144 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Hi tris. I’m back in the saddle possibly first tonight.
    Pic 2 – Anita Harris in Carry On Doctor
    Pic 9 – Flora Hird ?
    Pic 12 – Surely not the captain of the Titanic AGAIN.
    Pic 16 – Looks like an early Fergie, but I could be wrong.
    Pic 18 – Kenneth Williams, a very funny man.
    Pic 19 – Waverley Station. I was there just before Christmas.

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      1. Yep. The hint is in No. 3, I think… No 12 is Commodore Sir Edgar Britten, first master of the Queen Mary – quite a wee linked theme this week; seeing as how the good Commodore’s charge was named after the wife of No. 7 and the mother of No. 1

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        1. Prince David The Nazi (the future – and brief – Edward 8) came to our village in 1935 to do his ‘something must be done’ act. There’s a small plaque on a wall on our High Street commemorating the fact.

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          1. As I recall the story, the “something” that “must be done” was very quickly forgotten when he went off on a safari (killing spree) with Mrs Simpson for a month and was having such a good time in Africa that he extended his holiday… because he could… and completely forgot about hundreds of thousands of starving people.

            He was well suited to the Nazi party.

            A bit like the modern Tory Party and Snarls who, never mind the people, I’m having a proper coronation.

            Austerity? What’s that?

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to see you back, DonDon.

      9 Isn’t Thora Hird…a bit like her though.

      12 isn’t the Titanic. Think one of the Queens.

      16. When I saw Fergie, I thought Airmiles’ wife, or ex-wife and bidie-in. 🙂 Nope, Irish, from the 1920s.

      Yep, Kenneth Williams and Waverley.



  2. No 8 is Dora Bryan, but I can’t remember the comedy shows she was in.
    Is no 1 Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor ?
    No 20 is west end of Waverley, early years of nationalisation with British Railways spelled out on tender, soon afterwards superseded by successive versions of BR crest/ totem. The long boilered loco looks like an ex NB/LNER cab (but may be ex-NER) 4-6-0 ( the more common NER wheel arrangement).
    Little tank engine next to it would be for Balerno or similar on one of the local services westward now long gone.
    Await advice of one of our specialists !

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Erratum – almost all NER locos had prominent wheel arches, tho least prominent were those on Class B16, which also seemed to have ling boilers. Back to the old drawing board after night’s kip.

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    2. Dora Bryan is right, Cairnallochy. She was in a lot of films including, I think, some Carry Ons. She also did a lot or radio and a lot of sit-coms on tv, including the Last of the Summer Wine..


      Yes, David, who became, briefly, Edward.

      Waverley it is, but, like you, I’m waiting for an expert to tell me the train.


      1. I remember Dora Bryan as a lovely, friendly woman who chatted happily to my mum and me (aged 10 or 11) in a compartment of the train from London to Worthing in the late sixties. The chat started when I recognised her from seeing her on the telly, and thought I was being subtle whispering so to my mum – only to be shushed for being rude. The lovely Ms Bryan then smiled and winked at me before laughingly telling my mum off for shushing one of her fans, and then carried on the conversation for the rest of the journey…

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        1. Lovely story, Auld Touns.

          The really big stars usually are nice (with a few exceptions) and have time for fans. That’s probably one of the reasons they continue to be big stars.

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      2. Loco on further inspection and checking is ex LNER B1, so it postdates all the pre-grouping parts, eg NB (but was still NB into BR days in the eyes of ex- LMS (Caley in Scotland) men.
        The B1 was a Thomson design, the equivalent to the LMS Black Five although less numerous. They lasted virtually to the end of steam. The class occasioned less controversy than some other Thomson designs, which were excoriated because of the perceived interference with Nigel Gresley’s locomotive legacy, seen by Gresley devotees as driven by personal animus.
        Just realised from checkiing this topic that the North British seems to have had no 4-6-0 ‘s at all.

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  3. Great pics, thanks Tris.
    No.4, dunno, but I have a wee (local river find) piece of pottery with a train station image on it, it’s really nice, would love to know where, sort of similar to that one in the pic.
    Durham? Did they have a city council as well, presume so…probably a big county.
    Waverley station is one of the biggest in UK as it has the two sides/ends re platforms in and out of the city, not sure of other ones like it. The Osmond’s teeth, really quite something must have cost a fortune. Were they real? My sis liked them and had the album, must have driven my dad crazy listening to that nonsense! Mormons singing ‘Puppy love’, jesus christ.

