20. This is for Conan. Get well soon, mate.

Thanks to Dave and Marcia.

121 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Hi tris. Enough to get me started.

    Pic 2: The Union of South Africa again. Still at Perth station. Probably the only steam locomotive I can identify. Once upon a time I took a photo of it at Leuchars, and I’m NOT a train-spotter.

    Pic3: Will Fyffe probably sang “I Belong to Glasgow” at that gig.

    Pic 10: Hylda Baker ???

    Pic 13: Thanks for the tractor! I think that one is a Porsche (I’m not kidding).

    Pic 14: Peels spuds AND apples too.

    Pic 16: Branding irons ???

    Pic 18: Felicity Kendal in “The Good Life”.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. DonDon…..Interesting! Actually, we always called #14 a carrot peeler. Great for long slender carrots, but maybe not so much for round, sometimes oddly-shaped potatoes? There are wide, forked shape vegetable peelers available here….maybe better for potatoes……but in our household, a small paring knife did the rest of the non-carrot peeling.

      #15 are potato mashers. Our family had the left and middle styles.

      #3…Will Fyffe was born in Dundee, but because of the song is associated with Glasgow.


    2. I thought I might have put up the Perth train before, but…well, it’s beautiful.

      10 is not Hylda Baker, but from the same era.

      15. Not branding irons, although they would work for that

      16 Yes, Felicity Kendal, but not in the Good Life.

      Glad you liked the tractor.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pic 3 – whatever happened to the June Sisters? I’ve often wondered 🙂 Pic 5 – credit card reader. Pic 6 – candle holder? Pic 9 – Jacks. I remember my sisters and other lassies up the street playing with them. When they didn’t have the wee metal thingies, they played with wee stones. Pic 10 – Dora Bryan. Pic 11 – Queen? Pic 13 – Tory porn (allegedly). Pic 14 – Pattie peeler – I still use one. Pic 18 – Felicity Kendal – trowel suggests “Rosemary & Thyme”, previously famous for “The Good Life”, et al. Also once nominated as “rear of the year”, I believe.Pic 19 – Newsreader, Moira Stuart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I suspect that the June sisters are now the November Sisters!!

      Yes, in the days when paying by credit card took forever. Didn’t they have to phone the bank?

      No 6… Nope, not candle holders, although I suppose you could!

      I can’t imagine how Jacks could be amusing!!!

      Dora Bryan and yes, Queen.

      13. Yes, don’t tell Munguin otherwise he’ll be charging extra for X rated membership (but only for Tories).

      14. Well done on the tattie peeler.

      15. Dr Rosemary Boxer! I wish I knew about pants like her character.

      16. I wonder what happened to to Moira Stuart.

      Well done, Andi!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tris……I had an aunt who worked in a department store. She said that for all but very small purchases, she had to phone the bank for approval before imprinting the credit card.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Imagine doing that in a supermarket queue, Danny…

          “Sorry, the line’s engaged”.

          “Sorry, the clerk has just gone to use the facilities”

          And the guy behind you is only buying a pint of milk in cash!! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Tris……That might be why……in the USA at least……..supermarkets were later than lots of other types of stores to accept credit cards. Groceries remained strictly a cash business for a long time I’m told. Hard to imagine, now that computers are connected in real time, and most purchases are instant debits from bank accounts.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. Moira has a slot on classic FM, I detect that it’s pre-recorder and not live. The sound of the fill in clips of her voice are strange, much like a radio station in America that was automatic based on tapes of music and fill-in of DJ, sometimes you got the rewinding tape still connected to the transmitter and the DJ talking.
        Modern stations have very high quality recording that makes it hard to detect that it’s not all live.
        In the old days records were supplied with a script that allowed the DJ to appear to have a live discussion with vip artists, who were elsewhere.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. CB750; K0 or K1? Nice Rudge and Velocette behind it, and is that a Bantam top left?

    11’s Queen; is 15 branding irons? And 16 a Bristol Lodekka?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You lost me on the first one…

      11 is Queen.

