
I see too, that Brexiteers have criticised the Archbishop of Canterbury for getting involved in Brexit by offering to chair citizens’ panels in an effort to stop a NO DEAL Brexit. Note, not to stop Brexit per se, just the No Deal version.

Image result for archbishop of canterbury

What they may have forgotten is that their primary aim was to take back control from Brussels.

Now, I appreciate that almost undoubtedly a lot of that control will be passed very swiftly to the President of the United States in return for a trade deal. (It has already been suggested that America will expect Britain to take a different stance, ie America’s not Europe’s, on matters such as Iran and Jerusalem being the capital of Israel. Who knows what else may be up for discussion in the bartering process? Quite a lot, I suspect.)

But I digress. The Brexiteers presumably fondly imagine that much of the control that is taken back will end up in the hands of their own dear politicians in London. And some of it will.

So, perhaps now would be a good time to remind them that, playing his part in that great British democracy that they value above all else, the Archbishop of Canterbury, along with the Archbishop of York and twenty-plus senior Church of England bishops is entitled to sit in the House of Lords. The Lords Spiritual.

He is, in fact, a politician.

One of only three countries in the world to include clerics in their governing councils (the other two being the Vatican City State and Iran), senior English bishops are entitled to sit in the second chamber, with all the honours thereto attached.

So, dear Brexiteers, Lord Welby has every right, indeed some might say that it is his duty, to intervene. This is the great British democracy you guys craved so badly.

Suck it up!

Oh, and it wouldn’t be a tale of two principles if our Ruth wasn’t a part of it. nigel2

Just one more thing. Why is Mr Goodlad ‘Ruth Davidson’s candidate’? Why is he not the Conservative candidate? He surely couldn’t be ashamed to be in the same party as Boris, could he? 


  1. When Mr Farage and the really rich heid bummers of Brexit talk about ‘taking back control’ they mean exactly that. The control goes directly to their small clique and the ‘red tape’ – which are the protections and rights the rest of us have – is slashed.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Where is Ruth?
    Haven’t heard any of of her insights and utterances lately.
    Seriously, we’re hearing more from Gordon Brown, Micheal Heseltine and John Major than Ms Davidson recently. She’s still cashing the tax-funded cheque isn’t she? She’s still leading the Tories in Scotland?
    She’s surely not having some time out to herself on a wee Gillian Anderson dwam moment to her self is she?


  3. I have long held the opinion and often spouted it, that the human species has not evolved enough for democracy to work well. Brexit, Johnson and Trump are our current shinning examples of democracy in action. Is this evolution lacking or have we regressed?
    Heard Farage giving it big licks on what he and the brexit party must do “for the country”, a coalition with the conservatives, at a snap election to secure “a clean break brexit”. And where will he be after brexit happens? Off into the undergrowth, like shit off a shiney shovel. As leader of The Brexit Party, it is job done, he has no role, even if he wanted one and The Post Brexit Party doesn’t have much of a winning ticket ring to it.
    Somewhere just off in the shadows, slightly away from the lights, mikes and cameras, next to some bushes will lie a dingy coloured Arthur Daley style trilby, an equally dingy coloured coat with contrasting collar and a pint pot of fake beer and foam, that even the slugs are avoiding; wherezz Nigel?

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Time to persuade Sinn Fein to take up their Westminster seats – even temporarily. Another seven Opposition votes would make all the difference. This would not be a betrayal of principle but the very opposite. Sinn Fein would be the voice of the NI majority who voted Remain, unlike the unprincipled DUP’s backing of the Tories.
        SF would win votes – and plaudits – for helping prevent a hard Irish border, at the same time advancing their ultimate goal of a united Ireland.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. To engage in debate at the HoC you have to take an oath of allegiance. I know many SSP members crossed their fingers or made a clenched fist in Holyrood, but Sinn Fein – to the Queen? A step too far, alas.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It probably is a step too far for them, Conan, but it would be the right thing to do right now.

            In any case it is high time there was an oath of allegiance to the people they serve, not a privileged old woman in another country.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. Agreed, John, and as for taking an oath to the queen, they don’t need to actually MEAN it.

          They could always add “Aye, like hell” or something, in Irish after it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. As a Boy Scout many decades ago, I promised to “do my duty to God and the Queen”. As a born-again atheist ad republican for most of these decades, there’s still no sign of retribution. SF have nothing to fear from “oath” taking. It’s just a temporary expedient.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Yes. It’s just words… you know, like I promise to give you back this tenner… or of course I’ll always love you!

              I accept though that some SF voters might see it as betrayal.

              The thing is, that with this morning’s announcement, it probably doesn’t matter as we appear to be becoming a dictatorship with no parliament.

              I wonder, if she can take some time off from slagging the SNP, what Ruth thinks about that.


            2. Think IF the SF just turned up at westmonster they’d panic the oris.
              No need to take any oath, just be there to represent their constituency, you’re not going to tell me that the great empire will stop the people being represented.
              I know that westmonster has the power to change any law to suit their purpose.
              The monarch’s sovereign right to rule is devolved to parliament in englandland and hence Wales and NI.
              Now we have the spartan army lining up to depose the great churchillian leader, oris the great liar, and replace him with ………????, . The moggie minor will do for now.
              You’ll have had your democracy english style.
              Confusion is the name of the game.
              Brexit or no brexit, the oris is now going for a maybot deal, remember her?, without a border in the Irish Island , that means for the EU a continuation of the SM and CU, there.
              A new set of border posts created at Liverpool, Stranraer, Pembroke and Holyhead, using the existing facilities. Job Done.
              Only problem is the DUP support will be withdrawn.

              Liked by 1 person

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