    No. 2. ‘Carry on nurse’? Maybe they should do a remake, or maybe not lol! Wasn’t there a Brit programme called ‘Blue’ angels’ about nurses ages ago?
    Enjoy your weekend, get the thermals out if in Scotland, brrr.

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    1. “Angels” was a BBC continuing drama from the 1970s/80s about a group of student nurses in the fictional Saint Angela’s Hospital.
      Lots of later-to-become-famous faces in it, including Pauline Quirke, Angela Bruce, Fiona Fullerton, Lesley Dunlop and Julie Dawn Cole.
      It was criticised for portraying nurses as real people who did what other students did and not conforming to the angel image some have of the profession.
      Wasn’t the worst thing on TV at the time…

      The Blue Angel was the film with Marlene Dietrich falling in love – again…

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        1. Not quite as dreary as Casualty, Tris.
          I think it was aimed at younger audiences, given that it tended to concentrate on issues common to students and young people as a whole.
          It was watchable in an era when there was much less choice of viewing than today and occupied what is now regarded as the Eastenders time slot, as I recall.
          Think of it as being what the pupils of Grange Hill did when they left school and you get the drift…

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            1. Thanks for that, Tris.
              Good find, although there wasn’t much happening in this clip.
              I remember Surly Shirley, the bossy supervising nurse in the background here, as being the villain that every good drama needs to make it work…
              Mr McDonald, the character demanding the bottle, had a pound-shop Scots accent even Dick van Dyke would have been embarrassed to use…

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                1. Thanks for that, Danny.
                  He is at least gracious enough to admit it wasn’t the best.
                  When you look back at old British films in the black-and-white days, you’ll find that there were only two accents used.
                  Clipped, cut-glass posh (= upper class) and Cockney (= working class) and the latter in most of these was no better than that used by the great Mr van Dyke.
                  It was always culture meets a bit of rough.
                  Grating his accent may have been but he was doing no more than continuing a long and much unloved tradition…

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                  1. Yes. The Rank Organisation had a school where you went to learn to talk properly. That’s why so many artistes had cut glass accents.

                    The people who talked with cockney accents were always the shop keepers, maids, gardeners,

                    Butlers always seemed to manage the upper crust accent.

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                  2. Here in the USA, the accent affected by upper crust easterners was called “Mid-Atlantic” (or Transatlantic.) Apparently meaning midway between Northeast American and half upper-crust British.
                    In politics, Mid-Atlantic was the speech pattern of FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt. In the movies of the 1930’s and 40’s for example, it was the speech of almost every movie star. Katherine Hepburn being a noteworthy example.


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                    1. Yes. If I didn’t know he was American, I wouldn’t really guess. from his speech.

                      There are a few hints: Nu instead of New, I noticed. Cantinue rather than Continue.

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                    2. Some British stars had a similar thing, after they had worked in America. They toned down their Britishness… Particularly pops singers, I think because the American accent (like there is only one!!!) sounded more cool.

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                    3. FDR would declare:
                      I’ve said it aGain and aGain and aGain. (Rhymes with “rain.”)

                      In Boston, the hard American “R” often disappears entirely:
                      I pahked my cah near Hahvahd Yahd

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                    4. Danny to my ear W F Buckley I hear slight Southern states accent/droll. I’ll listen again, but I hear it in the cadence of the first syllable, start of a word with a long vowel, like an “a”.

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                    5. Alan……Buckley’s bizarre speech pattern was endlessly parodied. I think I hear the posh prep school “lockjaw”speech of the Mid-Atlantic accent.
                      But in Buckley’s case there would be many influences, including Southern. Both parents were southern. His father was a Texas oil man, and his mother was from Louisiana. He was raised in Mexico, and his first language may have been Spanish from his nanny. His schooling was in France, England, and the USA, and he attended posh prep schools in England and the eastern USA. I found this article titled “Why Did William F. Buckley Jr. Talk Like That? The origins of his “preposterously mellifluous” voice” entertaining.

                      He was an upper-class “prep.” English was not Buckley’s first language: His nanny taught him Spanish, and he attended university in Mexico for some time. But there’s little evidence of any Spanish influence in his Connecticut lockjaw sound. Instead, his aristocratic drawl, quasi-British pronunciations, and fondness for Latinate vocabulary seem to have originated at the [posh prep schools] he attended as a boy: St. John’s Beaumont in England, when he was 13, followed by the Millbrook School in upstate New York. According to Buckley biographer Sam Tanenhaus, few of the writer’s siblings shared his peculiar way of speaking. Tanenhaus also points out that Buckley picked up elements of a Southern drawl from his parents, both of whom were from the South.