      15 Much more simple and less cruel than branding irons, unless you are a vegetable, I suppose.

      16. I’ll leave the bus to Roddy!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “I’ll leave the bus to Roddy!”
        A Lodekka obviously, as Derek has already noted.
        It’s a FLF6B model from 1964 (which Derek omitted for some reason 😉)
        FLF standing for flat-floor, long-body, front entrance…
        What is unique to these models is the two small engine radiators placed above the driver’s cab roof level (at the front outer corners of the double deck). The coolant water was pumped around these instead of the traditional radiator. This was designed to reduce power loss due to engine radiator fan operation and to increase the heat available for the passengers. (in hot weather flaps could be changed by levers in the driver’s cab to divert all the hot air to the outside of the vehicle).
        I don’t think any other manufacturer copied this approach. Mostly the buses seemed to manage without a traditional radiator and the grille at the front was ornamental.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. The CB750 looks like an early/mid-seventies K2, Derek.
      (Confusing as to the model, as different markets carried different model codes for the same bikes.)
      The oil tank is the later design with the newer badges.
      Still got the barely adequate single disc brake though, which being stainless was hopeless in the wet – just no bite.
      Cast iron discs like those on Triumphs and Nortons of the period suffered surface rusting but worked much better.
      Almost quaint to see the CB750 being fitted with a kick-starter in such an advanced design.
      I never saw one fail to start off the button, given a healthy battery.
      Maybe Honda lacked complete confidence that it would work every time and adopted a belt and braces approach…

      The Velo looks like a Thruxton, with the Amal GP carb prominent beneath the petrol tank.
      It was a production racer named after the circuit where it had much success.
      I wouldn’t like to kick this over – the standard low-compression Venom was beast enough to kick and you had to learn how the valve-lifter worked to rouse it from its slumbers…
      It’s an interesting juxtaposition, with the 1930s design single and late 1960s four almost being contemporaries, separated by only a couple of years.

      The Beesa does look like a Bantam D1 125cc from way back, going by the paint job.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Was the brake disc thing not that they were chrome plated? My Ducati (900 S2) has plain steel discs and they’re great. Or they were last time that I used it…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Possibly Derek, I just know that they were rust resistant and suffered in the wet as a result.
          Whether a type of stainless steel or plated mild steel, they didn’t work particularly well.
          There always seemed a slight delay before they gripped, which could be alarming until you go used to it and drove accordingly.
          Ducati always had good brakes and handled well – helped that they used double discs…
          I forgot to mention the Velocette Venom in front of the BSA on the left of Pic20. All you see here is the front end but the forks, headlight and brake fittings are quite distinctive.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. I think pic 12 is maybe Stirling, 1950s, Murray Place. I used to know Stirling quite well as a friend lived there but this was a wee while before that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A bit before my time, but I would guess this is somewhere near the Springburn end of the Springburn- Mitchell Street route for the Glasgow Corporation Trams. It’s famous for being the first route to be electrified (due to the hilly nature of the terrain and the toll it took on the horses).


      1. Hard to imagine how horrible it wold be for the horses. They still have a horse drawn tram in the Isle of Man, but it’s all on the flat.


  5. Me thinks the tractor is a Massey Harris ( see the logo centre beneath the headlights) and the model is a “Pony” ( see centre above the radiator grill).
    They were made in France…which probably explains the yellow headlights

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jake, that’s all very true, and I’m obviously wrong about the tractor being a Porsche.

      But Porsches and Massey-Harris tractors shared the same colour scheme of red with yellow wheels. That is my excuse, any way.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Nice restored one, with the lettering clearly visible.

        Massey Harris merged with Ferguson (of UK) c. 1953 thereafter becoming ‘Massey Ferguson’.

        The Massey Ferguson 35 and 65 models were also red but with grey wheels.

        Weren’t tractors ‘titchy’ in those days? I think fields were smaller as well, and no safety cabs.

        David Brown tractors (he of Aston Martin fame) were also red with yellow wheels.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. That’s a great photo.

          I think there were a lot of accidents in these days. Especially in sloping fields and in wet weather.

          Pretty sure people died being thrown out of tractors.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Pretty dangerous, if the tractor toppled over the driver was extremely vulnerable and it did happen given that fields can have quite steep slopes.
            Quoting from historic Hansard…
            “For many years the overturning tractor has caused more fatal accidents on farms than any other single type of accident. To stem this toll of human life regulations were introduced in 1967 requiring, after 1st September 1970, all new tractors to be fitted with safety cabs when first sold to the farmer and when used by a worker. From 1st September 1977 all tractors, including those built before 1970, will have to be fitted with a safety cab when they are used by a worker.”
            I recall (presumably as an interim measure) tractors fitted with what looked like a giant roll-over bar, although given that the driver could be thrown off I’m not sure I would have put much trust in that.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. At first glance, I also took the tractor for a Porsche – not because of instant recognition but attempting to read the badge on the grille. Jake, I’ll bow to superior eyesight but unlikely as it seems, Porsche did make tractors. Google gives about 26 million results, and some of the images are very similar to No 13.

