
From the STV website.

The Conservative vice chairman for youth has apologised for comments suggesting that people on benefits should be sterilised.

MP Ben Bradley, 28, backtracked over a blog post describing jobseekers as “unemployed wasters” and saying that those who can’t afford children should undergo vasectomies.

“Sorry but how many children you have is a choice; if you can’t afford them, stop having them! Vasectomies are free,” he wrote in the personal blog in 2012.

“Families who have never worked a day in their lives having four or five kids and the rest of us having one or two means it’s not long before we’re drowning in a vast sea of unemployed wasters that we pay to keep!”

Mr Bradley, the Member of Parliament for Mansfield, deleted the post after it was highlighted by Buzzfeed News.

“I apologise for these posts,” he said.

“My time in politics has allowed me to mature and I now realise that this language is not appropriate.”


Mr Bradley was elected in 2017.

His offensive blog post was in 2013.

So, in my turn, I would like to ask, how on earth do the Tories vet their candidates?

Don’t they check up people’s blogs and social media to see if there is something lurking that could come back to bite them on the backside?

Worse still, this ‘person’ has just been made ‘vice chairman for youth’ of the Conservative Party (admittedly a job that shouldn’t tax his apparently limited intellect too much, given that there are only 70,000 members in the party and most of them are over 70).

Mrs May should be aware that he having been caught out he has admitted that he thinks that these remarks are “not appropriate”.

Maybe  “utterly repugnant” would be more appropriate. Who else does he believe shouldn’t be allowed to breed?


After tonight’s vote in the Commons it’s clear that Scottish Tory MPs aren’t just failing to stand up for Scotland’s interest – they are actively working against it


Big thank you to the Scottish Tory MPs who failed to stand up for Scotland today in Westminster.


You’ve probably managed to persuade another tranche of people that, not only is there no point in Scotland taking part in UK referenda in the future, because we get what England votes for, but also that there is no point in having a Scottish Secretary, even if he makes reasonable tea, or indeed any Scottish Tory MPs. They vote the way the English Tories tell them regardless of how it hurts Scotland.

Not only are we not in Europe despite voting 62-38 for it, we shall also undoubtedly lose a raft of powers to the London parliament.

Why don’t you have the guts to do what you always wanted to and just shut Holyrood down?



And, finally!

I’m proud to announce that Andrea Leadsome, loathsome fox hunter in chief, has blocked me on Twitter. I’m seriously proud because I must have done something to hack her off. I just wish I knew what, though, so I could do it over and over and over again.



74 thoughts on “TORIES, HUH? WHAT ARE THEY LIKE?”

  1. It is getting clearer and clearer as time passes by.

    This is a war of attrition between the agents of the U.K. state which the 13 clearly are and Scotland.

    I pray that more and more Soft No’s who love Scotland despite their misguided faith in 2014, wake and smell the stench that these low life’s are giving off.

    Clear choice now Scotland or U.K. which one do you back?

    The tories are trying their damn hardest to regionalise our beautiful country.

    Mobilise guys speak to your grnadparents and your English neighbours. Cheers never a few over to yes or forever a region Scotland will becone and be.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well said, Pogo.

      It actually feels a bit spookie to have your own MPs working against your country for the benefit of its neighbour.

      The Tories never wanted this Parliament and fought against it. They took part in the end rather reluctantly, but, of course it was a generous salary for some real forth raters (and to be fair one or two reasonable politicians).

      But you know the Tories, if their MSPs were pushed out in an attempt to get rid of the Holyrood parliament, they’d just put them in the Lords. They could join Lady Mayfair of Bra.


  2. I’m surprised the Tories need a vice-chairman for youth – I’m pretty sure there are plenty in the Parliamentary Tory party who’d be only too happy to introduce youth to vice without any help.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I rather wish I’d been introduced to vice rather earlier than I was, but I do thank my lucky stars that it was not at the hands of a Tory MP. There was a Tory diplomatic type who tried it on once, which is nothing to do with anything, except I just wish they would all just f*uck off and leave us alone.

        I am hoping very hard that as people take on board what the regime is planning – insofar as it is capable of planning anything – to strip Holyrood of all the powers it has which matter, we will get one of those “Hell, no!” moments of collective realization that will push us over the tipping point, get us over the hump.