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                    6. Wow. What a mix.

                      Posh English schools can do that to you… although they don’t necessarily. I have a mate who went to Harrow, and didn’t sound in the least posh. Jacob Rees Mogg went to Eton and sounds more posh than the queen.

                      Once again, it depends on what your ear is like. Can you pick up new sounds… can you resist new sounds?

                      When I was a child, and a teenager, if I went somewhere for a week, I would come back with that accent. Including New York.

                      It worked well for me when my family moved to England when I was 12. I was given a hard time by the kids at school for being a Jock. My ability to pick up their accent managed to get me accepted, although I always had to remember to change it when I went into the house. “Don’t speak Brummy!!!!”

                      But in my later teens I used to visit a friend in London, and I’d come back with a London accent.

                      When I go to France now, my French sounds Scottish for a few days, then I pick up the accent of Paris, or Orleans or Grenoble or Metz and likewise in Geneva.

                      But I have a good ear. I can hear a tune once or twice and reproduce it on the piano/keyboard without thinking and without any effort.

                      I(t’s all part of the same natural skillset.

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                    7. Tris…..I have trouble differentiating accents in and around the Midwest…..the Mississippi Valley and Great Plains. Or for that matter the mountain west and the west coast. I doubt that I could recognize Nebraska from Wyoming, or even California. Maybe old California would have had a native Spanish sound, but then everyone flooded into California from everywhere. So maybe there’s no recognizable “California” accent these days……except of course the much parodied “Valley Girl” “uptalking” accent from the San Fernando Valley of the L.A. area.

                      I liked this video of Sandi talking about her New York English in an English boarding school, where she learned British English from old films.

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                    8. That was a laugh. Did you see how that lad was looking at her, almost hero worship.

                      Also, it’s interesting that the accent wasn’t picked up, but chosen. And, despite he having used it since she was 14, she reverts to American when she’s tired.

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                    1. Oh yes. That was awful 🙂

                      He does mention that there are more than just one “British” accents. But then he talks about a Welsh accent, but of course there are, I suspect, many different Welsh accents. It is unlikely that they speak the same way in Cardiff as they do in Blaenau Ffestiniog.

                      In the same way that Boston and Birmingham, and Houston and Laramie will be different.

                      Locally, the accent in Forfar (less than 20 miles North West) is very different from Dundee… and 20 miles south into Fife, again the accent is very different.

                      I think if you are musical … have a good ear for a tune… you can pick up accents very quickly.

                      Lulu, Scottish pop singer from Glasgow, moved to London in the 60s and her accent changed, then she married an American and it changed again.

                      People laugh at her for it, but she probably finds it hard not to pick up these sounds.

                      It’s an interesting subject.

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                    2. It is. What makes accents so different?

                      And how much influence has radio, tv, films and social media had on accents?

                      Only 100 years or so ago, people didn’t travel much and 200 years ago, hardly at all.

                      How did accents develop.

                      And, when Brits travelled to America, Canada or Australia, New Zealand, and settled in different parts (along with Irish and other Europeans), how did their accents and ways of speech change … and why?

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                    3. Tris…..Regional accents are fascinating. Interesting how many variations there can be, even in an area as small as the
                      New England states for example, where there are entirely different accents. The Boston “Hahvahd Yahd” accent is entirely different from New Hampshire and Vermont, and the so-called “Down East” accent of coastal Maine is entirely different from those.

                      So why is the FAR northeast state of Maine called DOWN East?
                      Wiki says it has to do with sailing DOWNwind from Boston, which is southWEST of coastal Maine and Canadian ports to the Northeast.


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                    4. Funny how these things come about, perfectly logically at the time and then just stick..

                      I can’t say I like the accent of Maine.

                      I wonder how much different the accents of say Montana and Nebraska for each other…

                      I do kinda like the southern acent, but again I assume there are many of them.

                      Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia… all must have a lot of different accents.

                      Would be interesting to study them…

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                    5. I can probably recognize variations in “Southern” accents in the broad swath from Texas to the Carolinas, with French Louisiana and Kentucky/Tennesse along the way. Nebraska from Wyoming? I wouldn’t have a clue.