    I do know that Lamborghini made tractors and even have a photie of a very ancient one somewhere from a distant visit to France and the RS’s sister. The Lambo lived on a neighbour’s winery in Gaillac – and probably still does. I’ll see if I can excavate the pic from an old laptop. DonDon, that will help compensate for all the spiders I’ve inflicted on you.

    Agree with Andi on tattie mashers instead of branding irons (ouch!) and shared the same thoughts on the June sisters and the Houston siblings who were ‘the rage of London’. But I think the candle-holders are for pieces of blackboard chalk. Only guessing – never seen one before – but that would help cut down the dust and mess fr0m blackboard writing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL. Fair recompense for a spider or ten, John.

      The chalk holders were apparently for drawing straight lines in blackboards for , for example, music lessons.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. No 7 – old style car keys which simply turned on the ignition and the starter was a separate button. My old Riley fortunately had separate keys for door and ignition, when former key snapped in door on a very sub-zero night. ,(Remember those nights before global warming ?)
    Nice to be reminded of Lamborghini tractors. Enjoyed assuring sceptical colleagues that I once overtook a Lamborghini on my 100 cc Honda….😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cairnallochy…….I don’t remember when the starter was a separate button from the ignition switch (1940’s and early 50’s,) but our family almost always bought General Motors brand cars……Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, and Cadillac (Pontiac and Oldsmobile now defunct). This key design (# 7) was standard across the line for decades (at least back to the 1960’s.) The rectangular head key activated the combined ignition and starter switch, and the oval head key opened the doors and trunk.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Tris……No! Not in the states at least…..and not at least by the 1960’s. I’ve seen pictures of an old 1952 Chevy (Chevrolet) the family had, which DID have a separate ignition lock and starter button….both situated on the dashboard. But at least by the mid 1960’s, General Motors had combined the ignition and the starter switches into a single key lock, and placed it up on the steering column. You put in the key and turned it to the first position which activated the ignition. Then you turned it further and held it. That activated the starter, and then you let go of the key and it snapped back to the ignition position.

          That combined key-activated ignition/starter switch on the steering column was used for decades by General Motors in the states……until a modern computer controlled system once again separated the ignition lock from the starter in models sometime after the 2000 model year I think.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. PS Tris…….The top key in picture #7 was the ignition/starter key, and the bottom one (oval shaped) operated the locks on the doors, the trunk, and the glove box.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. American cars still had starter buttons into the 1950’s. (Old family 1952 Chevy that I mentioned had a starter button.) But that changed by mid-1960’s or so in the states.

              Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh, I’ve never heard of that Cairnallochy.

            I remember there being chokes that you had to pull out, or in the case of the Imp, pull up!


    2. Yes, Cairnallochy. Car keys before you pressed a button and the door opened. and before central locking (and global warming).

      LOL about you overtaking a Lamborghini! It paints a picture.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. John…….(#15) I’ve seen potatoes mashed with both the criss-cross and wavy style
    mashers. Our family had both of those styles.

    The multiple chalk holder (# 6) made five parallel lines on a blackboard. Useful to produce a staff for music instruction, or parallel lines for use in penmanship class (when they were still teaching cursive script back in the day.) I saw one in a small town museum which had old schoolroom equipment.

    I can’t read the badge on the tractor either…….but I found articles about Porsche tractors:

    “Porsche made tractors from 1937 until 1956 in collaboration with German company Allgaier GMBH and Austrian company Hofherr Schrantz with both companies using the Porsche engine design. In 1956 Porsche took over all tractor production and the tractors were named Porsche-Diesel.

    They made the tractors until 1963 when after a few months of poor sales, they decided to shut the tractor part of the business down almost overnight to concentrate on the automotive side.”

    A couple of articles I found. I didn’t find a lookalike picture:

    (The cheers from the huge crowd at the Porsche tractor show were probably deafening.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Danny, and a belated to link to your (tongue in cheek) linguistic queries from a few days ago. The tattie mashers produce the ‘champit tatties’ haggis accompaniment, but set me wondering about the different configurations? Do they produce different textures of champitness? And if sharpened, the cross-hatched one on the left could also double as an instant chip sliver.