        But then we keep coming back to the problem of the egregiously bad Scottish meeja – so bad that if they never, ever reported anything about or concerning Scotland ever again, we would be better off. We know all their propaganda tricks by now, probably better than they do themselves, but you can’t have moments of collective realization unless people have something to go on: they have to be properly informed, as a necessary precondition. At which point my subconscious mutters “Aye, right”, and “in a pig’s ear”.

        It’s not just Tory MPs and the vermin in ermine who’ve got form, the meeja does too: see how they prop each other up, see how they scratch each other’s backs … sometimes the only puzzle is whether it’s a symbiotic or a parasitic relationship, and if so, which way it goes. You will notice that at no point have I even mentioned any meeja barons, not even the fragrant Rupert Murdoch, the Seigneurs of Brecqhou, Blackshirt Rothermere, Dirty Dick Desmond, and Lebedev père et fils, ex-KGB oligarch and offspring – has oor Eck not taken charge of the Hootsmon yet? Do we still have any hope of that?

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Eloquently put.

          One assumes that the media is putting down in print what it believes its readership wants to read.

          The Sun is particularly adept at changing its views in line with what it perceives as “the will of the people”. Thus it can be pro and anti-Tory in different countries of the union all at the same time. It doesn’t hold a monopoly on this, but it is certainly the most blatant practitioner. I suspect it thinks its readers to be idiots.

          Still, more and more people are reading social media and less and less are they reading the Daily Whatever.

          I can’t help but think that no matter how much they tell us that the future for Britain, unshackled from the yoke of the beastly, undemocratic foreigner, is a sunny upland of blue passports and pounds, shilling and groats, the truth is far from the green and pleasant land of Boris and Foxy.

          The press may be able to tow the government line, but when the jobs disappear and inflation rises, surely even Daily Mail readers will start to wonder what went wrong, and how we can fix it.


    1. Yep. They were, even before today, the most awful bunch of 4th raters you could imagine. People who never thought they had a chance. And I suspect that their ignorance and arrogance has converted some as they stumbled though their early days, faux pas after faux pas.

      But I’ll eat Munguin’s hat (I don’t have one) if this hasn’t sent a pile of people over to the light side.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wish I could share your optimism tris. We’ll find out once we start on the doorsteps. I don’t watch, listen, or read the M.S.M, but I’m pretty sure this disgraceful vote won’t be highlighted in their reports, if indeed it’s mentioned at all. If this was, as it should be, headline news about the betrayal of the people of Scotland, then our task would be made so much easier, but, as we are all aware, that will never happen. Since it now looks like it’s going to be a winter campaign, my hope is that the weather is kinder to us than at the present, as I’m getting a bit old to be tramping about in the snow.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I’ve certainly no way of knowing, Alex. I’m just hoping.

          One thing though. I know Kezia isn’t Labour’s flavour of the month, but there must be others like her (she’s high profile) whose words may be more likely to be printed by the Scottish press than those of Nicola.

          If the Record takes on board that Tweet, and starts questioning the British government’s treatment of Scotland, maybe more people will be aware of the fact that the more they take back into their control, the worse things will be for us.

          I expect that any trade deal with the USA will demand their rights to buy NHS, frack the life out of soil etc. I suspect that they will see the UK as being all of it, not just England.

          Hopefully that kind of thing will be resisted by at least some of the press.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Click to access q1_s7_01.pdf

    Tory instruction booklet

    Reasons for the Law: Since the National Uprising public opinion and the continuing decline in the birthrate. However, it is not only the decline in population which is the cause of serious concern but equally the increasingly evident genetic make-up of our people. Whereas the hereditarily healthy families have for the most part adopted a policy of having only one or two children, countless numbers of inferiors and those suffering from hereditary ailments are reproducing unrestrainedly while their sick and asocial offspring are a burden on the community.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Exactly so. Nazi eugenics. We can hope the Bradley fellow wasn’t aware where his ideas came from – or who had taken them up, to be exact, because the Nazis didn’t invent them – but he evidently has just the kind of mentality that you might want in charge of the Hitlerjugend.