                      Too much drawl for Missouri here I think. Not all Missourians are backwoods rednecks, although I’m told that there’s a Missouri drawl. Next door to Arkansas of course. 🙂


                    6. Very interesting.

                      You’re pretty much in the middle of the USA so in your southern parts you’re right next to Arkansas and Oklahoma, which I associate with “the South”, and at the other end your joining Iowa and Nebraska, which I associate with “the North”.

                      Good video on accents. Thanks.

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                    7. In the Civil War, Missouri was a “border state.” The border states were slave states which did not secede from the Union, and lay in a swath between the secessionist states of the Southern Confederacy to the south and the free states of the federal Union to the north. The border states were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware, and after 1863, West Virginia (a unionist state carved out of the pre-civil war territory of slave state Virginia.)

                      There was conflict and violence between the unionists and secessionists in Missouri, and while the federal forces generally retained control of the state, there were two state governments, one at Jefferson City, and a secessionist government with little actual control of state territory which was established in southern Missouri at Neosho, and later met in exile in Texas.



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                    8. It was not good to be a divided state during the civil war. Both sides fighting over military control of territory, and paramilitary partisans roaming the state. My great great great grandfather was shot dead on the porch of his house by unionist partisans who rode onto his property and accused him of Confederate sympathies. My g-g grandfather was a boy of ten and witnessed the murder from the front yard of the house..


                    9. Dear heavens, Danny. That’s utterly awful.

                      I suppose it is what happens in that kind of war if someone thinks you are a traitor to the cause, their cause.

                      To be in the middle of it must have been terrible.

                      10 year old boys really shouldn’t see that kind of thing.

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                    10. This is an example of a story that gets handed down through generations of a family, and that I’ve been able to confirm in considerable detail by internet sources and library references.
                      The pre-civil-war violence of “bleeding Kansas” led to the admission of free state Kansas into the Union in 1861, followed by a wartime period of civil unrest which often lapped over into divided, slave state Missouri.


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                    11. Tris…..Crossing the Kansas/Missouri state line about 60 miles south of Kansas City, I’ve drive over and along the Marais des Cygnes on both sides of the line many times.

                      The state line area was no place to be during civil war times. John Greenleaf Whittier wrote a poem on the Marais des Cygnes murders, titled “Le Marais du Cygne”, which was published in the September 1858 edition of The Atlantic Monthly. (“Monthly” was in its name back then.)





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                    12. A BLUSH as of roses
                      Where rose never grew!
                      Great drops on the bunch-grass,
                      But not of the dew!
                      A taint in the sweet air
                      For wild bees to shun!
                      A stain that shall never
                      Bleach out in the sun!

                      Back, steed of the prairies!
                      Sweet song-bird, fly back!
                      Wheel hither, bald vulture!
                      Gray wolf, call thy pack!
                      The foul human vultures
                      Have feasted and fled;
                      The wolves of the Border
                      Have crept from the dead.

                      From the hearths of their cabins,
                      The fields of their corn,
                      Unwarned and unweaponed,
                      The victims were torn,
                      The whirlwind of murder
                      Swooped up and swept on
                      To the low, reedy fen-lands,
                      The Marsh of the Swan.


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    2. Down here, rural district councils were the second tier of local government, under counties but above parishes.

      Wrexham had a Town Council which covered only the town itself. Wrexham Rural District Council dealt with all the surrounding villages. The two had equal status beneath Denbighshire county. There may still be some grids around the place here with ‘WRDC’ embossed on them.

      All this changed with the first serious buggering about with local government which took place 1972-74.

      May I confess here that, aged 11, I had a crush on Marie Osmond? It wouldn’t have worked out; my teeth were never going to be good enough.

      Was ‘Angels’ the TV series you were thinking of, Hetty? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angels_(TV_series)

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      1. I think each country had its own system, Nigel, but Ted Heath wanted all the UK to be the same so he brought in legislation in the early 70s..

        Here they had had town and county councils, depending on where you were… He brought in District Councils which were small affairs and dealt largely with very local issues, like Parks, Recreation, cleansing etc, and Regional Councils which covered large areas and had roads and transport, education, health boards and big budget stuff.

        The District Councils did have one thing that was large and expensive. That was Housing. presumably because there was huge debt attached to council housing and rural areas wouldn’t have wanted to be stuck with the costs of cities’ housing debt.

        So locally this area was part of Tayside Regional Council and within it were three districts councils: Dundee, Angus and Perth.

        It maybe worked in England (maybe it didn’t) but it didn’t work here.

        Tories again.

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          1. Another one of these edicts from London to make us all the same, that hadn’t been thought through.

