Dear Readers and Friends,

Testing, testing…

Thanks for being patient over the last few days as we tried to sort out some sort of replacement for the old Republic.

We’re about as techy savvy as Munguin’s great grandfather, so it’s taking some time for us to work out how to get this thing up and running and how to post. We were 7 years on the old blog and we kinda got stuck in our, and  its, ways. So, please bear with us as we find our feet, paws or whatever.

Hopefully, we’ll soon be back on form.


Fond regards

Munguin (and Tris)





    1. Yes. Th first ever to comment on the New Republic.

      Munguin hereby awards you his gold star.

      (Unlike the Tories who will shortly be requiring people to wear yellow stars.)


    1. When I was in Hungary, I couldn’t make out ANYTHING. It’s like Greek only more complicated. Like you, usually I’m pretty much OK, what I don’t know I can guess, but I was just lost there. Apparently Hungarian is linked linguistically to Finnish. All I can say is “poor Finns”.


  1. Many congrats on the new site. Always liked the content on the old one but I suppose everything has a sell by date and the new one looks well snazzy. Hope you’re still going to have the links to the other sites though, as it saves all us lazy buggers having to do the work. Anyway, it’s a bit of good cheer to see your still on the job, especially following the recent hate fest in Brum; suppose we’re all just waiting for Kristallnacht, UK stylee next

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HI Gary. Thanks for your kind words. That’s my next task. I started to do it, but clearly I was doing it wrong, so I have to keep on trying stuff till I get it right. It WILL happen though, fear not. Loads of the blogs there are run by friends from over the years, and I want them on here.

      It was probably just as well I didn’t have a blog when the Tory conference was going on. Quite genuinely I was, and still am, scared of that kind of thing. They seem to me to have legitimised hate and xenophobia, along the lines of the Daily Diana and the Mail.

      I’m expecting us to have to wear yellow stars soon.

      We HAVE to get out of here.


  2. Welcome back.
    Ach, you’ll get the hang of it. WordPress has different ways of doing things, but I do think it’s more flexible and more open to personalisation.

    My moniker has changed, I’m the Quine’s Da on Blogspot, but Aucheorn on WordPress. Variety is the spice of life.

    We should stick Roundels on the yoons.


    1. Hey… welcome to the madhouse.

      Yeah, I know I’ll get there.

      In a few weeks it will be like home sweet home and we’ll get it looking shipshape. Glad you found us …


  3. Tris

    Great to have you back and wordpress I found is a lot easier and better than blogspot. Took a wee while to get mine the way I wanted and I do make little changes now and again but I found it better. My daily first read is back, way hay.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bruce. Good to be back. And hopefully in the swing of things shortly. Once you get used to something it’s the easiest thing in the world… it’s the getting used to it that takes a bit of getting used to…erm, what? 🙂 Can you put the new link up on Grumpy, please… 🙂


  4. You will come to love WordPress – I have used it for years for hobby blogging and I think it’s still the best format around. I look forward to more of your great blogs!
    Saor Alba.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it SA. I just have to remember who is who, as so many names have changed 🙂 Thank you for the kind words.


  5. I was thinking after the tory conference that I need to make a clothing patch of a Saltire with “Jock” written across it for purposes of identification under the new Fuhrer.
    On second thoughts perhaps we could use that as a symbol for indyref2 with the word “Proud” included.

    What say you all?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like a plan, Kangaroo. She’s blooming scary, and the thing is that her popularity seems to have soared because of it! These are bad times, and many of my friends are scared to be “foreigners”.


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