      Let’s have something uplifting. A quick burst of Horst Wessel, maybe:

      Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
      SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
      : Kam’raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
      Marschier’n im Geist in unser’n Reihen mit. :

      Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed!
      The SA marches with calm, steady step.
      : Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
      March in spirit within our ranks. :

      Come to think of it, Wessel’s dad was a Lutheran pastor, so I suppose the English equivalent would be a vicar’s son or daughter.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Herr Bradley even looks like the sort of crop-headed, thuggish type that comprises much of the membership of the uber-Englisch right-wing nutters who parade the streets with the banner of their beloved Engeland.(I always think of it as the surrender flag with a red cross.) You can’t really compare Bradley with the Nazi “martyr” though – Wessel was dead at 22, Bradley is still here spouting his fascist invective.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. It makes me shiver that people like that, in such large numbers, are selected and then voted in, as representatives at whatever level. I wonder if their views are widely held in the public.


        1. **Rant alert – he’s off again – you have been warned! If you can be bothered, please let us know if you think I’ve gone too far in any direction, or made any offensive statements.**

          Those views are disturbingly widely held, Tris, and they are constantly being fomented by the Daily Heil and others, including the current Westminster regime itself.

          After WWII, there was a conscious effort to de-Nazify Germany, but somehow that same type of ideological menace has crept out of the woodwork again, and not just that and not just there, it has come to the fore in a disturbingly large number of places. This has happened not just in England but also in Poland and Hungary, and right-wing movements appear to be gaining strength elsewhere in Europe too. Outwith Europe, the obvious examples are the USA and Russia. I am restricting myself, broadly, to Europe and North America, and to other places which in broad terms occupy the same cultural space.

          Hey, I will have to watch myself – “crept out of the woodwork” – far too much like those cartoons of refugees coming into Europe accompanied by rats in among their feet.

          It really will be a victory for us progressive, liberal, anti-authoritarian types if – when – Trump goes down, as the effects won’t be limited to the USA. Proof of criminality against Trump and his pals, with impeachment if the Democrats take charge of both the House of Representatives and Senate in the elections in November this year, will be very good not just for America but for our cause too. There will also be criminal prosecutions at the state level, defeating any attempts by the President to pardon himself, which he could at least try to do, as Presidential pardons apply only to perpetrators of federal crimes. Pardons, incidentally, necessarily imply the existence of a crime in the first place; that is why I regar

          Such high-profile goings-on will necessarily include revelations about that whole regime’s treasonous dealings with Putin and with his (and the Trumpworld’s) oligarchic, kleptocratic chums. Trump’s epic downfall will have a very salutory effect on our democratic institutions, and on our societies generally but- and it is a big “but” – only if the Usual Suspects in the meeja do not succeed in propagandizing his downfall and the fall of his regime as a leftist liberal progressive internationalist globalist cosmopolitan Black supremacist fake news hoax / witch-hunt / conspiracy.

          I find it interesting that the Trump administration and our own Westminster regime share, among their many other similarities, an evident and striking degree of incompetence. Even Benito Mussolini famously got Italy’s trains to run on time!

          That Nazi-like tendency always will crawl out of the woodwork, given half a chance, because it is endemic to human psychology. Far too many people have authoritarian leanings. That is, far too many for the comfort and security of all of us, including theirs. I say “theirs” because such attitudes and behaviours are actually profoundly dysfunctional: they are self-harming, because they are acting against their own best interests, fouling their own societal nests, working towards the kinds of societal breakdowns that will adversely affect them too.

          How many of them are there? Well, they are probably about the same percentage of the population as the fraction of the American electorate that would still vote for the orange-faced loon in the White House even after his latest racist outburst (the one about sh*ithole countries in Africa, and others including Haiti – places with non-white populations, naturally), or even because of that outburst. We should probably assume it to be about a third, varying also depending on the kind of society people are living in: the society’s attitudes exert pressure, witness the disparities in our favour between the incidences of racist / xenophobic / islamophobic attacks in Scotland and in England.

          Unfortunately for our cause, our very own arch-Yoons are to be found among that authoritarian number. The authoritarian types are, I fear and hope, Unionists to a woman and man. I am very carefully not saying that all No voters are among that number – to say such a thing would necessarily be a prediction of the inevitable defeat of our cause. However, and much more positively, another way of looking at the situation is that the pro-independence cause already has a significant majority among voters who can reasonably be described as reasonable people.