            Heath was determined that there should be a few difference between Scotland and England as was possible.


    1. 7. Edward VIII, Danny, although the brothers looked similar.

      Imagine having to get everything on that uniform perfectly in place. Just as well he had 1 000 servants, paid for by us, to do it all for him.

      I see you found the same Scotsman article as I did. 🙂

      I can’t imagine doing the same show every night for 11 years. The staff must have been well fed up with it!

      LOL. Love that Tasmanian Devil.

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      1. Tris……I could be wrong, but surely #7 can’t be Edward VIII. Doesn’t look like him at all. Maybe Edward VII? (Before he got so fat?)

        I think Edward VIII is #1…….David, Prince of Wales, maybe in his Edward VIII costume, after his daddy George V died? Before he abdicated and became Duke of Windsor.

        Looking at all the royal costumes and uniforms makes you wonder how many rooms at the palace are dedicated to closet space. The valets who dress those people really do earn their salary. And someone has to keep track of the dry cleaning. 🙂

        Taz, the Tasmanian Devil, became a big star in Warner Brothers cartoons…..usually in a supporting role to Bugs Bunny. Taz was a terror, but he was dumb as a rock. Always outwitted by Bugs!

        BTW, the Osmond family of Utah came from Ogden, north of Salt Lake City at the eastern end of the Great Salt Lake. For Mormon saints you went to Salt Lake City, the City of the Saints. For corruption and vice, you went to Ogden, a Union Pacific Railroad town on the transcontinental railroad. One of the Union Pacific officials who had trouble hitting a spike at the Golden Spike “meeting of the rails” ceremony in 1869, was said to be hung over from the booze at the Union Pacific party in Ogden the night before. (Very UN-Mormon-like!)

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        1. Yep, Danny. You are right, I think.

          No1 is Eddy the Nazi.

          7 is, I think George V, his father married to Queen May, the most miserable woman on earth.

          I think that’#s why the scroungers need so many palaces. it’s to store their costumes … and of course the billions of pounds of art treasures that actually belong to us, not them.

          Taz is a good lad… he’s a trier! Just that Bugs is smarter… or at least, he’s the star!!

          Goodness, I’m shocked. Mormons engaging in sin…

          Whatever next. Dishonest politicians?


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          1. LOL…..SIN……in UTAH! Who would have thunk it?!

            As for politicians, if they keep finding classified documents in Joe Biden’s house, he may be in jail before Trump is. 🙂

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      2. Tris….You mentioned the Blue Angels…….the precision flight team of the US Navy. (Famously, the US Navy has a bigger air force than most country’s air forces, for operations from aircraft carriers.) I’ve seen their show a couple of times, and its truly terrifying. Wing-to-wing at high speed, relatively close to the ground. One time was in Missouri, where I was at a friend’s house next to an airport, situated closer than the spectators. Amazing show!

        The US Air Force team is the Thunderbirds, based at Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas. Also saw them once. Also terrifying!

        The Royal Canadian Air Force team is The Snowbirds.

        The French team is Patrouille acrobatique de France .

        The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team is The Red Arrows.



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        1. I’ve seen some of these displays, Danny. Most impressive. They seem to do them for royal occasions here trailing red white and blue smoke out the back of the plane.

          Very skilled flying, but utterly terrifying.

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  4. No 5. Baxter’s bus coming down from Airdrie Cross. Probably on the return from the Coatbridge to Craigneuk and Gartlea service. There’s still an expression in these parts to describe a gap saying “ you could get a Baxter’s bus through there”.

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  5. 1 – The Governor of the Bahamas during WW2. 7 – His Dad.

    15 – The Regal of Broughty Ferry. Watched the film at 2 there.

    18 – Kenneth Williams – funny in films but had some quite sad times in his personal life after reading his diaries.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. The Reres was in Gray Street. I saw Dial M for Murder in 3D there. It is where the laundrette is. If you look from a bit further down Gray Street you can see the auditorium building. I assume all the seats have been removed.

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    1. I think if Churchill could have sent him and his wife to the Moon, he would have.

      The Bahamas was quite far away, but not enough.

      Mrs Simpson apparently hated it. So far for expensive shops. She wanted to go off to New York to buy more clothes, but apparently Churchill forbade it. Something to do with her Nazi sympathies.

      Was the Regal the one on the main road, Marcia?

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      1. Read the choice was The Bahamas or England.

        IF england he would have to pay TAX on his ill gotten gains from the abdication settlement.

