27 thoughts on “Holiday Friday Laugh”

  1. This is a variant on the old one about – Will the television take the place of newspapers? – No. – Why not? – You can’t swat flies with a television set… – (© Dickie Henderson – or Ted Ray – or Jimmy Wheeler etc – c.1958)

    Liked by 1 person

        1. I can’t either but try this.

          Janey Godley I don’t have a National Munchausen by Proxy

          I must admit every time I see NS in heels like that my toes curl up quivering at the very thought.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Really funny,
        Wonder if I should ask about playing shinty?
        Maybe jiggies will be ok out doors and be mentioned in the documents.
        We paid £70,000 a year plus expenses for that question.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. A slight alteration to the rules would help.
          If an opponent comes too close breaking social distancing rules you are entitled to clip them one with the shinty stick.
          That should do it.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Which reminds me …

    “A flea met a fly in a flue.
    Said the flea, ‘Let us fly!’
    Said the fly, ‘Let us flee!’
    So they flew through a flaw in the flue”.

    Now just try saying that when you’ve had a few! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

        1. I just watched the whole show. I spotted Allen Funt in some of the oldest black and white clips. In addition to his Candid Camera production empire, he was a TV star from the time that he personally appeared in the stunts. Wiki describes an incident when he was on a plane that was taken over by hijackers and flown to Cuba. His fellow passengers recognized him and thought it was a Candid Camera stunt. He could not convince them otherwise. He was held in Castro’s Cuba with the other passengers for several hours before being released.

          One old stunt involved pies. Allen Funt himself does the off-camera intro. Presumably it’s not faked, although it certainly could be. Funt however, would realize that scripted and performed comedy bits would destroy the whole concept of his lucrative television franchise. The first three guys in the middle first think it’s funny, but then try SO hard….for a while……to ignore the slowly building conflict between the two guys on the ends who are Funt’s people.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Marcia…..It immediately occurred to me that to make the goldfish eating gag work with a slice of carrot would almost take the skills of a sleight of hand artist…..maybe palming the carrot slice and misdirecting people to make them think you’d actually reached in and grabbed one of the fish. Then I saw that he really did have a background in stage show magic.

        Liked by 1 person

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