          True small d democrats know that democracy cannot work in the absence of an informed electorate. John McCain in the States said so very recently, and my hat goes off to him: in saying so, he was opposing the conventional wisdom in his own Republican party, which currently ranks the fortunes of their party well ahead of wider democratic considerations. In that regard, their continued support for the Orange One is a continuing mystery for that reason, so it is no surprise that it is gradually falling away.

          McCain’s words are important because the man has a high profile: he is widely admired, is a former military hero, he was a prisoner of war for years in Vietnam and subjected to torture, and he is a former presidential candidate. In my opinion, one major reason for his losing to Obama was that his running mate was Sarah Palin. However cranky and unpredictable he may have become in recent years, he remains influential. It really is a shame that he is stepping down, but he is pretty old, and he has brain cancer.

          The need for an informed electorate so that democracy can function properly is the reason why the fake news peddled by the likes of Fox (Faux) News in the States , by BBC Shortbread and the Hootsmon in Scotland, by the Daily Heil throughout the UK, and by the ever-fragrant coterie of right-wing media barons throughout the English-speaking world – is so very pernicious.

          Concerning the politics and messaging of Scottish independence, we must always remember that people who habitually – I stress the word “habitually” – use logic and reason are in the minority everywhere. One corollary of that is that however good your arguments are, in one sweeping sense it simply does not matter – it is water of a duck’s back to most people. In a close contest, it is of course critical – but the people who think that way know already: we already have a significant majority among those who can reasonably be described as reasonable people (cue Churchillian remarks about democracy being a lousy system).

          In our favour is the higher degree of political awareness among Scots than in many other societies. The ongoing Brexit fiasco and imbroglio is having the same consciousness-raising effect down south, if the information I am gleaning from my friends down there is any indication.

          I leave it to others to produce the kind of sociological / psychological survey that would tell us who those authoritarian people are – not their names, their demographics – that we have to deal with, and how many of them are the extreme, alt-right types we should be keeping a really close eye on. As should Special Branch, or whatever we’re calling them these days.

          We could then construct a Venn diagram or suchlike showing the various attitudes and aspects indicative of authoritarian psychology, and where they intersect. The ones that tick the most boxes would be the ones we really need to look out for, I suppose: how many Lumpenproletariat and who they are, but also how many leaders / agitators / Gauleiters; how many “Rangers fans” and Ludge members and who they are, but also how many Grand Masters.

          That’s probably quite enough ranting from me for one day, so I shall cease and desist.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Good rant, parts of which I agree totally with, and parts not so much.

            I’ll respond in a bit more detail later, Ed, but have to get on with some work at the moment.

            Work is the curse of the drinking classes!

            Liked by 2 people

          2. No Ed, I don;t think you cause offence by calling a spade a spade.

            It seems that the idea of the far right is no longer met with such revulsion as it once was. And that’s a shame, because, rather like the far left, it is undoubtedly evil.

            I have doubts that we will be rid of Trump before 2020. Even if the House AND Senate were to go to the Democrats (I think the House will, but doubt if the Senate will), the Senate requires a 66% majority to vote for impeachment. That won’t happen.

            So unless he completely loses the plot and starts firing rockets at NK, he is probably here to stay.

            My personal belief is that he will decide not to stand again in 2020 (or is it a hope). I also think that it is possible that if he does another person from the Republican party will go up against him. Probably that’s not the done thing… but they’ve never had a president quite like him.

            I could go on all night, but I won’t.

            Please don’t ever stop ranting. 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Thank you!

              For our purposes – the purposes of gaining Scottish independence – there’s an exhaustive and exhausting debate going on about how we have to have reasoned arguments to lay before the people and show them the logic of our position, and so on ad infinitum with ever smaller fleas to bite’um, but I think it all misses the point: we HAVE the ideas, we HAVE the arguments, we KNOW the broad thrust of what we want to achieve with our independence, we KNOW we cannot tell people exactly what is going to be what in 10 0r 5 0r 2 0r 1 year from now, because the situation in the UK is highly uncertain and our crystal balls work no better than anyone else’s, but it doesn’t matter a damn whether we do or not because that kind of rational discussion is not what most people respond to most readily anyway.