      As for keys, I well rember the days of separate ones for locking and starting. My dad’s Ford Prefect (mid 50s) is one example. My own Mini (late 60s) had double-function key but the starter was a press-button on the floor next to the gear lever.
      I once did a Uri Geller with a car key that slid into the lock as usual but twisted like putty as I turned it, leaving me with a stump and the rest stuck in the door. Fortunately, inserting the stump turned the remainder and the door opened. Being parked on a slope I was able to bump start and get home. But how had the key turned to putty? That was in sub-tropical Africa, not sub-zero Scotland. The remaining stub was still normal and unbendable as was the broken shaft the locksmith eventually removed. Never did manage to repeat that (again fortunately!).

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ouch, what a bother with the keys, John.

        Not that today’s car keys are without troubles.

        If for some reason they don’t work electronically, you have to put them in and turn them… then, the alarm goes off, attracting unwelcome looks…and you have to rush to get the key in the ignition to stop it.

        I’m pretty certain you could get replacement keys at the car dealers at a reasonable cost… whereas, when I lost my electronic key, it cost me £200 for a new one from the dealer. And even then it didn’t work properly to begin with.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. John……I’m not at all sure what “champit” or “champitness” actually means (although I think that “tatties” are probably potatoes,) but anyway, we favor a very smooth, creamy texture in our mashed potatoes. So after we roughly break up the potatoes with either the criss-cross or wavy style hand masher, we get out the electric mixer and obliterate any remaining trace of clumpiness. On the other hand, if you like some clumpiness, I’m not sure which hand masher would work best. I’ve never seen one of those whirly style mashers (the one on the right.)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Chappit = chopped or mashed in English.

          Tatties are potatoes. I don’t think my granny would ever have used “potatoes”… or for that matter “chopped or mashed”

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Tris…….Interesting! Thanks for the translation! I’ve never heard any term but “mashed potatoes” here in the Midwest USA.

            Liked by 1 person

  9. pic 5: a ‘swiper’ for processing credit cards in the old days (60s, 70s, and maybe into 80s).

    The retailer would place the customer’s credit card on its back between the top and bottom holders on the right. The retailer’s ID etc was on the embossed metal equivalent visible over on the left. The carbonless transaction docket (three copies) was placed across both, and the swipe handle on the left was pulled manually across the transaction docket, leaving customer and retailer imprints on all three copies. One was handed to the customer, one retained by the retailer, and the third posted off to the credit card company to be settled with the retailer a few days later.

    Liked by 3 people

          1. Tris……Thinking about it, I think my aunt told me that $50 or more was the amount that would require a telephone authorization on a credit card purchase. (This would have been in the 1970’s probably.) I doubt that there is any paper receipt fallback in case of computer failure. I know that some time back, a major American optical company (makes and sells eyeglasses) could not make any sales anywhere in the country for the better part of a day due to a nation-wide computer failure.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It makes you wonder, Danny, what would happen to things now if the net failed and all systems went down.

              Somewhat belatedly, compared with Scandinavia, and becuase of the unwillingness to touch paper money early on in the pandemic, few people seem to use cash money these days.

              Indeed, I noticed that the royal mint has issued some new pound coins for the royal party in June, and I wondered if anyone would actually ever use them.

              People use cards or phones to pay for everything. Maybe Charlie won’t get his face on the money!

              Liked by 1 person

                1. I don’t know how things are elsewhere (although would love to hear from readers in various places in Europe/elsewhere), but I never see people paying with cash these days.

                  It’s all cards or phones.

                  Maybe some of the smaller shops still take cash only.

                  about 8 or 9 years ago a friend of mine went to live in Sweden and I asked him what Kroner were like. He had been there for a month or so and said he hadn’t seen any yet as everything was done by phones.

                  Here it’s only since Covid made touching money risky that we have moved with the times.

                  I do remember though, that my granny used to tell me when I was a wee lad not to put money anywhere near my mouth and to wash my hands after touching it. You never knew, she reckoned, where it had been!

                  Of course, she was right (a wise old lady). In these days a coin or note could have been through many many hands in the course of a day. and who knew what these hands had touched!

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Tris……I hadn’t really thought about the effect of Covid on the use of cash.

