12 thoughts on “Soon may a better man come”

    1. Did the guy, at the end, say something like, if we had got independence in 2014, England would be bankrupt after a few months ?


      1. I think he was saying that Scotland would have been bankrupt.

        I presume he thinks that unlike every other small European nation we are too stupid to run our own country…

        Or maybe he knows that if we were inde[pendent his dreams of becoming a noble lord would disappear in the first week.

        It’s quite amusing, given the fur coats and no knickers state of the UK .


      2. Just in: Anas Sarwar has responded to our exclusive video of a Scottish Labour candidate saying the party helped the Tory campaign in 2019.

        The Scottish Labour leader said Tauqeer Malik’s claim “wasn’t true” and he’s standing by the Aberdeen South hopeful.

        So Sarwar is backing a guy he knows is lying to possible future constituents?

        Liked by 1 person

  1. The good folks of Somerset can chose who they will.

    I’m impressed by a top hat. It confers a dignity to both the man and his office.

    Who can take a hatless boor seriously?

    But who are we going to get in Scotland… it won’t be our choice.


    Between now and the election, the Scottish parliament should vote in a law that requires the Scottish Secretary of State to wear a pith helmet and ostrich feather on all official occasions whilst acting as our governor-general. Lest this notion be deemed elitist and/or divisive, I further propose that underlings and civil service mandarins who report to him be similarly dignified by distinctive headwear. That I have in mind something orange, cone-shaped with distinctive fluorescent banding is merely a proposal and I’m open to alternative suggestions.

    As I understand it, a statutory enactment such as this is not a reserved matter and entirely within the competence of the Scottish Parliament. Further, it could be enforced by the Lyon Court, whose powers are in such matters are absolute.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hetty sent me this, from the Times.


    The things that a government can do if it doesn’t have a load of greedy thieving aristos and Tory donors trying to get another yacht or plane and not giving a toss about how many NHS staff die so they can add something to their already fat offshore bank accounts in the BVI.

    After all, who needs the NHS when you have private medical care?

    Now all you plebs should go out and stand on your doorsteps and clap.

    Liked by 3 people

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