              We’re the peculiar ones, the ones who think a lot about politics and so on and forth and rev up our logical, reasoning parts to do it. Most people’s mental processes don’t operate that way, and why should they? The propaganda mill that our meeja has turned into is not aimed at those of us who can see through the lies, it is aimed at those who can’t. The Daily Mail has no interested in my particular demographic, in fact it and the rest of the machine are aimed at reinforcing the message to those who are receptive to it, reinforcing their prejudices, providing just enough of a superficial gloss of rationale for the target audience to be satisfied with what they are feeling and hearing, and catering to their innate conservatism and fear and distrust of change.

              The opposition have no qualms whatsoever about manipulating their “base” this way. This is exactly why Stalin described writers as engineers of souls – and it is why the sheer unreality / irreality / fictiveness of the non-fact-based political worldviews of Trump and his cronies and fellow kleptocrats over there, and the Unionist opposition, the Westminster regime, and the British Establishment writ large over here, are so damn scary: without a consensus about the nature of our shared reality, we cannot have a meaningful conversation. It is very clear that the Trump regime in the USA, the May regime here – are off in an alternate universe, a logically inconsistent universe, that makes no sense to the rest of us, and probably never will. Maybe I should say “universes” (plural)…

              Indeed, the only way for people to “believe” it all is by compartmentalizing their minds and perverting the language so that it can no longer fulfil its function as a vehicle for thought and communication. This is your George Orwell duckspeak, your Stalinist propaganda, and as a for example, it is also the psychology of former high heid yins in the Czechoslovak regime – I was reading a while back some anonymized accounts by a psychologist / psychoanalyst who had treated some of them, and what they had in common was a flattened affect and a singular lack of concern for the consequences of their actions. “The end justifies the means” is just one aspect of that: a person has to brutalize some aspects of herself or himself in order to be able to brutalize others.

              I would pinpoint the moment our consensual reality here in the UK began to fall apart seriously this go round to the moment when a movement arose of people who started talking crap about how postmodernist, deconstructivist ideas meant that theories such as the law of gravity, the theory of evolution and in fact science per se were somehow culturally dependent, that there is no such thing as a fact, that there is no such thing as truth. It harks back to all sorts of pointless angels-on-pinheads disputes about whether there is even such a thing as “objective” reality, or whether it’s all subjective. Worse it destroys the possibility of a consensus on anything, people get hold of weird and wonderful ideas as the habit of reality-checking becomes more and more deprecated, and truth and reality are lost sight of in the obscurantist fog.

              So – back to where I started – it is not good simply having all the arguments and having right on our side, because that is not how most people are in the habit of approaching such matters. It is no good having the truth and all good reasons on our side either, because what we face is a tide of unreason, much of it deliberate – the propaganda war has been going on longer than I have been alive – and it has worked for many, many decades.

              Do you respond to slogans such as “Save Up To 50%!” by considering not buying the thing at all, thus saving yourself 100%? Now, just how many of us think that way, do you think?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I see your point there, Ed.

                I suspect it was ever thus, perhaps just more strongly now.

                The Mail and the Mirror, Sun and Star, even the Telegraph and the Guardian write stuff that make their readers feel comfortable, because basically, we all want to hear our own prejudices reinforced.

                Logical argument against what people are happy thinking will only work rarely unless it is backed up by stuff hitting you in the face.

                Of that there is little doubt.

                Even the evidence of one’s own eyes/ears fails to convince people who with to not be convinced.

                Frigates, tax offices, passport offices, membership of the EU, and the other many many lies that the NO Thanks UKOK campaign spread… the most powerful devolved government in the world argument doesn’t seem to have altered the figures by much.

                Who knows, maybe when Brexit starts to bite…

                I like your example of the supermarket slogans. As it goes, I’m very often tempted, but I’m a bit wiser than I used to be.

