We hold all the cards, remember

Competitors taking part in a triathlon which involved swimming in the Thames have been struck down with vomiting and diarrhoea with some even rushed to hospital because they felt so unwell.

When he said Green, did he mean that brownish green slimy look…

If that’s being an environmental leader…


Oh, whoop de do, fellow Scots, a Labour knight has made a promise

I wonder if that holds more water than a promise (read the small print) of a federal union made by a noble companion of honour.


It seems that Farage has found May’s magic money tree

This will be one of the cheap nasty items that is marked “Not for the EU”.



In Cologne two Scottish lads sheltered an elderly German man as he made his way through the fan park. Spot on, lads. And I see that Germany even laid on Scottish weather.


Give generously, mugs


It’s all the fault of them Frenchies.

France doesn’t have any obligation to keep people in its country.

I mean, if refugees were crossing England on their way to Ireland or Iceland, would the British government try to stop them?

Still, it probably what his type of voter want to hear.

It’s all the fault of foreigners just being unkind to poor decent British people.



So, some pics that we couldn’t load up this weekend.

I found a way of loading them from emails, on to Facebook and copying them from Facebook and posting them on here.

It’s doable but a massive plaster and takes ages.

I must find another way.


From Kay

Ziggy looking much better.

Common Pink Barred Moth.

Srem Clematis.

Hawk Moth rescued by Kay’s other half from the blades of the lawn mower.

From Dave:






And finally, from Munguin

What has this daft old bat come as?


Hurry up and get me to work, Mummy. Munguin hates animals to be late.

    2. If you see swifts lying on the ground with their wings stretched out, don’t be afraid, just help! They are not sick. They cannot take off from flat surfaces. You need to pick them up and let them go up slightly from the height of your hands. They should catch and fly on their own.

    3. Oh, I’m glad I found this flower… Loads of pollen for me.

    4. Why wouldn’t we be friends? The cat is a nice warm mattress and I do good head scratches.

    5. Drunk tree in Angers, France.

    6. I wonder if there is any paid work for donkeys here?

    7. So there is a story to the rhododendron. Bill, a neighbour brought it to me and it was looking pretty bedraggled and sick. He asked me for a pot for it and I was reluctant, but seeing as he was a nice old guy I said OK… knowing that it would only be a few weeks before it was well and truly dead and I could have my pot back. 10 years on and the rhododendron is doing away grand. Bill died a few years ago, and so we call it the Bill Memorial Rhododendron.

    8. Remember Andi’s tree from last week… well, he has a face too!

    9. I’m watching you.

    10. I’m a bit disabled. I’ve got a horn growing out of my eye socket, but there are those who still think I’m a wee cutie.

    11. I’m well camouflaged, aren’t I?

    12. I want you to meet my kitten.

    13. No, I’m not speaking to you any more.

    14. Black roses, wow.

    15. Lenticular clouds in Iceland.

    16. The population of Penguin Island’s namesake bird has dwindled to just over 100. That’s a drop of 94% since 2007. I’d love a job out there protecting them. Good article.

    17. Great article about elephant communication. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2024-06-11/african-elephants-greet-talk-names-rumble-communication/103944758

    18. My kind of room.

    19. Norway.

    20. That first day was very tiring.

    Apologies to all. I’m still having difficulty with uploading pics, so many of these just come straight from the net. Others have been stored some time ago.

    Thanks to Andi and Quokka, b ut also to Kay who sent some corkers which I can’t upload.

    Kay was saying that Ziggy, the cat with the damaged eyes, is doing very much better, and she sent a photo, which, as soon as I can, I will upload.


    I’m having trouble with pictures that have been sent to me. I’ve no idea why. I’ve tried a new way of loading them which may or may not work. Please excuse if they don’t work and there are loads of empty spaces. Some, including all the ones that Dave sent, just won’t load at all. I’ll try to get it sorted over the weekend. Thanks to Dave, John and Andi in the meantime.









    9. I know it’s been up before, Roddy, but it’s my favourite bus in the world and it’s been a couple of years.














    From Finn McWhirter’s Facebook page

    1. Estonia is one of the most digitally advanced countries in the world, with e-residency and e-voting systems.

    2. Over 50% of Estonia is covered by forests.

    3. The country has one of the highest literacy rates in the world at 99.8%.

    4. Estonia has one of the world’s best internet freedom rankings.

    5. It was the first country to adopt online voting in 2005.

    6. Estonians celebrate “Day of Restoration of Independence” on August 20.

    7. Estonia has a unique singing culture and hosts the world’s largest amateur choral event, Laulupidu.

    8. It has over 2,000 islands, the largest being Saaremaa and Hiiumaa.

    9. The official language, Estonian, is one of the hardest languages to learn for English speakers.

    10. Estonia has no standing army, but every male citizen is required to serve in the military.

    11. The country is famous for its digital start-ups, including Skype.

    12. Estonia has a high number of meteorite craters per square kilometre.

    13. Tallinn, the capital, is one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Europe.

    14. Estonians love saunas and often combine sauna sessions with a dip in icy water.

    15. The country has a rich folklore and mythology tradition, including tales of forest spirits and magical creatures.

    16. Estonia is a member of the European Union, NATO, and the Eurozone.

    17. The country is known for its high-quality dairy products, particularly its cheese and butter.

    It only has a population of 1.3million, and yet some idiotic folk still think Scotland couldn’t cope as an independent country.