        His friend adolf was looking for him in France when he had moved to Portugal.

        As we know the sax coburgs don’t like paying their way with tax.

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        1. When they were in Portugal, Churchill thought they were deliberately finding excuses to delay their departure for the Bahamas. So I read that Churchill sent a message reminding the Duke that even Generals who don’t follow orders can be court martialed. (The Duke being a General in one or more UK military units.) So he presumably got the message, and they finally sailed for the Caribbean.

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          1. You can imagine that Mrs Simpson would have not wanted to go and live on a small island away from everything that was fashionable, even as the head of the community.

            She had imagined herself queen… and there she was stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere and not one fashionable store in sight.

            Interesting thought that if the church hadn’t been absolutely against him marrying a divorcee, they might have been king and queen. Nazi monarchs.

            And maybe we wouldn’t have that snarling old man as king now with his ghastly wife.

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    2. Yes, Kenneth Williams had a very sad life.

      He was a strange man in almost every way.

      I read somewhere that he wouldn’t let anyone use his bathroom. It you were at his flat and wanted to use the toilet, you had to go out to the public toilets down the road. One of his weirder eccentricities.


  6. No 4 Central Station with a great selection of 60’s cars.

    Sunbeam Rapier, Ford Zephyr/Zodiacs in front of Taxi rank, what looks like a Beardmore Taxi near the back

    Ford Corsair on the left with a Hillman Imp in front.

    Don’t think you can park there now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No you can’t park there now, Dave – the taxi rank now is where the Imp and Corsair are parked. The rank can be a very ‘interesting’ place on a Friday or Saturday night – not always for the nervous 😳

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    2. Aye Dave, you won’t see that today at the Central.
      Later Rapier Series IV by the look, two MkIII Zephyr sixes (split grills denoting the bigger engine – Zodiacs had twin headlamps), first-year (1963) Corsair, and 1965 C-reg Imp suggests mid-sixties.
      Not an expert on taxis but the second-rearmost one could be an FX3 (the Beardmores had the lights moulded into the mudguards and very low down) and is the van a Morris LD?
      The lack of miniskirts means the shot’s definitely pre-1966…

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        1. Must have been no earlier than 1965 Tris, as the Imp is “C” registered i.e. 1965 and – apart from the taxis – none of the cars in the photo were around in 1960.

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          1. Fair point, Morego.

            I’ve done a search on it, and the best they can come up with is the 1960s.

            However, I came upon a great page of photographs of Glasgow, which I’ll use over the next weeks.


      1. Tris – A verandah or veranda is “a raised, covered, sometimes partly closed area, often made of wood, on the front or side of a building” – Cambridge Dictionary. They were/are a common feature in Australian, US, Indian architecture. When I was a kid, we lived in a council tenement flat. All of the flats had a balcony but it was invariably called a “verandah”.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. …Because of the canopy, Tris. I believe the use of the name was to differentiate that pick-up point from the one inside the station (formerly near the gates of Platforms 12 and 13)

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        1. Ahhh, thanks, Auld Touns. I got it now. It does look a bit like a balcony or verandah, I guess.

          Handy for distinguishing which side you’re waiting at too.


    1. Junkin was also a very fine lyricist of comic songs, like this one for Marty Feldman (music by Denis King, who is now the last surviving cast member of the radio show ‘Hello Cheeky’ for which Junkin wrote and performed along with Tim Brooke-Taylor and Barry Cryer) :

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That line was originally written by Frank Muir and Denis Norden in a script for ‘Take It From Here’, their highly successful 50s radio show. Talbot Rothwell, the writer of the Carry On Cleo script, sought – and got – permission from M&N to use the line.

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  7. No16 An early Fordson tractor, big tractor for the time, ran on petrol. Those luggie wheels and with the low gearing it would dig itself a whole should the plough or implement hank on something.

    19) was interesting, scaffie carts in 1297!

    Plenty of busses in the video for Roddy and I’m surprised we haven’t had the run down on No14, the growly looking Ford. Date? It wouldn’t be out of place with Al Capone? I wait to be corrected.

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    1. Sometimes Roddy doesn’t make it on a Saturday but catches up on Sunday.

      A treat to await! 🙂

      Someone must know what 14 is. I do’t. I saw the pic on something and thought it looked like it was interesting. So I’m surprised no one has said anything.

      Love the Scaffie cart. I wonder how many bin fulls they held.

      Also how did they empty them. Did they tip up from the front?