                Liked by 1 person

  4. Spent a few moments watching the Wright Stuff this am, at which point Ann Diamond on for himself, said, unbelievably, ” … and later in the show we will be asking if you think the National Anthem should be taught as part of the national curriculum?” I was awfully tempted to phone up and tell them to make sure they included the verse about crushing the rebellious Scots, to see what their reaction would be. But I haven’t got the courage for that sort of thing, so I switched off. Mind you, I am sure that back in the day, we had to learn it at school, together with the Lord’s Prayer and other things, but that was before I came to my senses. It’s the wording that’s so utterly farcical. Why would God want to save the Queen? Does she need saving? How do you ‘send someone victorious, happy and glorious’? What a load of bolonious.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Content yourself that that would be in England. I kinda doubt, at least under the current government , that that is likely to happen here.

      I don’t remember having to sing it at school, either here or when we lived in England.

      I would never sing it now for sure.

      If I were at a rugby match between Scotland and England and they played it, I would stand for it, out of respect for the foreign team. as I would for the anthem of Iceland or Austria…

      But sing it? Not on your life.

      If god needs to save anyone in this country it sure as hell isn’t her.

      But “God save the poor bastard who’s just been thrown off UC for being 2 minutes late in a snow storm, and who may as a result starve or freeze to death, doesn’t scan.

      Pity that.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I do remember, as a Boy Scout, promising to “do my duty to God and the Queen”.
        The Bradley person looks like he could be Al (the pub landlord) Murray’s son.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Prefer

        God save our Auntie Jean
        Long may she sell ice cream
        In our back green…

        Have forgotten the rest of what we sang in childhood.

        Cinemas used to empty in a rush at the end of the last film of the day to escape before GSTQ. Watched an old B&W film not long ago and one scene showed a mad rush out of a cinema, just as I remember it. Theatres were sneaky – our local rep and others played it at the start.

        Can anyone remind me when they stopped it in cinemas ? Must have been a major contribution to public safety as people then left at a sensible pace.

        Liked by 1 person


          I appears to have been in the late 1960s. The BBC used to do it when their channels shut down for the night. BBC Radio 4 which still does close down at 1 am, still plays it.

          There’s a Dad’s Army episode when the platoon (for some reason) has all gone to the cinema together and everyone else in the cinema (except Mainwaring) makes a dash for the door to miss it.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It’s not really a national anthem. It’s a hymn beseeching god to look after one of the people least in need of god’s care in the whole bloody country.

            Why would you need god bringing you happy and glorious when you’ve got more money than him.

            I think we need to ask god to save poor people. They actually need a bit of intersession from him against Esther McVeigh or whatever she’s called.

            Did I mention, by the way, that the fox killer Leadsome blocked me on Twitter. I clearly must have pissed her off. Shame on me, huh?


  5. Bradley looks like a tosser so I’m not surprised he’s got that in his history. Changed man, now he only thinks it rather than saying it. Future tory candidate for where?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Exactly. They all apologise and say it was inappropriate, because otherwise they would have be deselected.

      It doesn’t mean for a second that they have stopped believing that Gypsies are bad, or that homosexuals are wicked or that disabled people aren’t worth the same money as able bodied people, or that foreigners aren’t as good as proper English people.

      They just stopped saying it in public.

      Mr Eugenics now holds a post in the youth wing of the Tory Party.

      Simple as that.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I’m always mindful of that, Conan. I’m sure that’s why they closed all these tax offices in Scotland and moved the jobs to a giant tax collection centre in Croyden.

          Broad shouldered Croyden that is.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Totally OT but I read and was encouraged to see this comic :

    Which is based on :

    There’s hope for the world, crying shame they’re sitting on top of a volcano in the middle of the Atlantic 😀 Thought we needed something to smile at amongst all the shit going on this week….

    If anyone is offended by that jesusandmo site, get a sense of humour – fast!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Vestas, that website is utterly blasphemous – an insult not only to two of the world’s great religions but to all of the faithful to adhere to them and, indeed, to the Godhead who inspires them. I cannot thank you enough for bringing it to my attention 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    2. vestas
      Thanks for the link to J & M, wonderfully irreligious, love the aggressive atheists.
      Stand back from the world and see it for what it is, the message for me anyway

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Chris Grayling gives a bung to private rail companys
        blames loss of profit on unions ( Arthur Scargill fault )

        The collapse of Carillion and use of PFI was caused by
        Tony Blair (and new Labour )

        Problem is not many younger voters know about unions
        or Tony Blair and all the older Tory voters are going to
        the bigot after life…

        Demography is going to do to the Torys what our
        present Democracy does not

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Right off the top of my head and with no research to back me up whatsoever, it seems that those currently spouting eugenics are in the main, stupid, ignorant, arrogant, posturing arseholes.