                    I don’t really know if mintage figures for coins, and printing of notes, are down from previous years or not. I would think it quite likely though.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. It had quite an effect here. Supermarkets suggesting paying with cards where possible presumably to limit the amount of cash that their check out people had to handle, and thus reduce their risks.

                      But it recalled to me my grandmother’s warning that filthy lucre was indeed, quite literally DIRTY stuff that you touched, put in your pocket or wallet and with absolutely no idea where it had been.

                      Up till that time, smaller shops always dealt in cash, but now most have card readers. and of course you no longer have to even touch the reader to put in your pin number.

                      I’ve no idea what it has done to the printing of notes or indeed the minting of coins.

                      Munguin, of course, has a stash of bank notes put aside for a rainy day, which, in Scotland is most days with a “y”.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. We had a sign like that at a supermarket we use too.
                      I would advise that Munguin stash some gold aside too. You just never know about banks and bank notes. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                  2. It must be 5 years or thereabouts since I used cash here in Denmark. All transactions are card, or more commonly now, telephone. Except for one. I still carry a 10 kroner coin to unlock a supermarket trolley, the same coin for the last several years.

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. I suppose Denmark is like Sweden there then, Jim.

                      I wonder if Norway, Finland and Iceland are the same.

                      Anyone? I’ve not been abroad in the last two years+

                      Liked by 1 person

              1. trispw: ” . . . few people seem to use cash money these days”

                Not in Germany. At least 50 % pay in cash, despite “use a card if possible” signs.

                Long may it continue.

                Liked by 2 people

                1. Really?

                  I’m surprised, DonDon.

                  I don;t mind using cash as long as it’s Scottish notes. I really hate having Lizzy’s face (from 40 years ago) staring at me

                  Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Tom. Most enjoyable – on both counts. I remember listening to Will Fyffe records as a wee boy – my dad had quite a few 78s (original hard discs!) played on a wind-up gramophone. Never heard of the Houston Sisters before, but a great story. Yet another MNR schoolday.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. 20. My mate had its wee brother Tris, the 550 four.
    I was out last weekend at the Crieff Hydro for a family do, something my wife and I wouldn’t even have thought about two weeks ago, so it’s all relative I suppose.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I did B&B in Stirling in the mid to late 90s and used a credit card reader thingy to take payment, although I preferred cash.
    My husband bought an old Massey Ferguson 35X tractor a couple of years ago and is slowly doing it up.
    When it rains here our road gets really muddy (we’ve improved the track now and it does not get quite so muddy), and in our first winter here we got stuck in the mud and we were pulled out/rescued by our near neighbour in his Lamborghini tractor

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Did they still have that machinery in the 90s, Tatu? Were they only for credit cards or could they be used for debit cards too?

      You could always send some photos of the tractor, if you like. I’m sure DonDon would appreciate it (as long as there are no spiders hanging around…)

      Liked by 1 person

  12. If the electric grid goes down we will all be in the brown stuff.
    No petrol from the filling station, no food from the supermarket
    no charge for the phone., just for starters.
    No1 is said to be on the way from Pinkston in Glasgow.
    Pinkston power station provided the power for the tram cable system to get up to the top of the town, the driver clamped onto and off the cable which was a continuous loop.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I was working in Saudi when the grid collapsed due to a fault.
    It took us 3 days to get the grid back on line.
    My nephew works in transmission and they have a plan for his department should the same happen. Bring your family, they will be fed, there will be fuel for your vehicle.
    Some power satations are not capable of being restarted without the grid.
    At Inverkip we needed 30 MW to get a single boiler back ready to start the turbine, we only had a single 5MW generator, the Black Start generators were at Dumfermline
    At that time the phone system would still work as it had battery backup, now the cells are connected to the grid, look on the bright side, no tv or radio..


    1. Like

    1. I think he was drunk that night. He’d visited a distillery in Scotland earlier on and then moved on to NI.

      Presumably he’d had a few in.


  14. Everyone trying to move goods in or out of NI should take the prime minister at his word…bin the paperwork and phone him personally.
    EVERY Customs query related to NI should be referred to him personally.
    He should be taken at his word and be personally responsible for resolving each and every query.
    He should be answerable at PMQ ‘s for EACH and EVERY query .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hear hear.

      He said that a border would be over his dead body…

      Maybe that was the ditch he was going to die in?

      It’s all down to him. Let him sort it.


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