      1. I remember them, or at least 19 looked familiar. I wondered the same, about emptying. I’m thinking that the three compartments were separate, had two bulkheads inside. That would mean tipping would need to be from the side. Some early lorries tipped gravel and such off to the side.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, the latter part of the film is very evocative of the period, late 50s – early 60s.
            (Sorry to be missing from action yesterday 😢)
            Difficult to make out some of the earlier buses;
            Later on in the film, the dark blue d/deckers which feature prominently are Massey bodied Leyland PD2’s, they seemed to have rather a lot of them. (see also pic 5)
            The similar liveried single-deckers are mainly Alexander bodied AEC Renowns.
            I noticed a solitary (red) AEC Bridgemaster with Park Royal body & front entrance.
            Also in red livery, a rear-engined d/decker – which features heavily in the middle of the film along with a fascination for road works? – is a Weymann bodied Leyland PDR1. (661KTJ).
            Was that tram tracks in the process being lifted?
            Baxters were bought out by the SBG (Eastern Scottish) in 1962 but such was their popularity that their livery was retained for local services in the Airdrie/Coatbridge area for a number of years afterwards before eventually being ‘corporatised’ out of existence in the early 70s..
            Nice film, there’s a lot of memorabilia online about Baxters, a firm clearly with a strong local association.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. They must have been a good firm to be popular.

              I think when there were little local firms, people did have some sort of loyalty to them. As opposed to today where things tend to be much bigger and owned so far away the management has never seen the town where they are based.

              We had a bus company running Dundee buses, based in Birmingham, England. But it might as well have been Alabama for all the difference it made.

              Never heard a good word said about them.

              Munguin says their a 10% reduction in your stipend for missing Saturday. 🙂 Think yourself lucky it’s not 20%. It’s fortunate he’s in a good mood. (And rare!)

              The quality of the film was really poor, sorry about that.


              1. Totally agree with your 2nd para.,
                When bus services were municipals .. “XXX Corporation Transport” people took a pride in them and (in Aberdeen at least) fares were considered to be cheap. Local control, all maintenance done locally, (including paint-shop) even a substantial body-building operation. All now gone.
                When an Aberdeen bus needs repainted today it goes down to the central belt.
                A proper Aberdeen bus should be Green and Cream….😉
                Then regionalisation in 1975 (?)…. there was some logic to it, services had been duplicated, but the problem was that once Grampian Region took over it was dominated by rural Independent (in the non-party sense) and Tory councillors who had no real interest in the city which traditionally had been Labour run…. they probably saw an opportunity to take revenge…and things were never the same.
                Then along came Thatcher and Privatisation….
                Having said that, Lothian Region were far-sighted enough to set up an arms-length company to retain the local identity (and livery 😊) and Lothian Buses today probably provide the best services in Scotland with a modern fleet & cheap fares…. Other regions could have gone down that road but none did. Lothian region was Labour dominated…
                So nowadays most places have First or Stagecoach, although I believe Dundee (after a brief unhappy sojourn with National Express) are now at the tender mercy of McGills.
                Good luck with that!
                Anyway, enough of the bus politics.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Agreed.

                  I’m a believer in local services.

                  A wee bit more politics, if you will permit…

                  I heard about the take over in Dundee the other day form a friend who likes travelling on buses (even though he has a lovely car).

                  I knew nothing about McGills, but he was pleased that at least they were a Scottish company, albeit owned on the other side of the country, so not exactly local.

                  Are they bad?


                  1. Well, they are indeed a Scottish Company, owned by the billionaire (?) Easdale brothers, ex-directors of a certain Glasgow football team.
                    (that alone is a big black mark for me, especially today! 😂)
                    Their reputation is to be ruthless cost-cutters (‘economical’ with their wage paying) but in fairness I’ve no direct experience of their services, their traditional base was Monklands/Inverclyde but they’ve recently expanded again by taking over First Scotland East so the company is expanding rapidly.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Ahhh…

                      I’m not keen on cost cutting billionaires.

                      “Only the best for me but you people can do without”, types.

                      I haven’t been on a bus since Covid started. If things are within a couple of miles I walk, any more I take one of Munguin’s conveyances!!! 🙂

                      I saw an advertisement for bus drivers on the back of a Dundee bus a few months ago. I can’t now remember what the wage was, but I remember thinking that it was pathetically low given how responsible the job is.


