. Mrs Auld Touns remembers wild flowers while I struggle to tell them apart even after being shown them ten times.

          Vive la diference!

          Liked by 2 people

  2. I know it’s your boring 🥱 Sunday with the pets but just had to post this ..

    Terry Emment, 61, who has a fruit and vegetable stall in Camberley town centre, is also among the undecided voters. He said: “I have voted Tory all my life. It’s now time for a change. I voted for Brexit, but the consequences have been horrendous for my business.”

    The Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey stands in front of Tory 'dinosaurs' at a rally in Winchester on Friday.

    He said leaving the single market meant he was now paying a “surcharge” of £60 on each pallet of imported produce

    Goves the running away ex MP constituency

    🤷‍♂️ what can you say !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Probably “We told you so”.

      I don’t know who he’s going to vote for though. Sir’s Labour Party isn;t going to attempt to re-join. He wants closer ties, but it seems to me that closer ties will not result in the EU loosening any of the conditions that exist for countries that are not in the EU/EEC/EFTA.

      The Liberals were very anti-Brexit, but seem to have changed their minds.

      I guess he could vote Green.

      As for boring Sundays… I’ll just point pout to you that Munguin is sitting here with a face like a broken plate.

      He’s consulting with Spookie to see what retribution should be visited upon you.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I’ve just realised I’ve put this in after the wrong link. It should go with the Trump funny earlier, not the cat. Duh. 😦

          Liked by 1 person

        2. A good, if somewhat frightening read, Nebulous.

          He’s a frightening prospect, not just for America but for the rest of the world.

          You can bet that Putin and Xi want Trump administration. It’s always good to have a narcissistic ass as you enemy. Putin would only have to tell him how good his hair looked and there is Trump, bought!

          And so you have to wonder what they are doing to promote a Trump victory.

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Anent No. 12, aren’t fungi amazing? Give them enough time and they’ll sort out your waste disposal problems for you – even if you’re not longer around to appreciate it.

    Fungi stopped the process that created coal to end the Carboniferous Age; better hope they can break down polymers quickly enough to save us from strangling the planet in The Plastic Age.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I remember asking this at primary school, “What does young coal look like, Sir/Miss?” I asked it a couple of times to try and get an answer. Only recently found out what you have said, when I took a deeper interest in fungi.

      There are climate models that suggest that mycelium may have saved the planet.

      When I found out that it was when the fungi evolved to breakdown lignin, that stopped coal being produced. I thought about the CO2 levels at that time. CO2 may have been as low as 20 or15ppm. The climate models indicate that if CO2 lowers to around 10ppm then planet earth would become a snowball due to the increased albedo of the growing poles.

      Let’s hear it for the shrooms;

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, although it could easily be… it’s not “Where Dave?”, but you were right. It is Pittenweem. 🙂

      That video was beautiful, Marcia.

      I wish I lived in that Sweet Swiss Valley

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The ants, No3 are wonderful, fantastic wee creatures.

    I met a person who could smell if certain ants were in a wood. We had a field with a wood at each side, the wood on one side was lush with vibrant, varied growth. The other wood opposite always looked and felt to be struggling. We were walking up through the farm doing a farm walk with the apprentices and I mentioned that I was intrigued by the differences in these two areas. I hadn’t done any lab type soil sample testing, but I had dug and assed the soils visually and could discern no difference. He went in, first to the lush side, did a few mmms and poking about. Went over to the other, the struggling wood, and immediately announced, “There is no red ant here, there are no ant nests.” “Sniff, you can’t smell them.” And as if choreographed, five other individuals tilted their heads up and sniffed. He was right though, there were no red ants in the wood. But lush wood had them.

    Liked by 1 person

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