31 thoughts on “NEW YEAR SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. Hope 2017 ushers in some splendiferous opportunities.

    I am already looking forward to the Supreme Court decision and the May hem it will cause.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. You’re already half way through it!…. all out in the East!!

      It’s going to be exciting anyway.

      Hope it’s a good one for you.



  2. They were gorgeous – thanks for the cheetahs. How sad they are on the edge of extinction,. There was even a baby elephant. In fact they were all lovely. I have to say that wee orang of the right of the wheelbarrow has the same expression I do when I’m in a crowd!

    Anyway hope 2017 is a good one for my fellow Munguinites and lang may your lum reek. Or something!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, it’s sad, but it dangerous too.

      Everything evolved into what it was for a purpose and has its place in the ecosystem. We are losing species at an alarming rate and almost invariably because man has poked his nose in somewhere. It has to be a priority to stop it now. Aye that wee soul has an expression like he saw Liam Fox heading towards him. He’s not a happy wee soul.

      Good New Year to you too Panda Paws.


  3. I love the absolute sloppiness that you provide. It reminds all of us that there is more to life than just being political.

    Best wishes for the New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha ha, yes, There’s a lot more to life that all this political stuff…although of course, the political stuff does seem to affect the outcome of the soppy stuff.

      Happy New Year, Douglas.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I once put that up as the title in error, Jim.

        But I remembered in time. John Brownlie has the copyright on Soppy Sunday. I didn’t want to upset him. He’s scary when he’s upset and starts shouting in the Gaelic!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Apparently the number of incredibly intelligent folk that follow your good self. 1531 at the last count.


      1. See, Jim… he has no idea whether it was good or not…

        Maybe if you remind him not to mix Polish lager, The Macallan and vintage port it’ll percolate. Probably not, though.


    1. Conan: Remember not to mix Polish lager, The Macallan and vintage port. You know what it does to you. When yer heid gets better, I hope you have a great New Year.


  4. And a Happy New Year to all 153o of you, assuming I am the 1531st.

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    Liked by 1 person

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