      2. Pic 14 looks like a 1932 Ford Model B Tudor Standard sedan (two door – the four doors were called Fordors…).
        It’s always hard to be definite about hot-rods, are they’re invariably chopped so much that sometimes little of the original car survives.

        Midden motors of the type in Pic 19 (my first thought was Karrier Bantam but not sure – I wouldn’t choose midden motors as my specialist subject on Mastermind…) generally had opening doors at the rear.
        Later ones had a tipping body to empty them but older types had to be shovelled clear manually.
        Great job!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Fair, Morego. It doesn’t really look like anything that ever came off the production line, and certainly not in yellow! 🙂

          What a nightmare that must have been with the rubbish trucks.

          What did you think of Alan’s idea that the tipper ones tipped from the side?


        2. Like the uncomplicated naming of the four door version as Fordors. The two doors could have been called Toodors or Tudors.

          Shovelling to empty a scaffie cart, that is surely a short straw job. Couldn’t help but take your work home with you.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. What Alan says is correct, Tris.
    Some old lorries did tip to the side.
    Why there would be separate compartments inside the body is not clear, as rubbish wasn’t separated in those days, just dumped as a mass or burned to produce electricity in small-scale municipal power plants.
    The rubbish in the bins next to the houses had to be emptied into baskets, which were lifted onto the shoulders and carried to the lorry.
    No wheelie-bins which were left at the roadside by the householder in those days.
    All manual handling and a filthy job.
    These guys were heroes, keeping the towns and cities clean…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Morego.

      To be honest they are still pretty much heroes and although it’s not as horrible a job as once it was, it’s still pretty unpleasant.

      That they are poorly paid is another scandal.


  9. Morego, Tris, Horse drawn farm implements were adapted to be hauled behind tractors, the development of hydraulic 3 point linkage allowed a radical change in farm implements. Similarly, perhaps the early motorised carts used horse derived back bodies. For balance of weight on the horse (?) they, also perhaps, would be arranged in compartments.
    A weak argument when you look at images of horse drawn rubbish collection, most are flat bed. Even in 1297 authorities were complaining of waste spilling back off the back of carts, but it wasn’t till the 20th century they put a lid on it.

    There was one example of a scaffie cart, sort of what I’m going on about. Doesn’t strengthen the argument much though.
    This is America

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. They are pretty small. It looks like either people didn’t throw away as much in these days (probably true), or they had to make regular trips to the dump.

      Between 1300 and 1900 you’d think someone would have thought to put a lid on?


  10. (Replying here to one of Tris’ earlier comments, because the ‘Reply’ button has vanished again)

    There is, as you rightly say, no such thing as the Welsh accent. The lazy stereotypical ‘Valleys’ accent which is used by English actors and ‘comedians’ isn’t even one accent itself. Accent varies from one valley to another, one village/town to another. The same variations can be found up here in the north east as well, where pronunication – and even vocabulary – can vary between villages. In Brymbo, the second person possessive adjective is pronounced ‘yé’ (as in, “I was talkin’ to yé Billy last night”), whereas in Summerhill – scarcely a mile and a half to the east – it’s pronounced ‘yo’ (i.e., “I was talkin’ to yo Billy last night”. It was, even in my lifetime, possible to tell which village someone was from by diffrences like that.

    The differences have, of course, gradually been diluted over the past few decades because of mass media and the influx of people from outside. If you listen to someone from this village (rather than a ‘blow-in’) who is over 50, they sound different from those under 30. The Scouse/Mancunian influence is now much stronger.

    More generally, the variations in accents across the nation are substantial and – by and large – we have avoided the curse of the English ‘Received Pronunciation’ which has just ended up belittling all of England’s regional accents in the eyes/ears of the mass of the population to the point where one is considered very much ‘below the salt’ if you speak them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Nigel. I suspected as much.

      It’s a shame that the differences in speech are disappearing.

      We have never had the English received pronunciation, although the upper classes always seemed to have managed to sound as posh here as they do in England. The Queen Mother, for example, had a cut glass accent with not a trace of Scottish in it.

      I think probably the “Morningside accent” is the closest we have to upper crust.

      It is however, distinctly Scottish.


    2. My son lives and works in Wales, near to Borth now Machynlleth earlier. Machynlleth holds many young welsh speakers and also quite a few now aged hippies. What you say about Scouse/Mancunian influence was certainly true when we stopped in Llangollen for a bite to eat, never heard even one Welsh accent. Nothing strange in that, where I live we talk about somebody having a Glendale accent, instead of Yorkshire.

      Liked by 1 person

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