            Does this by extension mean that these are the desirable traits to be bred into the next generation of Tory supermen? I Can only conclude that if it was the objective of their parent generation, then clearly it has been a spectacular success.

            It is of course instead, just another means in their already considerable arsenal by which the great and the good perpetuate their imaginary greatness at the expense of us undeserving types. You know, the ones who do all the work.

            I expect a diminished gene pool was a pretty major reason why royal families throughout history suferred from inbreeding as well as and not forgetting sexually transmitted infections, but that’s for another day.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. I look forward to a Scottish Constitution that abolishes the nobility, and their precious titles too – it would please me inordinately if Michelle Mone were not permitted to call herself “Lady Mone of Mayfair” here in Scotland, just as a for example, and it would help reduce the reflexive forelock-tugging that some people suffer from when they hear “Sir” or “Lord” or “Duchess” in front of some posh person’s name.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I’ve made it a practice to only use these ridiculous titles in a mocking fashion.

                There have been some hilarious ones handed out, but Lady Moan of the Isle of Man is certainly the most laughable.

                I’ve really no idea why anyone would want them. They are so discredited.

                Look no further than Sir Jimmy Savile awarded, no doubt, for services to paedophilia or necrophilia . Or come to that Sir Cyril Smith, for services to smacking small boys’ bottoms.

                And shortly, Price Harry will be given a dukedom or earldom and a string of other titles, including, I have no doubt, a Scottish title, for the amazing feat of getting married and stopping wearing Nazi uniforms.

                Some, of course, get their titles for being very rich and giving pots of money to a political party or, as in the case of Nick Clegg, for propping up an idiot like Cameron who has brought the country to Brexit. What service to the country that is! How proud should we be?

                What a bloody joke.

                Yes, I agree, Although no one can stop people using titles, of course, Scotland should never award anything that changes people’s names, refers to an “empire” long since extinct, or “raises one to the aristocracy”.

                And in official circles we should never use titles. Scotland should be a 21st century country.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Well, actually you can stop people using titles, Tris – the Austrians, unlike the Germans, did so way back when in the wake of WWI. The Germans abolished the hereditary nobility in 1919 but allowed people to continue to use their nobiliary particles – such as von and zu – as part of their family names, but the Austrians banned even that. So Herbert von Karajan caused some upset in Austria by hanging on to his, even though he did have some justification for doing so – it was a German title originally, if I recall.

                  On the other hand, though, the Austrians are famous for stacking up the other sorts of titles: people are sometimes introduced as – oh – Frau Dozent Doktor Doktor X, meaning that the lady is the wife of Professor X, who happens to have two doctorates. If it’s the lady herself who’s qualified, she is the Dozentin Doctor Doktor etc., she would normally use her maiden name with that, I think. Room for sexism abounds … people who make a big thing out of such trivial matters tend to be somewhat conservative, after all.

                  My German remains open to question – it was never brilliant, and has decayed through lack of practice – so please (a) do not regard it as authoritative, and (b) correct me if correction is needed.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Yes, well quite so, Ed. But I was hoping to avoid the kind of state where you aren’t allowed to call yourself what you want to.

                    I just hope for a land where the fact that you are or were a knight or a lord wouldn’t make the slightest difference to your life. You’d still have to queue at a till in Aldi like anyone else.

                    Your German may be rusty, but it is very very much better than mine.

                    My French has seen better days too, but I have recently started reading Simenon in French, and so many words are coming back. I suppose it’s rather old fashioned French but Maigret stories are so gripping.

                    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes. If you can dish it out, surely you can take it.

    You have to ask yourself if we really want more people like him. After all, his argument is that the unemployed, low skill low IQ are just a burden on the state.

    So what about folk like him?

    I mean, if he were not a Tory MP, what exactly could he do?

    Personally, I say live and let live. But he seems to think not.

    He believes that we should breed useful people. How useful does he believe he is?

