Soppy Sunday

Image result for orangutan
Morning all. I’m keeping an eye on you to make sure you don’t lift anything…especially my teddy.

n swan
All aboard… Any more fares, please.
n trinidad and tobagpo
Trinidad and Tobago.
n tree
Get knotted?
n rhode
Rhododendron walk.
n roo
Last one in the water’s a wallaby.
n oslo
n nether
Tulips from…oh where was it again?
n mum cat
Sleep in mum’s paws.
n mum badger
Stay close, junior.
n common yellowthroat bath
Bath time for Yellowthroat.
n greenland.jpg
Northern lights in Greenland.
n lambs
We’re twins.
n mates
He doesn’t mind.
Image result for Nairobi
n grey wolf
Grey Wolf.
Image result for elephant baby
I’m learning the trumpet.
n milk
Why you can’t just put it in a dish…
Image result for orangutan
Ready for my close-up. OK, we’re off for another week. See you next Sunday!


13 thoughts on “Soppy Sunday”

  1. I was looking at some old Johnny Carson videos and found Orangutans.
    So, while usually more into science, scenery and architecture, I’d like to make a cuteness contribution.

    Back in the day, the biggest late night comedy talk show was the “Tonight Show” on the NBC network, and Johnny Carson was the king of late night. Joan Embery would bring on animals from the San Diego zoo.

    The Orangutans (first half of the video) are twins. (The big guy is Carson’s announcer and foil Ed McMahon, who would occasionally have too much to drink before the show.)

    A couple of cats:

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Well those were lovely. But it’s Easter Sunday and there were none of these

    Someone find out if that emu was born in Scotland as the national team isn’t doing to well and he has mad skills.

    Liked by 2 people

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