    I wonder if he’s read Huxley.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You mean you actually think he can read, Tris? I doubt if he could manage Noddy let alone Huxley. Mind you, if we could get him on to Darwin and then give him a mirror, he’d maybe realise that in evolutionary terms he’s headed in the wrong direction.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. “…his argument is that the unemployed, low skill low IQ are just a burden on the state.”
      So that takes in most of the Royal Family then.


        1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…

          Oh that’s brilliant. Thieving bastard. I wonder what our man, Bradley, thinks of him. Lying sponging cheat.

          It will be interesting to see how the case is treated. I just hope he gets a sheriff that isn’t afraid of the duck of Rothsay.

          Looking down through the article I noted that being a mistress to a married royal appears to be a family profession.

          Still, it’s one way to get a title, eh, your royal highness?

          Anyway, I noticed that “Mr Dalling asked for the preliminary hearing to be adjourned for a week ‘in anticipation of resolution’.

          “Prosecutor Alex Piper said: ‘There have been discussions with Mr Mulholland regarding resolution – we are nearly there.’

          “Sheriff Wyllie Robertson adjourned the hearing until January 24th, and continued Edmonstone’s bail.”

          If there are any legal experts around… what does that mean?

          It’s surely a criminal offence which should carry a prison sentence, regardless of who he’s related to. The only resolution can be that his rich relatives pay back all the money to the DWP, and that that reduces the time he does in stir.

          We must keep an eye on how this case goes.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. I’m sure there must be some sort of legal meaning to that which I don’t get.

              Someone who willfully makes an £80,000 business out of defrauding the DWP needs to go to prison, even if he has royal associations.


  8. Personally, I think God has saved the Queen for long enough…

    I watch BBC News with sub-titles on due to defective hearing. On the topic of RBS’s intended closures the reporter said quite clearly “The Prime Minister said it was a ‘commercial decision’. However the sub-titles substituted First instead of Prime, two words that do not sound at all alike. I don’t watch the news very much but wonder how often that happens?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. As you know I don’t even have a tv connection. Even before I got rid of it in 2013, I never watched it. (I don’t say that out of any kind of snobbery, intellectual or otherwise, it’s just that tv has never been habitual for me; it wasn’t when we were kids and in my teen years I’d better things to do. I just never developed the habit.)

      So with no REAL knowledge of it, I used to think that people were exaggerating its bias.

      The documentary and the academic studies after the referendum made me think, and Twitter has convinced me that the BBC in particular, but other outlets too, are seriously biased in favour of the royals, or Britain, and against any kind of independence (or union with Eire in the case of NI), and indeed against Corbyn’s Labour party.

      You can watch catch up, on any channel other than the BBC, for free online.

      I know folk with young children like to have tv, and for many older people, it’s a lifeline. I suppose that is a pretty fair percentage of the population. (I’ve an elderly neighbour who switches on when she gets up and switches off when she goes to bed. She’d be lost without it.)

      For those who aren’t dependent on it, I have no idea why they pay £145 a year to this corporation to lie to them and to hide gross miscarriages like the inequality of pay between women and men doing the same job, the continued employment of dinosaurs like John Humphries and the Dimbleby brothers at massive salaries, and the so-called stars that earn massive fortunes for being, at best, mediocre. And that’s before the cover-ups of sexual scandals too disgusting for Munguin’s ears.

      They are beginning to remind me of the Daily Mail on screen.


      1. Me I got three TVs in me bedroom
        Which I watch simultaneously whist
        Eating Maccy Ds and other fast foods.
        I wuz considered obese but just added a
        Few inches to me height and am now just
        A fat bustard.

        Been asked to stand for First minister
        My first action would be to build a wall
        To keep the English out and crime down.

        Vote. winner for sure .

        Brill metaphor for the Tory state


        1. Jings, Niko. Have we been addressing ourselves to Donald Trump all this time?

          How’s your button?


          Yep, propped up by nothing very substantial and about to collapse.


  9. Congratulations on being blocked by flaky-brained Andrea Leadsome. I was likewise blocked, merely for sending her a suggestion for one of her Brexit stamps. I thought it would make a colourful addition to the Post Office’s range, but clearly her PA thought otherwise.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good, well done!

      It’s nice to know that we employ people at our expense to block us on Twitter so that the likes of the Fox Woman doesn’t have to see tweets from those below her station in life.


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